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Everything posted by edmay

  1. Hubert from "ship model for dummies" may he RIP was a well known master builder,his site was and is invaluable ,Edwin
  2. Hello Denis, Very nice looking progress, I purchased "The Period Ship Handbook" by Keith Julier, ISBN 1-85486-081-x ,The first model in the book is The Royal William,70 pages of the build,Got it through Amazon via Greener Books Ltd,London,UK. A used copy but looks new in every way costing 10.95 cn,and only 6.49 cn to ship,a good deal on book and shipping,took 8 days to get here.Edwin
  3. Well Frank, Continuing with your neat,easy to follow, tidy modeling habits,first class pictures and explanations,nice work. Edwin
  4. Hello Denis,It looks like you did not read the fine print as to the requirement of scaffolding for such a tall build(take heed ,workman's compensation are eye boiling you),in the east not far from you bamboo is used for scaffolding,But aside from that little error you seem to be getting along well without my suggestions(Well)keep up the good work. PS a little stick in the spoke ,(how is the wall painting going)yeh right. Edwin.
  5. Hello Sailer,I will have to invest in a better dictionary as all the words I would like to use have been said, "nicely done" will have to do foe now. Picked up the idea of (easy handling) the thick piece of ply /drilled holes for masts etc Thanks.Edwin
  6. Hello Sjors, A great mini armada ,WOW,congratulations on a job well done,Edwin
  7. Hello Capt, Welcome to this great informative site,thank you for your most detailed log in pictures,it will surely be most appreciated, Edwin
  8. WOW Frank, read a lot of your well thought out and executed log, and there's lots of learning's and tips,color ideas ,thanks you do real nice work.Edwin
  9. Denis, nice job of strengthening the helm,but snowed under, no, should be the song " You light up my life ,you give me hope, to carry on"etc etc etc. Nice to see the Admiral and Vice Admiral working together.Edwin and Urmilla.
  10. Hello Jesse,Sent you a parcel ie Admirals skirt needs re- hemmed and my pants need taken in a little,Ha "just kidding" What a great successful sewing job on the sails. WOW 10 out of 10.Edwin
  11. Hello Patrick.Many kudos, A well deserved masterpiece,thanks for the learnings from your log.Edwin.
  12. Nice work Adriaan,Porthole brass and deck furniture will soon help to rebuild your enthusiasm and be not so boring.Edwin
  13. Hello Denis,congrates on promotion,Being remembrance Day tomorrow your fleet reminds one of the many kinds of boats that were utilized to bring the troops home across the English Channel. (Less We Forget) nice work.Edwin
  14. Hello Andy.The Windows are artistically thoughtful.a rich looking creation , as Max said "looking forward to the window installation ",I anticipate a classic view of the stern,your usual high standard of modeling.Edwin
  15. OH Sailer of the high seas what can one say,beautiful ,masterly work,That is the neatest build I've seen ,your medical skills shine through brilliantly,I downloaded your log for future ideas,thanks Gil. Edwin
  16. Hello Denis, Another scavenger hunt for some red and green wee led lights, to erect in the shape of a xmas tree over your modeling area to appease the wharf manager, then you can say "OH you meant the models" sorry honey I misunderstood.ha ha,Edwin.
  17. Hello Adriaan,nice paint job and stand,thanks for the cork board idea ,was going to use a string between two posts but your idea is more practical with more uses.thanks .Edwin.
  18. PHEW good fix job,the pump must have had some extra beats,? the sails are coming along real good. Nice work Jesse. Edwin
  19. Michael,Heads up to you(old English pun) It's the small details that's made your model high in quality,so sweat it out,you will feel so much more proud of your efforts.Edwin
  20. Bravo Adrianne,great to see you moving right along with this nice build, were are you getting the lights from US or AUS, Edwin
  21. Hello Denis, nice start looks a little complicated and complex,was Brian right about the type of glue your using,what is the length overall.Edwin
  22. Hello Denis, Your right we did laugh,I read every line to the Admiral ,it gave her a lift especially when you mentioned her name ,thanks for that,Our thoughts agreed ,you are doing a tremendous rendition of the Andrea Gail,Edwin
  23. Hello Denis,Wuf Wuf,should have,could have but didn't,with tail between your legs purrrrr to the Admiral,"yes dear I promise to paint the walls when the "Royale William" is finished,ha good luck,you need to get someone a nice gift !!!!, A nice start to your build,will join the big audience and enjoy your masterly skills,Edwin
  24. Hello Michael, It's OK to say the Admiral let you have a few of her special guest toothpicks,we don't have secrets on MSW,ha If the Admirals really knew what we bought or acquired,some would be walking the plank.The anchors are perfectly done,your workmanship and encouragement is second to none,you are one of several master craftsmen on this site,thanks for the photo's and the learnings . Edwin
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