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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. That copper tape (if it is what I'm thinking of) was designed to allow you to run electrical wiring up walls (for lamps and whatnot) without having to make holes in them, becoming virtually unnoticeable after being painted. I would think that a product like that would have to have a fairly good, long lasting adhesive in order to live up to electrical and fire code requirements. I don't think that in the long run, it should pose much of a problem on the hull of a model ship Andy
  2. Accurate, or not, you're doing a good job of building her Although I would avoid "scratching" the windows (Building them from scratch... well that's a different story) Danny... I guess you now have the chance to start all over from the beginning..... Andy
  3. Nice work... I just noticed your question about the stern fascia... better to attach it to the hull first, then add the decorations. If there is any difference between the curve of the decorations and the curve of the transom, you risk either having to fight to put the fascia on, or having the decorations pop back off.. or worse... Andy
  4. Thanks Aldo. I hope to be home in a couple of weeks or so and get back to work on her soon... Andy
  5. I've seen model rope walks..... but never one that takes up an entire room! Maybe I wasn't looking that hard.... Amazing work all the same.... Andy
  6. Come on Larry.... you can't dangle that unfinished anecdote in front of us and then run and hide....
  7. Chuck's blocks might suit you... and it's not so much that you have to follow the book by the letter, but like you said, get some idea of how the lines should run. It sure helped me a lot, and will help me even more in the future. Andy
  8. Welcome back, Christian. I was wondering what you where up to... A lot it would seem... a building Lot to be more precise! Regarding the blue strip.. I'm thinking what would have been part of the molding on the head rails. Swing by EdT's Naiad build.. he just reposted the head rail section. That might clear some things up for you. Andy
  9. Welcome aboard, Nick. Nice to see more young people getting involved in this hobby. That's a very interesting build you've chosen and I'm looking forward to your progress Andy
  10. Nice redo on the bobstays You really should look into TFFM IV. It's really good about explaining the rigging, and showing how things are done. Obviously you're not rigging a sixth rate, but the principles are the same. Andy
  11. Up north they are refered to as "prairie oysters" But again, like Mark said.... Not a chance.... Andy
  12. I know preiser figures are not the cheapest, but I'm of the opinion that if it can save me some time and frustration, then the cost is well worth it. I think you could very easily turn a pair of prancing horses into unicorns to go on either side of the stern lights. Maybe resculpt some people laying down to look like mythological characters over the lights.. Then have have a look at some costume jewelry, maybe there's something there to go on as some sort of central decoration. Just a thought, anyway. Andy
  13. Another thought, if you have a Michaels near you, have a look at the costume jewelry section, there might be something there too that could be useful.. http://canada.michaels.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-MichaelsCanada-Site/default/Search-Show?cgid=products-beads&srule=Newest%20first
  14. Well... since you seem to have a good model train store, why not have a look at Preiser figures? At least as a starting point. Grab a Walthers catalogue (Walthers is the North American importer) of have a look here: http://www.walthers.com/exec/search?manu=590&category=Figures&split=30 Dafi has used scale figures in his build, and performed some nice mad scientist surgery to make them look like they fit the period... a slice here, a little glue there... tada... Franken-figure... There are even animals and the like, you don't need to stick with people... Andy
  15. What are you thinking of for carvings? I see on the old lump a lion and unicorn from the British coat of arms, and the Prince Of Wales feathers from the present day HMS Victory.... Does the AOS book have any ideas, or are you left on your own? Andy
  16. No... It's the full on fog horn.... (Which the Colregs dictate must be audible for at least two nautical miles).... Bosun whistle.... Ha! Andy
  17. What an improvement! That transom looks much better than that lump-o-metal. I am in sort of agreement with BE over the windows, but whether you feel like changing them is up to you, it still looks good either way. This really is your boat now, there's no mistaking it! Andy
  18. The major solvents in hobbyist acrylic paint are ammonia and glycol esters. Windshield washer fluid is usually polyethylene glycol in various concentrations, also a suitable thinner, provided you use the cheap blue stuff. Avoid stuff like Rain-ex, which has other crap in it you don't want in the finish or bung-ing up your spray gun. Andy
  19. Whoa.... that's a gutsy move on your part.. not many people would do a tear down like that! But.... just the same, I guess if you didn't do it, you'd be forever unhappy with it. Too late to say go for it, you've already dove right in Have fun with it Andy
  20. Maybe it shouldn't be Sjors that we quarantine to the plexiglass box.... "Typhoid Moderator" over there.... spreading his.... whatever it is.... Andy
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