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Everything posted by edmay

  1. Thanks for the well wishes,wow very impressive workmanship Cristi,your doing a great job,nice color blue ,very neat,hope all at home are well.Edwin
  2. International prayer line on its way for your speedy recovery,Edwin and Urmilla
  3. Hello Micheal,The platforms are looking real nice,learn't several tips from following your log,ie,the battery etc, thanks for book update,Edwin
  4. Great work on,blocks,sails and weathering look good,your memory must be good as i would have to tag the lines etc.the admiral say's hi. Edwin
  5. Really nice work Denis,canons look great,are you into winter yet, hi to your good lady.Edwin and Urmilla.
  6. Hello John,Welcome back,sorry to hear of family i'lls,thks for Niagara pics,your a good photographer,would also like to see the Morgan pic's,regards to the Admiral, ps the Canadian $ on the slide down again makes it hard to buy the tools we need and freight ,but,good for American tourists,anyway keep in touch.Edwin.
  7. Hello Denis, oh yeah the old switcher ru,what happened to the Titanic,still in dry dock or did it sink???, but again really nice work .Edwin
  8. You are doing a work of art,fantastic progress,love the color blue,new type of clamp or did you raid your wife's hair styling bag?????,but a good idea,what ever works.well done my friend,wish you and family good health.Edwin
  9. Love the lights Denis,is there a plan as to were your going to display her,you know it will a total conversation peice for your house guests and for you to refleck and admire your excelent workmanship,my admiral totally concur's..Edwin
  10. Your magic bullet is in your gene's(hence the odd cut now and then) The pic's themselves say master builder,your comments always appreciated,methods,the whys and why not's we listen to ,to learn and enjoy. Your build is superb and a pleasure to read,thanks Augie.Edwin
  11. Hello Denis ,great fix on the warp,have to write these fixes down as memory is aging, real good progress, what was your name again ????,okay I got it.Edwin
  12. Very nice work Max,colors blend so well,your new book is a good read as are the other volume's,sorry about your pet,some more time is better than none as long as there's no suffering,nice looking new kit,Edwin
  13. Hello Denis,you never seem to ebb,just keep going like the duracell ad says. Producing good quality workmanship in fact Urmilla just looked over my shoulder and said "just brilliant". Edwin
  14. Hi Denis,have to agree with Lawrence,your work is superb,neat clean,Urmilla is very impressed.Edwin
  15. Very very well done,what was the cost, and size ,Edwin
  16. Joachim, Michael put it in a nutshell, and I concur , your work is absolutely outstandingly; ,brilliantly executed, well thought out in a manner that will surely help other builders of this model,I'm a member of your German club and have learn't a lot of ideas ,many thanks. I raise my glass , Prost,Edwin
  17. Hello Sherry,You are truly a master quaility builder,lanterns,lights look perfect, your talents always leave me in" AWE"Edwin.
  18. Hello Denis, Belated congratulations on your anniversary(his and hers medals),But behind every good man there is usually a good woman,Love your excellent model display, and your progress and workmanship on the "Titanic " is first class,Regards to your admiral,Edwin
  19. Hi Jesse,Looks like there's going to be a commando raid on the makeup bag,!! , your progress is looking good ( there's no speed limit),nice work,hope your feeling well.Edwin
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