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Posts posted by Rustyj

  1. Thanks, Chris C, Tim, Glenn (UK), Tom, Glenn (US), Ron, Rob, B.E., Grant, Chris W, James and all the likes.

    It's very much appreciated.


    Ron I was thinking about the Sphinx until I saw Indefatigable! So that's high on my list.


    I've got a lot of work to do on the Winnie before I think of something new though.

  2. Hi All,


    Well, the Dutchess of Kingston has officially been finished. It took me some time to finish working around

    my other builds, but it was well worth it. I want to commend Chris Watton for producing such a wonderful

    kit that looks great and is a pleasure to build. I look forward to some of Vanguards future releases and trying

    to figure out what one I want to build next.


    To those who built the Duchess before me thank you for your logs. They saved me more times that I can count.

    Thanks to all of you for your comments, support and likes. It was deeply appreciated.





  3. The anchors have been made with a minor modification on my part. The stocks are two parts and

    when I put them together and started sanding them, I was not happy with the way I could make

    them look. Not the parts fault. I was not as careful putting the together and the seam just didn't

    look good to my eye. Because of this I cut some stocks from pear I had on hand. 



    Now with the anchors in place I just have rope coils to make and check the lines to

    ensure they are snug, and we'll be finished. That happy sad moment is rapidly approaching.



  4. Well if I've not missed anything all the stays, jeers/tyes and braces have been added.

    I'll have to go back over everything and make sure the lines are all snug.

    Then I'll have to clean up all the belaying points and add the rope coils.


    Here's what some of the mess looks like.








  5. I've started to add the yards and the yards jeers/tyes on the fore mast. 


    For the fore topgallant yard the plans showed the line attached like this.

    I then pinned the yard to the mast and secured it with a strand of parrel beads.







    The fore topsail yard was also pinned to the mast and secured with a double strand of parrel ribs and beads.





    And finally the fore yard was added pinning it to the mast and then rigged per the plans.










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