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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. No worries Mick, You just love it !!!!!!!! And you are thinking that you have many blocks? What do you think that the Le Mirage and San Ildefonso have????? I need everyone's fingers from all the members on this forum
  2. Those rat things are fun Just use the clove hitch and it will comes together. In the beginning you are thinking…..what i'am doing but after a few it works just great.
  3. Hi Randy, I thought I shall take a look at your build log. I was surprised that i don't see my name at the hole build log! Shame on me !!!! And now you are almost finished…... You are doing a really great job. I see a lot of scratch at your log. First time that you build a sailing ship and then this. CHAPEAU !!!!!!!
  4. Thank you again all @ Wayne, I don't like spiders and all those animals in the house….. I have enough with Anja... Don't get use to the pictures. Because I'm at the part now that i can make pictures, I will make them. @ Grant, Thanks I didn't know that the piece of wood under the carriages are called shims….. Learning again @ Augie, Also thanks And yes, I keep on going…. It's now time I think to put on the gun port lids... @ Larry, Thanks….and your welcome for the pictures @ Mick, Also thanks. When I placed the cannons, the barrel was touching the bottom of the gun port... I have to figure it out what to do so they are not doing that. Solution…shims But learn an other lesson…….dry fit the cannons on the lower deck before you place an other deck. When I did that, I can do some modifications on the gun port. A lot more space ! @ Adrieke, Thank you @ Shaz, Also thank you. But I thought you where some where on the lake in the Chris Craft….. Or do you take your laptop on board?
  5. Mick, It was just a little bit of a joke…... I was not expecting a respons…. It was only a cheer up when you start on the Endeavour…... When do you receive her?
  6. The four cannons at the lower deck are in place…….. Because the deck was to low and the cannons are rusting on the lower part of the gun port, I had to put a little piece of wood under the carriages so they came a little higher. You don't see it, but I know it….and of course you are all knowing it also but don't see it ( I hope ) Then to show you how it looks, pictures…..
  7. Morning or evening Grant, This is one for the WOW factor !!!!!! Great little one! Paint job well done. Wonderful job on the grating and the couches??????( the pieces of wood where you sit on ) This is really amazing, I'm impressed…...
  8. Nice fix Eddie. To keep that guy happy, give him a cup of coffee or a drink…..
  9. I have to step in again On the Corsiar and the Spirit of Mississippi there where English translation with it. On the San Ildefonso there where no English translations ,so I ask for it. Because the San Ildefonso is only for sale in Spain, there is no English translation.
  10. Thanks Grant for telling it much better then I did This is what i mean John. It's not bad comment and sometimes my English is not that good. When I start planking on the San Ildefonso, they pointed me at that also. The lower deck on that one is also not good while the upper deck is good and looks much better. It's only a improvement of the looking of the ship. (I hope you know what I want to say )
  11. Hi John, Planking looks good ! I never see planking on the frames directly. Normally it goes on a deck….. But one piece of comment…….I see that your pattern of planks are not the same. On some you have two planks and a little bit lower you've got a pattern of three planks….. If it is possible, keep one pattern…. Two or three.
  12. Hi Mick, Thanks Those tools are very handy. I only want a smaller drill…….this one is to big. I think I buy the one from Proxxon. The 1/2 of your build is already done with the tools you use. And because Anja goes to the dark side, she need it !
  13. Morning Ben, She ordered boxwood. Power tools are also coming . She want to buy a Dremel figure saw. So let the wood come in and she can start…( after she finished the Half Moon ) These are her own words
  14. Hi Ferit, That looks great! Did you use beeswax on the lanyards? When I magnify the pictures, it looks a little fuzzy…... With beeswax you gonna avoid that. But on the other hand….maybe the rope gets dirty when you do that. Don't forget to seizing the end of the rope to the shroud…...
  15. Hi Ben, I don't know what you are doing but it looks good to me Anja just see on the account that the Lumberyard has take money from it so the wood is on the way for her to make the Hannah ( i hope ) I shall take a close look with what you are doing and if she ask me for help, then I hope that I know what to say to her
  16. Fellow modellers……... What you are telling here is for us people from the low country's unbelievable. It's not allowed to have guns in private possession, only when you are a member of a shooting club. And still you need a lot of licence for that. When I read all this stuff of hunting I think I pass ! I love animals and yes, I eat meat , but shooting those animals? No, I don't think I can do that.
  17. Sherry, Are you gonna tell me that what I'm seeing is still your garden???????????? Very nice speedboat ! I have to do it with models……. I think that I kidnapping Anja and move to your part of the world….. I know that we should be not the first one….
  18. He was collecting dust Grant….. And the battery was empty….. Now she can come to the silence mode again till there is another update. Robbyn, Don't get use to it…... Two days at the row is to much for the camera Thanks Every time you learn something new Popeye Thanks Sherry, I'll do my best. How sooner I finished all those kits, how quicker I'am at the scratch part Then I can join you at the other side…..
  19. Welcome home sailor ! It's only a short period before you leave again to the North but that is for the fun stuff Enjoy your stay over there…... Your seizing looks good ( I hope I use the right word for that )
  20. Hi Bankie, Take a look at this topic. They show you how to do How To : Add Pictures in your Posts and PMs
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