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Everything posted by cog

  1. Linseed oil I presume? It does give her a very pleasing colour, Kortes
  2. Glenn, Thanks for explaining. Got a question, since we're at it. This is for a single led, what happens to an array of leds? Just multiply the voltage by the number of leds?
  3. You could just change the resistor, but I wonder if that is the wisest way. You might take a look here: https://www.instructables.com/id/Choosing-The-Resistor-To-Use-With-LEDs/
  4. You might have as much fun as I with the WWII Tribals ... Peter Hall has some very nice PE. Got the stanchions from him too (steel). Maybe I should have looked for barrels , but at the size for these destroyers, I wonder if you can really see the difference. Nice kit, nice gesture, al the more reason to keep at the Pearl. You may find some details lacking, but you'll probably still have some PE leftovers you can jugle with to add those
  5. Took you a while to get those men in the bottle - should have been two ginies, a lot easier And again a wonderful built Igor
  6. Kortes, Some of the leeboards (singular: zwaard, plural: zwaarden) have a hook attached to the metal rim like this
  7. impressive view, seeing her with bared teeth ... I can imagine the disapointment with the brackets. I think I wouldn't have gone for the PE version anyway, although you were forced into that decision. Especially at the spots where the bend must be made it is often very weak. Again marvelous work ... you are getting in the habbit of delivering but that
  8. Thanks Piet. Nice to see you have some spare time left, and visit us poor bunglers Hope you do get back to one of your buildlogs soon
  9. missed this post from you Denis. Thanks mate. I've tried calligraphy on ice, but that didn'y work out as expected ... you suggestion may be a nice alternative
  10. hmmm, I have been looking at that type of city class battleships before. Looks rather nice. Wanted to build the Edinburgh ... both Belfast and Edinburgh are the same length and tonnage. We'll see. First the German babe Thanks though!
  11. Most plywood is not water resistant and the glue will, as you found to your dismay, disolve leaving you with loose layers. You could, to make it fit better with the lower or upper strip, add some overlapping plywood behind the strips. That would increase the strength as well, and lessens the filling and sanding
  12. Yes Lou, I'll paint it, at least in primer, but probably all the way. I can do it when I paint the German heavy girl
  13. Greg, I messed up 'cause of misinterpreting wikipedia: the destroyer was equipped with four single-mounted 2-pounder "pom-pom" guns. and then I looked only at the image ... no vickers as your image shows. (bloody foreigner I am). Got the single pom-poms already. Good reason for a next build to search for a kit with quad or oct pom-poms maybe a cruiser will be available ... haven't build that type yet Lou it's British the armament, besides I only like Jazz and Classical piano AA gun staccato sounds to much like head bang music ... but thanks for the suggestion, interesting looking AA gun Now you know how to do the guns, you might as well start all your build logs. We've been listening to you ..... about them long enough mate. Time for action!!! Right you are OC. Maybe once - when I am all grown up - I might make an instructional video - maybe then it is called a digituto - about building this type AA gun Cheers everyone
  14. So you're back ... I hate those rails 'round the funnel. It always turns out into an endless struggle to get them aligned and (<-key word) glued on. Even with PE this requires some kit bashing, or should I say PE bashing ... I like the fact the rigging scheme is included, makes life a lot easier. I'll be starting on her, as far as possible. Waiting for the PE. have to look into the drill template for the netting,might need some additional brass trinkets
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