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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. @ Popeye, Thanks A poem for me…. Even Anja don't do that….. @ Mark, If I not post a picture ,some guys will be up said…... And we don't want to do that…do we ? And thanks.. @ Adriaan, Thanks you also . The only problem is when you've got promoted….they want you to pay the bill... @ Mick, Thank you very much. And I don't have enough time, patience and confidence…. When I can say it for myself it should be finished yesterday…...
  2. Hi Matti, Ok, you ask for it so here it comes…... 1 = ankarspel 2 = koffernaglar stift 3 = krysshult 4 = Bitt 5 = rep spole
  3. PICTURES……. Doesn't matter from what but when I come to your build log, I need PICTURES !!!!!!
  4. Augie my friend……I'm with you Can we not make a topic that calls ….fun or something like that? And now it's said by someone else……pictures???????????
  5. Thanks Sherry, Some guys are just so impatient…... I think they need lessons from you @ Randy, You are welcome…. I know I have to hurry with it but I feel pity with your thumbs And I just want to finished it. I also want to see the result of what I'm doing….. If I know what I'm doing
  6. Ok Popeye, Augie and Randy, For you I make a picture from the unfinished transom Are you now happy ? And it is not a door on the right but there is one post of a window that is gone……. I also paint the quarter galley at the port side. So thats finished Now I can go to the starboard side.
  7. Hi Commodore ( May we have your real name? ) I think you have a lovely kit in your hands. I will follow you closely and take a chair to sit at the front row. The start is looking good ! Just take your time and one golden rule is……measure twice, cut once ! I don't know what kind of tools you wanna use but buy some small file's. Thats very handy ! And you need that a lot ( experience from myself ) So let us see some progress.
  8. Hi Larry, When I see the first picture is was thinking….o dear That goes the wrong way but when I look further….. yes, it comes good….pffffff
  9. Doris, Where are you? We want to see some more of your fantastic builds ! At least I will So come back home please ?
  10. Hi Kevin, That looks impressive ! You are doing a very nice job ! Keep on going.
  11. Augie, When the transom is finished there should be a picture of that. Not sooner ! Popeye has to wait, so are you. I have do nothing at the transom only at the quarter gallery. So be patient. You also Randy !
  12. Thanks for the link Augie….. I think I don't eat that also I leave that to others…….
  13. Hi Christian, There is all ready such topic…... If mine are finished and somebody see it and wants it, they can take it with them. But no one wants the small ones. So they are still on the shelf. And you own ship yard isn't bad at all. And because you are still working on your house, you can make it you want it. Don't put it at long term because then it's never comes. Do it now when you are still building.
  14. Hi Christian, As usual it looks great. That's gonna be a pearl in your new house…... You are a brave man…building a ship and a house. What are you thinking? The HMS Diana looks that great that I build a house for her?????
  15. That look real good Grant! Can't wait for the end result but I think it looks like a beauty !
  16. Hi Robbyn and David, @ Robbyn, glad you like it I like it also. The port side quarter gallery is ready……only what's left is the paint. That's for later this week……. I post a picture of it when it is painted. @ David, Thanks, I still do my best.
  17. Ok, So those oysters you can eat them but it's not taste good……. Why do they eat them then ?????? Strange people in the USA...
  18. I hope it helps a little Ferit. And I believe that it is right because there is no comment from the others Anja have placed a program could pages on the pc ,so soon I can do it myself….
  19. Your balsa blocks looks good. And now up to the planking. You can nicely hide the opening under the bowsprit hole...
  20. Anja has make this for you. Hope it will help. 1 = Capstan 2 = Belaying pins 3 = Cleat 4 = Bitt 5 = Rope coil
  21. That's a good one Ferit…... Let me see…. I see cannons with cotton balls Oh no, that's on my ship….. Then I see a water pump and a capstan . Belaying pins in front of the mast. Coils behind the cannons. For the rest ,maybe someone else can give you an answer.
  22. Again I lost the way on this topic I don't know what you are talking about. I just shake my head and thinking…..
  23. Thanks Popeye, But you have to explain something to me…..that door jam thingle ?????????? Hi Mick, Thanks I hope so, I really do ! Also thanks Jim, It goes slowly but it is going….. Hi Ferit, I love your smileys ! But I'm not speeding at the moment. Work is the word that is common …..not building…. And i want to finish those quarter gallery's…... But there are more days coming.
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