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Everything posted by mathewp

  1. Hi Sjors. She is coming along very nicely. how many issues are there from De-Agostini?.
  2. Good, another Queenslander . Welcome Richard. I had this model, but lost bits and pieces in a move, so I kept what parts and timber I had left and threw out the rest. I still have the plans so let me know if I can help. If I remember correctly, this one is in a relatively small scale, so there's going to be some fiddly work. I've also noticed another Thermopylae build on this site you should be able to get help from. Have fun with your build. Matt. (also a Queenslander).
  3. Good to see you back Dan. Nice work. I'm not sure working brakes are period accurate, because every movie I've seen they never do. They somehow always break with a young damsel aboard on a runaway stagecoach. Funny that. May be I watch too many westerns. Bullet holes in the sides could work. Maybe a few arrows. Have fun with her. Matt.
  4. Interesting project, but does this ship have a name?. I sense an unfolding mystery here, so you've got me curious about her. I'll watch with interest.
  5. I've managed to finish up this project. Lots of little fiddly bits like rope coils and flags and the last of the rigging. The reef points needed taming as they were all over the place, but a little bit of wood glue tidied them up. I had a go at making a lantern because the supplied on was too difficult to paint nicely and was only a cast metal one. I started off cutting the ornamental top and bottom from the cast lantern, and then making two hexagon shapes to frame the new one. It turned out OK I think. At least it's better than the original. That's it for this build. Thanks for watching. Matt.
  6. Hi Jason. I had the same problem here with the galleon i'm doing. I had to wait for days for the varnish to dry properly. . To start with I thought it was a bad batch but now you've had the same issue it's got to be the humidity. I think i'll be switching to a wax instead of a varnish. She's coming along nicely. Keep those pictures coming. Matt.
  7. I was looking at my Thermopylae plans today and thinking exactly what Popeye posted, ie blowing up the plans 100% and making one that's over a meter long. It might make a nice build with the extra room for finer details.
  8. I'm far from expert level, but I just finished a set of sails,(my first), and I added as much as possible to the attached sail before securing to the masts. Basically, I put the reefs, bunt-lines, and clew-lines etc on to save fiddling on the model, and I did that after the standing rigging. I found the blocks easier to thread off the model than they were attached. All the best, Matt.
  9. G'day. Looks like she's coming along nicely. How is the quality of the kit?. I'll be interested to see the quality of the mouldings they give you. Enjoy your build, and learning to read Italian. Matt.
  10. Lets see how this new photo program works. I'm hoping it does what I tell it to. All the rigging is up except for the fore and main braces. It's just easier to be able to move the sails out of the way while I give her a good clean and adjust what needs it. I've added the sails and small cannons. I need to have a bit of a whinge about the rigging plans. They were not to my liking. Some belays had more than one line going to them. Some were as mysterious as the Loch Ness monster. I just couldn't find any evidence of them. For some I just improvised and tried to give some symmetry to the rigging. I feel like i've deciphered the enigma code with this one. Enough venting, but she looks okay and i'll leave them as they are. There's not much left to do, only lantern and rope coils and a final clean and tidy up.
  11. G'day all. I took a break from building for a while, but now back into it. Will have a final post for this build up soon. Well, maybe 2 posts. I'll see how long it takes to finish..
  12. G'day Ollie, She is a little beauty. It looks like your'e nearly done too. The ratlines look spot on, with the shrouds nice and straight. Very nice job. Matt.
  13. Hi all. I hope you are all well. I've made a little progress with her, but it's the slow kind. Ratlines and preparing sails for fitting have been time consuming. I've added the Anchors as I've finished the dead-eyes and the ratlines. The end is in sight now, so only a couple of more posts to go for this build. It's just a case of sails and flags and tidying up with some rope coils and she will done. The plans for rigging aren't the best so I've left them all with some playroom so that If anything needs to be changed I've got enough to move the rigging. At this point none of the rigging has been glued on and trimmed off near the pins etc, as I've been a little concerned about the loose lines that come off the sails that will need to be made to look even. With a bit of luck my next post should have the sails all up. I decided to use the provided sails, but tea stained them and added the edges which took 3 days to sew on by hand. I did a test piece first and they didn't look too bad afterwards, so I did the whole lot. That's all for now, Matt.
  14. I too have been a little curious as to why I haven't seen you on MSW. Hope you are well.
  15. Your doing very nice work for your "later years". I'm impressed. Look forward to the rest of your build.
  16. Wow. Some serious mods there, and she looks great so far. I cant wait to see the rest of your build.
  17. She is a thing of beauty. I can't wait to work some pear.
  18. I dont know what's going on with the site, but i've got some photos missing . Anyway, I've got a little bit of progress to post. I've moved on to doing the deadeyes and getting the Shrouds tied on and a few ratlines to boot. I made a little jig to help space the deadeyes so I could get nice even looking Shrouds. I think I've done a better job this time. I've left the Stays unfastened so I can adjust them once all the standing rigging is up, including the Backstays because they are somewhat in the way of doing the Shrouds and ratlines. I'll do those last. Matt.
  19. You've done some skillful work there Pete. The chisel work must have been carefully done as I couldn't see a mistake anywhere. The painting is nice and clean too. If it was me I would probably make a mess of it. Look forward to seeing the rest of her.
  20. Nicely done. If I'm right this model has tiny little parts.I hope your eyesight's good. If they were any smaller you'd be working under a microscope.She will be a nice little Ship. Your doing great.
  21. OK. I finally have some materials to get moving on yhis little side project. I ordered some 0.6 mm veneer from a place up in townsville. I got 3 types of timber so that I can cintrast the hull and the deck. I need wider deck planks than can be ordered so I'll cut them from the Hoop Pine veneer. Once I got the materials I realised that it would be impractical to try and join each plank on the edges, so I've changed the approach to single piece planks which are difficult enough to put on as it is. the clinker planks are Chilean Myrtle, and the other timber of lesser quality is Coachwood that I'll use for the false decks. Hope you are all well, Matt. I've thrown in a couple of pictures of the Bireme I'm working on as well. Hope everyone had a lovely Easter, Matt.
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