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Tony Hunt

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Everything posted by Tony Hunt

  1. This is what makes model making so interesting. It's not just making the tiny components - itself requiring a lifetime of acquired art and skill ( and tools!) - but the research into the arcane aspects of shipbuilding, rigging and seamanship practices of whatever period you're working in. Endless fun for an inquiring mind and a patient heart.
  2. Me too! One of my favourite books is CS Forester's Hornblower and the Hotspur, and this little ship is exactly what I imagined the 20-gun Hotspur to look like. Absolutely beautiful!
  3. I love the dockside crane in this photo. What a wonderful piece of Victorian-era engineering!
  4. They look really good. The CNC cutting for the pulleys is wonderfully crisp, perfect at that scale.
  5. The beauty of your craftsmanship is only matched by the beauty of Ed Tosti's superb drawings. Talk about a marriage made in heaven!
  6. Nice work Wefalck. Ladders are so difficult, because of all the close parallel parts the eye can detect even the slightest imperfection. Yours look really good!
  7. Yes, It was reading Lloyd McCaffery's book that first introduced me to the idea. I'll be very interested to hear how the hemp thread works out though. Add a bit of Stockholm tar and you'll have true authenticity!
  8. I'm trying to only use wire for rigging these days, for exactly this reason. I have too many models 20-50 years old in my house that have brittle rigging, or the remnants of it. Admittedly they were rigged with cheap materials, mainly cotton, but even so. Making realistic "ropes" from wire is an interesting challenge, but I think it's doable. I'm having fun experimenting with it, anyway! I'm also pretty wary of using plastic parts, for the same reason. I'm not sure how long they will last. I'm interested to hear views on how long cast resin parts might last.
  9. What a clever idea - it has never occurred to me but now that you suggest it seems so obvious. I've always struggled to stop the paper from deforming when gluing it on, no matter what kind of adhesive I've used, glue sticks, spray-on, whatever.
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