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Everything posted by edmay

  1. hello Robynn,Nice to see you back modeling,sounds like your in for a very busy summer,best of luck.Your upper planking is looking great,Edwin,regards to Craig.
  2. Hi Nenad,Keep the family close,there are many many prayers coming from Canada,God Bless,Edwin.
  3. Hello Donny,Your doing a great build,nice clean workmanship,what are the green tool holders,interesting idea.Edwin
  4. Hello Cristi, Will follow with interest,this one is one the shelf for now,happy modeling.Edwin.
  5. Hello Nenad,Your perseverance. The tenacious way you tackled problems is finely paying dividend .A masterpiece is emerging. I like the color of the deck.Edwin.
  6. Hello Jesse,nice job on the anchor,good thoughts and prayers for your op.,Edwin.
  7. Hello Augie,A very neat masterful build,top class. do not forget drapes,table chairs,wine,glasses,candle etc,etc.And explain spirkiting please,welcome back.Edwin
  8. DENIS<You lucky Son of a ------,"modelers motto" never unpack with a hangover,you might end up with a Saaaaaw foot.NICE. Edwin
  9. Hello ,I can only echo the comments of others ,You are creating a masterpiece,a really nice build,bravo.Edwin
  10. Hello Donny,Very nice workmanship,I will be starting to plank my Endeavour soon, will follow when I can,Edwin
  11. hello Rich,nice to see you back,hope the job is going well,Edwin
  12. Hello Nenad, Happy,Happy Birthday,I join you in drinking a nice bottle of Guinness ,Cheers my friend.Edwin.
  13. Hello Nenad, A good idea of Marks,a removeable false wall for wiring, maybe with enough room behind it for you, just in case the Admiral is after yoooooou Ha Ha.have fun .Edwin.
  14. Hello Michael,Brilliant workmanship ,great execution of the hinges ,a master builder,Edwin.
  15. Hello, Excellent job and progress on the masts,and the coloring of the ornamentations contrast with the hull background beautifully,bravo nice work,Edwin
  16. Denis ,Like Visi said,brilliantly stunning,well done.Edwin. ps will write soon.
  17. Hello Frank,I feel your a little hard on yourself,the new deck is looking superb ,very neat and you've made a great start on the planking,and your not the only person who has trouble using proportional dividers,it takes practice,will follow a fellow Canadian,nice to meet you,Edwin,
  18. Hello Denis,I agree with capt Steve,It looks brilliant as it is ,a first class effort ,well done,Edwin
  19. Frank, new planking is looking real good,what was the age of the original planking,and was it keep in a to warm environment,Edwin
  20. Hello to you,your neat workmanship and explanations are much appreciated,thank you.Edwin
  21. :cheers:Youeth dideth a niceth jobeth,looking ye fairly welleth,a measure of ye blacketh rum is in order,or maybeth a flagon of ale,cheers me heartyeth,After asking the Admiral a few spelling questions,I feareth I mighteth be going overboard ,so long Matey,Edwin . Bubblesssssssssss
  22. Hello Sherry,The accolades given are a testament of your brilliant workmanship(that's how I see it)well done.Edwin
  23. Hello Frank,I also need a chair,would like to follow as long as Sjors is not allowed to throw popcorn.Edwin
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