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Posts posted by Mirabell61

  1. Status :

    Raw deck is on, new glassed portholes with rivet holes, openable cabin hatchway, outcuts for viewing cabin  and chain pan, deck and cabin roof and will be planked sperately...

    The cabin will be mounted permanently when the deck is planked. A water can and two mugs will be stowed in the little locker between the berths. As soon as I find some waste-cloth with checkered blue white decore, the pillow cases will be made, and last not least the small iron oven will be set between ladder and portside berth, perhaps with a kettle on the top...., the oven exhaust will be led over the cabin roof....




    front view engine, flywheel, waterpump, generator and transmission V-belts



    view of working cockpit and rudderstand for helmsman, also access to mizzen mast and its sail lines




    outcut in cabin and deck for cabin inside view



    cabin hatch closed, with removeable slide pannel and slide hatch cover



    cabin hatch opened



    open hatch with access to the ladder on the innside. The main mast slides into the 8 mm square socket



    the ladder will be shifted a bit, in order for the drawers under the berth to be opened. if access is required there



    view to chain pan in front compartment. Access to the chain-and storage compartment is through the hatch in the openable front cabin bullwark under deck



    ladder down to cabin floor



  2. Thank you very much Pete,


    you seem to feel my present attitude, yes I am realy smiling, also for relief, that the deck side could fit quite well without fractures. The ply is so thin and there are so many small outcuts to be transfered from wood to card to ply, and all to be brought into alignment.  I did`nt want to do it (except for two halves only, stb. / port ) in smaller sections...



  3. status


    the stb. half of the base deck (without planking) is now on, clear to be seen  is the curvature of the deck in two dimensions....

    The 0,8 mm ply has been cut out acc. to the card template. The little rectangular gaps at the outside edge will be filled out with little ply plates, prior to planking



















  4. Hello Pete and Geert,


    in fact these are from Ebay bought ones.... When ordering them from a picture and the description, they looked like something real special, as openable glassed, and cast ones, and like Geert I found them atractive. After reception I was a bit disappointed though, due to the not so good quality and appearance. There I`m with Pete and I thank you Pete for the open opinion and comment on them. (do`nt worry, I love honest comments)

    I trust that the porthole would have been made by investment castings. The positive is, that I could purchase only the 3 of them as needed. There wo`nt be portholes on the port side of the cabin, as there will be an outcut for viewing inside it.

    Because I`m myself not very happy with them I will probably replace them by turned brass ones, with flange, glassed,  and drilled rivet holes in the flange. Have a nice relaxing Sunday.....



  5. Status :

    I shortened the side deck supports and fitted the inner cockpit liner. Some days ago I found these openable porthole from brass castings, they will suit the cabin walls above deck...




    I`m using beechwood flexible strip 8 x 1,5 mm for this job, it easily follows the bending curve, without breaking



    even narrow bends are no problem, large diam. 15 mm, lid with glassing 12 mm



    3 part brass casting porthole




    here the modified laundry pegs come handy again






    cockpit space now increased












  6. Hello fellow builders,

    Thanks for all comments, and thanks to all the "likes"


    Am now starting with the Zeesboot deck, resp. with the cardboard template for the 0,8 mm deck, and all the small outcuts at the deck side, and with the cabin....

    I intend to plank the deck with 1mm thick oak stripes...




    card template for the ply deck...



    removeable slide for the cabin aft wall hatch, when the companionway-cover is pushed towards the cabin front, (inside view)



    brass frame and slide

  7. Good morning Pete,


    all that you see on the 3 forstanding pics is only for the plug function and will be removed after clinker planking.

    Keel and posts are made from pear wood, pls. refer to my post #37

    the keel, the bow- and sternpost are screwed down on the plug, and not glued, as they will be permanently glued to the pear keel and the pear clinker-plank ends. The individual clinker planks are also horizontaly glued together. In my case some of the glue spillt on to the plug. The intension was to easy remove the plug completely from the shell, just by loostening the mini screws of keel anf the two posts. The plug was sitting too tight, due to spillt and cured glue, so it unfortunately had to be cut out of the shell carefully in some places ( being a "one way plug"). This could have been avoided by putting some transparent tape on the outer bulkhead contours of the plug, before planking.



  8. Good morning Pete,


    thanks for your compliment to the scetches. Most times whilst I do them there come ideas for further impovement....

    A pitty your book got damaged, but trust it will still be of great help for you.


    I`ve just done the two masts for mine yesterday, shaved them frome sqare to octogonal and then rounded an tapered a bit. The 3/4 mizzen can be layed flat

    The harnesses for the deadeyes are done and blackened, and I still have some Morope for shrouds and laceings..

    It would be better, if the deck is started now










    mizzen layed down



    main mast from 8 mm square, mizzen from 6 mm square



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