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Posts posted by Mirabell61

  1. Good morning Pete,


    all that you see on the 3 forstanding pics is only for the plug function and will be removed after clinker planking.

    Keel and posts are made from pear wood, pls. refer to my post #37

    the keel, the bow- and sternpost are screwed down on the plug, and not glued, as they will be permanently glued to the pear keel and the pear clinker-plank ends. The individual clinker planks are also horizontaly glued together. In my case some of the glue spillt on to the plug. The intension was to easy remove the plug completely from the shell, just by loostening the mini screws of keel anf the two posts. The plug was sitting too tight, due to spillt and cured glue, so it unfortunately had to be cut out of the shell carefully in some places ( being a "one way plug"). This could have been avoided by putting some transparent tape on the outer bulkhead contours of the plug, before planking.



  2. Good morning Pete,


    thanks for your compliment to the scetches. Most times whilst I do them there come ideas for further impovement....

    A pitty your book got damaged, but trust it will still be of great help for you.


    I`ve just done the two masts for mine yesterday, shaved them frome sqare to octogonal and then rounded an tapered a bit. The 3/4 mizzen can be layed flat

    The harnesses for the deadeyes are done and blackened, and I still have some Morope for shrouds and laceings..

    It would be better, if the deck is started now










    mizzen layed down



    main mast from 8 mm square, mizzen from 6 mm square



  3. Good work B.E.

    I knew youre going to master it :), great looking !

    In the meantime ( my Zeesboot)  I drilled 0,6 mm holes for the horizontal plank connections, widened them to 1 mm, and glued (carefully knocked in) the points of bamboo toothpicks into the holes with low viscos CA wetting. After trimming and flush sanding it now looks as if all thes connectors have been plugged off with wooden plugs



  4. 12 hours ago, Piet said:

    Thank you Nils!  What have you been up to?  Miss your builds.


    Hello Kevin Denlay, what a pleasant surprise hearing from you!  Yes, indeed, it's been a few years since our last correspondence.  Computers do have a tendency to self destruct, how well I know.  I am on my third hard drive!  The one that crashed was not fully recoverable and still have a few issues.

    ref the stern pics, I really had to think long and hard about posting them after my promise to you.  I figured though that now the wrecks are gone and no other record exist of that section of the wreck, these wonderful people on this forum would benefit from it in tying in the possible battle station of my father.  Thank you for understanding.


    I am sending you a PM with my e-mail address.



    Hi Piet,

    All my build logs of the last years are linked to my signature..., the last was the Chebec "Eagle of Algier"


    Cheers, Nils

  5. Fastening points for mainmast deadeyes :


    two shrouds at both sides are spaned with laced diam. 7 mm deadeye tackles near to the deck. The fastening points are made from 3 x 0,6 mm brass flatt (chem. blackened) with a loop for the screw that goes through the looped endes of the deadeye harness.....










    Handscetch (not scaled ! )




  6. On 9/9/2019 at 7:54 PM, Mirabell61 said:

    Thanks again for the link Eberhard,


    I found and ordered some black rubber (Hutschnur) 1,2 mm round on Ebay, hope it will work , and report the outcome later this week




    This is the outcome for for an utmost flexible and black rubber hose (received today), trust this will do much better than the PVC one..




  7. Thank you Pete,

    I`m pleased you like the fitting out so far.

    I think that in those days both hand cranked- and also battery starter were used. I have a starter unit attached to the engine housing, looks like I would need a battery also. The black round rubber (as hose) will fit into the hollow nozzles of pump discharge and hose end-nozzle.

    Oh yes, the oily rag, a good idea....,  :) these small details bring life to the workboat !



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