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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Nigel, a very smart way of getting These difficult spheric Areas shaped and at the same time giving adequate strength to the hull. Well done ! Nils
  2. Thank you Popeye, I wanted to have the figurehead in brass and found nothing suitable in look and in scale size. I just asked a smaller shop that does Investment castings for models in brass and bronze for boat fittings, mmodel guns, trainwheels, etc. even in 1 ea. quantity, and this small sort of stuff, if they can do the figurehead after my resin sample, so they gave it a try.. Nils
  3. Hello Nigel, I have followed the way you do the lower hull is filled with blocks of Wood between the Frames. Is that own Interpretation or does the kit actually ask you to do it this way. It is an interesting Approach I did not see in this way before and it Looks very good. It probably reduces the planking in that area to a single layer. Nils
  4. Thank you Mark, the cut away Feature (that requires Special Framework) was just an idea I set myself as an Obligation and I also still like it. I wanted to obtain stand height for the Crew on all decks. Many Fitting out parts have to be adopted to fit the cut away, for example how fasten the outside chain plates on the hull, and the gun tackles on the open bulwark side... and not making it obvious that there is some timber missing ? I am straining my mind many times, but that is and has been bashing the plan to a certain degree Nils
  5. Thank you B.E. you are right with the scheme..., except for the dull black wales and the coppering I`ll try to Keep it natural Wood Color and unpainted brass. Sometimes I think I had better looked out for better (colorwise) choise of Wood tones, but I was giving pruiority to what Wood materials I still had in my Wood- bin. For some wooden parts portions (masts, Yards) I shall probably apply dull black like and where you do, this I like best, it Looks great Nils
  6. Build log part 24 chainpump Station with housing, drain plugs, the discharge sides ore closed whith slide shutters crank handles for chainpumps and Forward bearing supports, and Support for the spare masts and spars as well as Posts and belaying rack. The three mid Pins will be replaced with smaller ones the grating cover of the main load hatch is and stays removeable it is amazing how fast the dust settles in the open portside interior, Need to carefully brush it out now and then all the aft cabin bulkheads are waiting to be set it was always my wish and Intention to have a figurehead in cast brass instead of resin, it was impossible to get it anywhere, acc. to Chris Watton Amati would`nt do it because they favour resin, but I would not give up..., so now after Research and activity I have my own prototype one in scale 1/64 and it fits very well and gives the model a Special note Nils
  7. Hi jiljilia, here is a Version which is complete machine-sewn, also the bolt rope to the edge.. I boroughed my wife`s sewing machine Nils
  8. stunning midget blocks... after learning from Chucks Kind advice that the rope and the blocks I had intended to use were far too large, I followed his advice to use maximal 3mm Long blocks and 0,3mm diam rope for gun Tackling in scale 1/64. I then changed my simple Trial mock up for the gun Tackling using 4mm blocks on the right side (also too large) and the recommended 3mm ones on the left side and am very pleased with the optic result of the 3mm blocks. Also the Problems with the too Long length of the tackle versa the given space between bulwark and carriage eyelet is no longer existing. The breech rope diam. also Looks good. Thanks for your good advice Chuck. It is incredible in what precision and quality These mini blocks are fabricated to, never seen such before ! Nils from left to right... 4mm, 3mm, 2,5mm 2mm blocklength left Hand 3mm block tackle is OK for scale 1/64, right side (too large 4mm tackle)
  9. Peter, she is coming on very nicely, and I`m watching with great interest.... Nils
  10. Beautiful work Garward, carriages and guns look superb, as well as complete model firestand mock ups, wonderful Details Well done ! Nils
  11. Thank you B.E. every time I look at your ship I see what amount of work is still laying ahead of me Nils
  12. Thanks Mark, yes a rigging with These blocks would look great, and I trust they are worth for all that extra fiddeling work it takes, this was only a sample, trust that once under way it would be better Routine.. Nils
  13. Today a surprise.. with only 5 days for postage US to Germany ! I received sample blocks from Chucks shop today. They really look fantastic, are of super precision and Quality, so I started straight away to do a typical sample Gun Tackling by using the 4mm blocks 1 x 2 sheave and 1 x 1 sheave I Chose the natural hemp Color rope 0,5mm diam from 100% Polyester and had to increase the sheave hole borings in the blocks to 0,8 mm. I am happy with the result regarding to the realistic look. When the rigging starts, I find it is a must to us These fine looking blocks Nils
  14. Thanks for your Input Andy, I can realy imagine the rumble in Stockholm Harbour on 1st April, when only the funnel was still stick out of the water. I believe that would work well in Hamburg Harbour as well... As for the sidewise hanging bumper preventing logs of the Bohuslän I thought about it already, but would`nt want to overfreight the model. The sea routs she was on on the Swedish Bohuslän County west coast were also smewhat rougher Waters than the eastcoast and the logs would have to be lashed much securer to avoid their bumping against the hull Nils
  15. Hello Lars, Thanks for contacting, yes I was also happy to see another Bohuslän on MSW, but I just could`nt make out the scale or the kits manufacturer before you mentioned it. Since member "Puckotred" introduced his scale 1/45 turkmodel Bohuslän I knew that there is a kit on the market again. My Billing Boats Version is scale 1/50 and sowith a Little shorter. Is your model in your Gallery completed, or shall you still add any Fitting out Details, I noticed that also the 1/45 kit was comprising all the passenger benches that should go between bulwarks and Center passenger Lounges ? Is your model for RC ? Nils
  16. Status update.... drilled the 6 bulwark holes for the oars using a copied template from my plan on starboard side, am filing These square now Nils
  17. Thank you Popeye, except for the "Peg" which shall take my full concentration for the next weeks and months I have no other build planned in the Moment. I do have so many ideas, wishes, and probably would be gathering data of certain ships for my archives though when sighting by coincidence data of what may be of possible use for the future Nils
  18. Peter, I agree with your remarks regarding to Billing Boats products, at least those of several years back, I also built the L'Etoile topsail schooner and the Marie Jeanne thunny fisher with the two Long fishing poles. I much regret that I had`nt bought the Hjejlen sidewheel paddle Steamer kit then. Of course it is pittyful off the market since many years already. Nils
  19. Hi B.E. just looked up your Pickle build once again, what a lovely model. The Color composing, deck planking, coppering, deckhousings and -hatches, all Fitting out deatails look so authentic and great Nils
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