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Posts posted by Jasseji

  1. On 5/30/2021 at 11:37 PM, PRS said:

    Finished this build. I like how it turned out and I learned a lot during the build.


    I know it wasn't a step by step build log as I wasn't sure I was going to post it because my skills are a little lacking.

    This Build turned out Beautiful, i have her sitting at my Desk now ready for unbox but i am looking if someone could give me the exact figures for the finished model (lenght, height including stand and width with yards stretched out). I need to order an Acrylic box for her BEFORE i even start building (to save her from my Cat)

  2. 11 hours ago, chris watton said:

    I think it is very important to make the kits as easy as they can be. It really doesn't matter what experience some have, or have not got. It is a kit, so it should include as many pre-made parts as possible to give everyone a fighting chance.


    There is always much room for improvement, depending on each modellers experience and preferences, and those that can, will still make their own stamp of the kits. At the same time, I am hoping that those who perhaps may have been a little scared off by other kits in the past will feel confident enough to tackle such subjects. For most, the kit is complete, but for a few, it is a blank canvas and only the start of what they plan to do to it. For example, you don't have to use the pre cut and etched lower side parts, as I will include enough pear strip to plank from bottom edge of the blue painted sides down, the choice is yours. 


    Regarding the plastics, or resin, which is what I use, after having to use white metal for the best part of two decades, I would choose the resin every time - easier to use, bend, file, better definition and next to zero shrinkage - with zero shrinkage for 3-d printed parts like the cannon barrels, figurehead, boat beam brackets and lanterns. If the material suits the end result, I will use it. But never again white metal...


    i find that approach from Chris as a Designer very encouraging and a good approach to maybe get more people into the Hobby. Everyone can attempt their own scratch additions if they feel like it, but to have the possibility to go back to the original Kit parts if your scratch attempt fails might create a feeling of not having failed completely and be an encouragement.

    I myself have got my Hands for now on the Lady Nelson (Sorry Chris, i wont be getting the Alert for now :D) as i heard it's also quite Beginner friendly (i failed at other sets before, well for reasons). 

    I wait for the Sphinx, this will be a lovely and easy Set from the Looks of it.


    PS: @chris watton do you happen have an Order status on your Page somewhere ? i ordered one of your Ship's Boats as a warm-up

  3. i feel i'm being one of "ccoyle's 12", having disappeared without explanation and without finishing the hull.


    To my defense i have to add that i counted a total of 8 times when i changed the place (city, country, 300-1000km changes at each point) i live during the last 5 years and had a kid born in between so i had to move stuff away (well, basically hide it out of reach of the kid) and move it around so much times i cant count.


    Finally having the perspectiveof a new, own home and propably a final move for the next 20 years (that is, if The Admiral doesnt kick me out at one point :P) i really WANT this hobby to succeed and not forget any of the help i got here.


    I think with some of the "abandoned" builds it might be like this "oh crap i dont have time, have to pause build for life reasons, i WILL GET BACK TO IT", then other stuff piles and it's being postponed and postponed, the lack of explanation on the forum is due to the fact, that the person doesnt consider the build abandoned, only stuff piles up and then we get into the flow of: "Next Week i'll do something and update the Log, I PROMISE"= this way years can pass



  4. Hello, as i am now planning way ahead for the Winnie build, i started to think about what size the longboats would be


    Would Chuck's Model Shipways 18th Century Longboat work for her or is ith too big ?

    I figured to do some small project while i wait for my new Workshop and my thoughts started to drift in the direction of longboat/cutter etc


    Alternatively CAF has a 168mm Longboat and a 130mm Cutter plus a 2-masted 238mm 'Boat'


    Chucks Longboat is around 300mm if i see it right (dunno tho if the measurment is with bowsprit or without)


    Any tips here ?

  5. For all asking: Due to unrecoverable damage to the bulkheads and planking (massive encounter with the Admiral's cat) this build will not be continued.


    I was considering redoing the damaged bulkheads but the false keel was cracked also the planking work i done (no further pics, sorry) i have decides to scrap this and rather do something else after i set up a Workshop in our new Home (Cat-Free Workshop :P)


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  6. On 2/10/2020 at 2:43 AM, Brewerpaul said:

    I've been working my way through the build logs for this Constitution since I have one that I started many years ago and just picked up again. I plan on doing the whole mast since this is my first wooden ship model and I want all the practice I can get,especially with spars and rigging. Yours is coming along very nicely. I like the look of the wooden gratings-- perfect for lashing unruly sailors!
    Speaking of which, does anyone make sailor figures in this scale? I'd love a couple of old salts climbing up ratlines,hauling on lines etc.

    thanks, my builds are presently shelved since some time due to us having decided to buy a home


    now we are in final stages of renovation which is dragging along, hopefully i'll be able to finish this soon 


    i've decided not to do the mast, this piece will have a small display place and i am negotiating with wife about big display place for a full frigate :D

  7. 1 hour ago, Richmond said:

    The tracks look pretty disappointing for what otherwise looks like a quality kit (& build).


    Maybe this is something that can be easily fixed through a rail model supplier.


    If I purchase this I would think of a diorama with the carriage at a platform but I assume this is a pretty big kit already.

    Imagine a Diorama with this and a 1/32 Luxury Ocean Schooner/Yacht both together 

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