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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Thanks Ben and Floyd! Putting aside the temptation to stick every piece of wood, plastic and metal in the lathe and "turn it" I've placed the mortar in it's carriage. Here she is set to be stowed. And here it is set in firing position. Now I can move on and attempt to turn some cannon barrels!!!!!!!
  2. I had to threaten her a bit but in the end the funds were available and that’s what counts! LOL
  3. Thanks Michael. The rod is a dirty cream color. I painted it with with regular acrylic paint.
  4. Thank you all. Hi Bob, The lathe arrived last Wednesday and I played with some scrap wood until the rod arrived Friday afternoon. I sent several hours in the shop Saturday getting used to it. I must say the quality of the chucks, cutters and lathe make it much easier. Antony. Calipers, rulers pencils and any other items I think I may need are on hand. Unfortunately no digital readout on the slides. LOL Mark, beginners luck! Not wood or brass. It's 1 1/2" nylon rod. I was going to use that for practice but it worked so nice I kept it. The cannon barrels will be aluminum rod. The nylon rod is too flexible at 5/8" diameter. Thanks druxey and Augie, As I said beginners luck and good tools.
  5. Sure looks like you are off to good start! Slow and steady my friend!
  6. Hi All, It's been a bit since my last post. Life, sub zero temperatures and feet of snow have all conspired to slow me down. Well the lathe has arrived and the learning curve is steep but the Sherline is a truly fine lathe. Thanks all for talking me into it. I tinkered around turning some scraps trying to figure out what I was doing and one mortar has been made. More coats of paint are needed and then it will be mounted to the carriage. The new carriages have also been made. Here is a comparison between the two. After that the fun continues when I have to try and figure out how to turn two cannon barrels. Well not only do I have to make two but for some reason they have to match. Hmmmmm...........
  7. Hi Alan, It' so great to have you back and your Syren log too!
  8. Very nice Bob and I'n sure there will be a mirror image of the starboard side! No pressure
  9. Hi Raymond and welcome to the Triton Club. Good choice on building in the 1:24 scale. You will find it a whole new enjoyable experience. Best of luck!
  10. Very nice work Bob. Visible or not it sure looks good and we will always know it’s there.
  11. Hi Augie, I share your pain! The planking looks very good. It looks like you got the planks to lay nicely against the bulkheads and the run is very nice as well. Well done.
  12. Thank you all for stopping by for a look and all the likes! Grant, "Creative Accounting" here usually comes with free room and board for 5 to 10 years. Not to worry the lathe will be here eventually. I have received a notification from the author of the plans that there was a slight error. The cannon were drawn at the wrong size. The new sheet of plans was received and you can see the difference below. Good news is that I haven't made the barrels so nothing lost there and I will get some more practice making the carriages today. Also I have made the ladder but it is just set in place for now. I want to be able to remove it for when I rig the cannon.
  13. Hi Bob, If you hadn’t put the penny there you couldn’t tell they weren’t full size. Very nice!
  14. Hi Jan, I'll have to get a guard who will break fingers if anyone tries to open the covers! Grant I have to payeth the tax man first then we can order the lathe so sayeth the Admiral. Thank you Dirk. That mean a lot to me.
  15. The cleats on the rail that are really squarish looking were made just as the plans have them drawn. They are listed as a kevel cleat. I'm unsure if I will leave them looking new and unused or I will pop them off and give them some sanding. Thanks Christian. Playing with different woods was one of the most fun parts. Ok the hatch covers have been completed, sanded and one coat of wipe on poly applied. She's now ready for the open sea! That would be if there was cannon aboard.
  16. Hi Mark. Sorry to hear about the need to restart the Licorne. Reading your points of learning I see that I've suffered each and everyone of them but unlike you l haven't learned from them. Good luck with Licorne 2.0.
  17. Joe, Colin and Antony, Thanks for the kind words! Mark That would be the start of a "really bad day". Here is the framing for the canopy. In the first picture you can see how it sets into the slots cut into the bulkhead.
  18. Thanks Augie, I can't imagine the shock wave that thing put out when fired! Here are the two side covers made and in place with even some saw dust slipping in the picture. Everything still needs a finished sanding and then the coat of wipe on polly.
  19. Thanks Ben and Druxey. Well the swivel guns are drying and the chain plates are all completed so I've started building the optional mortar housing. This is the assembly that would cover the mortar to protect it. I have to make the assembly removable as I want to be able to display it with the mortar raised or stowed. Here are the transverse bulkheads and the mortar carriage set in place for perspective. Here you see the strong back connected to the transverse bulkhead as well as the fore and aft bulkheads. A notch has been cut into these pieces for the canopy and side covers to set into.
  20. Thanks Chuck. I wouldn't have thought of them either except I had your size sheet out when I was ordering those real swivel guns!
  21. OK as I said I have a beta version of the swivel guns. What I'm wondering is if the mounting bracket looks in proper proportion to everything else? Thanks
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