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Posts posted by Gregory

  1. 55 minutes ago, martimous said:

    I thought laser cut bulkheads should be perfecto.

    Something to keep in mind.  The laser cut parts are perfect. 

    They are perfect copies of the files that are sent to the laser..😉


    I am using the MS plans for my scratch build of Rattlesnake,  and I am also seeing a problem with the symmetry and fairing  of the bulkheads.

  2. 1 hour ago, glbarlow said:

    I finally have one completed cannon, here being inspected by mini-me, I still have seven more to mount barrels and add the cap square and hinges. 

    Not aimed at you in particular, but just curious for Winchelsea builders in general, there is so much detail with the cap squares and all but the trucks are rather lacking in detail; no pins through the axles, no bolts .


    Any thoughts?

  3. 1 hour ago, Blacklab said:

    Another thing I am wrestling with is wood type.

    My two favorites are:

    Modeler's Sawmill

    One of our sponsors. Has somewhat limited species selection, but very nice stuff, particularly the Alaskan yellow cedar.


    Ocooch Hardwoods   While Ocooch does not have pear, boxwood or Alaskan yellow cedar, they have a greater variety of other woods.  They do not have all the thickness options that Modelers Sawmill does.

  4. 1 hour ago, Blacklab said:

    So don’t purchase Gorilla CA?

    You can purchase whatever you like.

    Glenn is recommending Bob Smith.  He has used it successfully  for many years and you can look at his build logs for examples of his fine work.

    I really like the Bob Smith product also.  I have also had very good results with a brand called 2P-10.


    If you decide to use the Gorilla brand, you can let us know how it works for you.  I don't recall that anyone else has talked about using it.

  5. The clinker effect is because the planks are not laying flat on the bulkheads.  The only way to achieve this is by edge bending or spiling.

    Hve you looked at Chuck's planink videos.



    They will show you all you need to know about edge bending.

    This guide by  David Antscherl will show you about spilling.



    I meant to add that spiling can be problematic with kits, because it requires wider stock than the uniform width planks provided in the kit.


    Since this is the first layer, it is a good opportunity to practice what you want to do with the second layer. 

    Now is the time to make mistakes, and correct them with lessons learned.

  6. 5 hours ago, src said:

    Since glue will not stick to char what is your plan for gluing them?


    It depends on the amount of char and the type of wood..  I brush off any loose char, but my experience has been that it doesn't behave differently than fine sawdust, which could cause a bonding problem if it forms a relatively thick layer that keeps the glue from penetrating the wood.

    I use yellow PVA, and as long as it is penetrating the wood, it forms as good a bond as when the pieces have no char.


    The char creates the "caulking look".    I use this for my deck planks also.




    From my Resolution build.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Snug Harbor Johnny said:

    Be careful will CA, as it can go everywhere (including fingers) without a micro-tip applicator.


    I think CA has got a bad rep because people think of bad experiences with really thin stuff that goes everywhere.  Using a medium or thick CA in small amounts, in the right place, is as good as using nails.

    Making sure the plank is the shape you want before you glue it down is another important consideration..


    I also like the idea of partial filling to thicken the bulkheads to help with providing a larger surface.


    Some people frown on double planking, but really, what's the difference in an extra layer of planks for smoothing and fairing or a lot more bulkheads or frames that provide a more continuous surface?

  8. Quote


    best way to acheive a look without seeing the pin holes 


    Don't use pins/nails.😁

    I would look at some of the Winchelsea builds, like Chuck's:

    And Glenn Barlow's


    They go into a lot of detail about how they plan and execute the planking.  I believe they both use CA glue for planking.

    Tapering, edge bending and spiling will be important.

    You might be at a disadvantage with the relatively fewer bulkheads, unless you do some filling.

    Fairing will also be important.



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