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Everything posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. It's allways a pleasure and a time travel to visit your fantastic log. You can add the pictures to your log by clicking on the button with this name after uploading. The picture will than not shown at the end of your posting but at the current cursor position. So you can easily manipulate the picture order.
  2. Trussben, I drill the wholes for the treenails from both sides and only 1.5-2mm long with a hand drill. It works very well and you don't broke the drills.
  3. Wow, absolut fantastic. What software do you use for your virtual build? How do you made the step from the 2D drawings to the 3D model. Was it all done by the software?
  4. Mati, wow, what a fantastic build. I have the paper kit of shipyard also in my stock, but I like your idea to build it with wood in a much bigger scale.
  5. That looks like a very promising start to your build. Have a lot of fun.
  6. For her career you can also look in Winfield:"British Warships in the Age of Sail 1714 - 1792)" The first three ships of the class were HMS Mermaid, HMS Hussar und HMS Solebay after a design of Th. Slade from the early 1760th. After a redesign of the lower hull there were built three other vessels of the class: HMS Greyhound, HMS Triton und HMS Boreas in the early 1770ths.
  7. It's an old interpretation of an carrack, perhaps the "Great Harry" or another ship of the fleet of king Henry.
  8. Toni, thanks very much for redoing your log. It's a big help for my own build.
  9. Dan, thanks a lot for the whole work of rebuilding your beautyful log. Thanks for the lot of work you've done. One of my primary sources is back and I can look how you did things. Thanks very much
  10. If you have time, make a trip to the Intermodellbau in Dortmund. I played two years ago with the lathe. It's a fine tool but in my opinion to small for building models in scale 1/48. I decided to go with a proxxon wood turning lathe. For metal parts like canons I ask a friend to do this.
  11. Nice workplace. or should I better say: Nice shipyard.
  12. Ron, I like the toothpik which has nearly the same cilor as your frames. After finishing the hull they will be light darker then the planking. For my HMS Fly I use Pear for the frameing and also pear for all treenails in this part of the build
  13. Egen, it looks fantastic. It seems that your fore platform fits perfect. I think I will copy the idea.
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