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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Well.. the most I could find was this for "Gilson Block": http://www.fis.com/polyice/blocks.html And if you scroll down to the definitions section, here's what Transport Canada has to say: http://www.tc.gc.ca/publications/en/tp9912/pdf/hr/tp9912e.pdf I guess you're just supposed to make a pair of them, with multiple sheaves.. Andy
  2. Secure apparantly loose parts.. Invert ship, discover missed loose parts, re-right the ship Curse Secure newly found loose parts Invert again Shake the bejesus out of the ship.. Listen for rattle No rattle, assume piece has now wedged itself in some truly inaccessible area Curse Insert ship into paint shaker Vibrate the living daylights out of ship Watch various formerly secure parts fly in all directions.. Curse loudly (paint shakers make a good bit of noise, you know) Remove ship from paint shaker Curse Shake ship by hand once again... No rattle Curse Put ship down. Start cleaning up parts form all over the room Find missing part under ship's stand Pick up part Try to reapply part to ship Drop part back into the same opening it fell into in the first place Curse a blue streak Repeat Andy
  3. Augie!!! There you go encouraging him again! You're not supposed to do that! Forty lashes with a wet noodle! Andy
  4. Well done Kevin, your careful, thoughtful pace is paying off big dividends. Andy
  5. Suddenly I'm thinking of The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.... But I'm not sure why that is... ANdy
  6. It's happened to me as well...
  7. Sorry... Wayne beat you by 4 minutes...
  8. I had been reading some old industry magazines on board and there where a few articles about her disappearance, and when I was looking for a ship to post, I didn't know it, but I had taken a picture of her in 2007. And then a light went on in my head... then an evil laugh... Andy
  9. DIngdingdingdingdingding! You got it!
  10. Not a Maersk Boat...
  11. No.. sorry... not her either... and since you guys are trying so hard I'll give another clue... The photo was taken in 2007.. two years before her "incident" Andy
  12. Nope... sorry.. not her either... Like I said, this one made international headlines. There's a clue in the photo...... Andy
  13. Hrm.... two Andys at the same time.... had me confused for a second.... Andy
  14. Don't worry Sjors, we all fully understand. I hope we haven't crossed a line somewhere, it's all meant in good fun. Take all the time you need. Just remember that when I'm at work, I can't to a d*** thing for months... and well.. you can imagine how that feels. (I'd insert Mr Wacko smiley.... but I don't have one...) Andy
  15. Sorry Sarah, not her. Jan, as long as I keep seeing guesses I know I haven't broken the game. I know I had to double chack a couple of times, just in case, they are very similar ships. Andy
  16. Sorry.. no correct guesses yet... and the photo is in Canadian waters.... yeah.. the St. Lawrence can get pretty hazy in the summer. Jan.. if you look, closely, you'll notice the mystery ship does not have paired cranes... and the topping lift is hydraulic, not cabled. Andy
  17. Why not the Confederacy? Same scale, but a slightly larger (just a bit ).... The Fly/Pegasus and Syren kits are also very well done, maybe also look at some of Caldercraft's brigs... Andy
  18. Absolutly fantastic rigging work. Although I'm a bit cross eyed trying to follow along... I think I need to go buy a few books on the subject before I do anything foolish on my Pegasus.... don't want to end up mummified in rigging line... (as we are predicting our good friend Sjors may become... ) Andy
  19. Very nice, tidy work you've done up to now. I can't wait to see more, keep it up Andy
  20. OK..... this is a good one.... (I hope)... and it's not a laker... She made international headlines a few years ago... Andy
  21. Um... Mathew, replica Andy
  22. St George got it! Whew.... didn't break the game... Build in Collingwood Ontario in 1948. Towed to Industrial Marine Salvage, Port Colborne, ON October 2012 Andy
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