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Everything posted by edmay

  1. Hello Augie, I'm just off to the bookstore to purchase a new and improved" DICTIONARY" as all the right comments ref your first class,artisticly built model have been used,Edwin
  2. Hi Adreike, Very classy looking display cabinet,shows your fleet real nice,for my 2 cents worth I would put the door down the floor with trim to each side. good advice on the spray box,prevention better than cure. G'Day Edwin
  3. Hello Denis ,As Max said ,modelling at a high level, doors and window colors look brilliant. Edwin
  4. Hello Mark,The continuance of your high quality workmanship is clearly showing through.The flow of ideas from other Wasa builders also enhances enthusiasm to strive for excellence.Bravo. Edwin.
  5. Hello Dimitris, I agree with frank ref, the port holes, this being only your second model,your workmanship is awesome and I feel that's how you approach most things that you do,It's a pleasure to watch (and learn) your methods and approaches to ensure a good looking effort.Bravo. A belated happy Easter.Edwin
  6. Very nice workmanship,colors and neatness,Happy Easter. Edwin.
  7. Best wishes to the Admiral, Congrates on your work of art,Edwin
  8. Hello Mark, Nice work on the guns, in fact all your work thus far is artistic and of quality. Edwin
  9. Hello Denis, have to agree with Frank(to dark)A lighter walnut or oak maybe,walnut would look more in tune.Try a few sample pieces?,Had a call from Urmilla's uncle(from South NZ) ref Cricket hope your not sobbing.I must say the world cricket championship has been very entertaining,Edwin
  10. Hello Dimitris,The neatness of your work is already radiating in the direction of a masterly classic build,one of the nicest AV's yet,well done my friend.Edwin
  11. Hello Dave, I would say your skills are somewhat more than adequate, very capable is more like it.After following your Mayflower builds, your methodical method of thorough attention to detail.The depth of your research.The quality of your workmanship,makes the "time is right" for you to build this grand ship, the only thing I would add is to display some kind of plaque giving your viewed ship some mentions of it's history. Secondly you will probably need more chairs as your audience I feel will be quite large and enthusiastic. Just my two cents worth.Edwin.
  12. Hello Denis .Your doing very nice work,the hull colors weld nicely together,its going to be a beautiful model.Edwin
  13. Hello Dimitris,Very artistic ,classical paint workmanship totally awesome. Edwin
  14. Hello Ulises,Your model is coming along fine. The speed of enjoyment/battle is yours to control, frustratingly slower at times but necessary to achieve the aim,remember your difficult times are also learning times for your modeling audience and yourself,and we appreciate, thanks .Edwin
  15. Being part of a prestigious group of extraordinary folk who give there time ,experience and knowledge for the betterment of all ship modeller's are to be highly praise worthy. Your contributions are certainly appreciated and I thank you all. Edwin
  16. Hello John " you light up my life' upssss. nice light,sent some Canadian snow down,lasts longer ,nice to share.Edwin.
  17. Hello Jan, The word is WOW,a brilliant masterly built model of the highest quality,with shared learnings for other modelers,thanks. Edwin
  18. Hello Dave, As far as "Chuffed" goes,as a young lad in Liverpool the word was used to express proudness happy with the end result,to be pleased with oneself. And so you should ,you produced a masterpiece,giving lots of info,methods and technics to many modeler's,thanks Edwin
  19. Real nice ,neat work .Edwinj
  20. Hello Dave, A classic build, the learning's and reasons why are appreciated,Tks .Edwin.
  21. Hello Max , Prost to a good beginning, another quality build on the way, as Rowan said "Happy Modeling",Edwin
  22. Hello Ulises, plank,plank,plank,planking should make for a very sturdy hull, you may feel a little bored but from the outside looking in,you are doing a fine job,slow but sure,well explaned with a touch of humor. The learning's we get as onlookers is much appreciated,Thanks.Edwin
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