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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Superior attitude to have before you even get the next kit for sure! On top of all the advice on what to build next… browse through the build logs, something may just jump out at you. That’s how I ended up with the Rattlesnake for my second build. What’s you name?
  2. Welcome aboard Fox. Feel free to look at my Lady Nelson build and ask all the questions you want. I did, that’s how you learn and grow in the hobby. 👍😀
  3. I usually say something like OUTSTANDING, but this gets an additional unreal, unbelievable, stupendous or something like that. Really nice Chris! 👍😀
  4. Hi Jason, welcome to the forum. 👍😀
  5. Thanks John, Just my .02, but I thought the same of my planking on the Lady Nelson and afterwords thought “show me a perfectly planked ship (in real life) and I’ll show you a museum piece”. After all the wooden recreational and fishing boats I’ve seen (even the Lady Washington), planking imperfection seems to be part of the game, especially over time. Your bulwarks look fine! 👍😀
  6. You definitely have the “uniformity” thing down. 😀 What’s your secret?
  7. I’m afaraid to ask how you built that motor and how long it took. 🫣
  8. Hi John, welcome to the forum! 👍😀
  9. I concur with Glenn. NRG notified me via email. Can’t do better than that. 👍
  10. Did you say that out loud in your Darth Vader voice? 😆 Sorry, couldn’t resist.
  11. Hey Bill, why did you leave all your eyelets bare metal? I joined the build late, sorry if you answered this before.
  12. Hi Glenn, I’m surprised on this build to see how much building there is to do before actual planking begins. I’m fortunate to have 3 members building the same ship, and all are relatively close in their building stages, sort of like the MSW group builds. 👍😀
  13. Hi Nearshore, That’s the way it works here. Most of what you see me do, I learned from someone here on the MSW forum (my cradle is an example). 😀 Ask questions! Glad to have you aboard. What’s your name?
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