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Everything posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. Hi Alexandru, I am happy that you continue your fantastic log. You build a very nice and special model of this famous ship.
  2. It depends of the width of the planks. For the planking of the hull I found: if the planks are less 8'' width there is one treenail, if the planks have a width greater than 11'' there are 2 treenails For the deck planking I found the following: Planks less than 6'' width one treenail, all other two treenails. (Source: Wolfram zu Mondfeld, Historische Schiffsmodelle) Perhaps someone can verify this with another source.
  3. Rocker, I think that Russ has a great idea. I build a few frames of the section as single frames for training. For example I added my modified drawing for frame 0. @Mark, Joss Please let me know, if I should remove the attachement. FRAME-00.pdf
  4. Ah I remembered right. You did a full hull model. Really beautyful.
  5. I own the Proxxon DSH (an older model tha in their actual program) since a few years and I am very satisfied with the saw. John it looks like that the micromark is a copy of the Proxxon or vice versa
  6. Doris, I am allways fascinated what you are doing with paper and sculpy. Your molding skills are really good. I bookmarked the picture series as reference for the far future if i have to make the figurehead.
  7. Your wholes are now looking really nice, but you made a small mistake. You need two treenails for each plank on each frame or easier on each double frame. If you want to show some of the frames have also a look to the alignment. The right wholes are a little bit outside of the frames. If not don't worry, noone will see it later.
  8. She is really beautyful. Thanks for reposting.
  9. Nice knee of the head. If I have to make such small pieces like the chock, I use a slightly bigger piece and cut only the first two or three sides to the correct size. On the other side I let allways enough material for safe working. After glueing together I cut the last sides to the correct size.
  10. Really nice section model. Did you not build a full hull model of this small vessel?
  11. Larry, I used a tape to mark the position of the treenails. I attached two pictures to show what I mean. The second picture shows all wholes for the treenails drilled. I used 0.9mm nails. today I would do the wholes for 0.5mm treenails. Perhaps the pictures help you.
  12. Paul, a ship of this era isn't really interesting for me. But I like your work and the soutions you choose to build your model. It's really interesting. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Wow, I did not thought, that this is possible in 1/48. Absolut incredible.
  14. Egen, have you in the meantime tried to put the fore platform into the hull? I am very interested to see if it works as expected.
  15. Karl, your model is really a reference for me and perhaps for other model builders. The accuracy in every detail of your model is absolut extraordinary. I like sitting in front of my monitor and watch the deatils.
  16. Oh damn that looks really horrible. Sorry to hear that you will make a break before you restart your section model.
  17. Maury, nice frameing. I am happy that you reposted your log.
  18. Rusty, very nice joints. It's looking really good. You are building a lot of section models. The dark site of ship modelling is beautyful, isn't it?
  19. I followed your log on MSW 1.0 but now I am really surprised. I didn't realize that the scale of your model was 1/96. It's looking really good.
  20. Here's a link to their home page. I have the kit of the cog and must say it's really nice. I wrote a review of the kit for Modellmarine.de. Perhaps you get an impression of what you will get, if you buy a kit.
  21. Nice clamps , Mark. I will add these to my tools list
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