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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Great job Hennie. It is time that when the winter is over we are going your way to see it in real ! till then let the updates coming ! Sjors
  2. I think someone was calling for me ? Welcome Rossi and a nice build. But what is a build log without popcorn....... Here you are. Sjors
  3. A little late for the comment about the bamboo but I had the same problem. I only use the bamboo to light up the candle's!!!!!!! I had some wood left from the Aggy and Hennie ( who is also building the Aggy)had some wood left so I used that. Much , much better ! Good luck with the flu.... It just leave our house...... Sjors
  4. Thanks you all for the comment and likes ! Anja was taking a look at the pictures and in the first picture she was not amused with with she is seeing. She is telling me that that one should be much better so I had to remove it and make a new one....... And you know that she's the boss in the house so..... 4 pieces of brackets are waiting now for the netting. When Anja has time and I go to work she will do that for me ! @ Two - eyed Pat Thanks and read the answer that I wrote to Wayne. But if the mast has no top light, please tell me @ Edmay, Also thanks and for you and Udmilla also a great Christmas and all the best for 2017 @ Mort, Thanks ! The netting I received it from Hennie, another Dutch builder. I also received netting from Grant but that's white. I want to use that first but white is not an option...... And I don't wanna paint it. Also happy holidays. @ Mark and Popeye, Thank you Sjors
  5. Hi Jason, I'm maybe a little late but I read the post from Andy ( Realworkingsailor ) that you maybe need the windows from the Agamemnon. I just received the sheets for the Agamemnon because I needed the hammock netting brackets. So there are also the windows. If you still need them and want them, send me a PM and I will send it to you. With us they only collect dust and if I can help you with that, no problem. Sjors
  6. I see a little Vincent van Gogh Great painting on the figurehead and a beautiful build overall ! Nicely done! And for you and your family also a Merry Christmas ! Sjors
  7. Thanks Wayne, What you see is the switch for the top light Not good ????? A Merry Christmas for you and Rosalie and Brett and Dakota also....... Do I forget anyone ? ( I hope that Your wife's name is allright? ) Sjors
  8. Hello there all around the world. I have received my sheets for the hammock things and will continue the Aggy. The SotS will be on hold till the Aggy is finished. So far two small hammock netting things are in place. And for Pat, two pictures Sjors
  9. And there is build log one hundred and eighty !!!!!!! Oh sorry, that darts Nice that you open a new build log Denis. First one ????? I will follow just like the other 25 logs Sjors
  10. Hi Robert. Nice coppering on the roof. I think a lot of work ? And another fix ????? You have to teach me about the word fix.....I always thought it was making something better as the original or for the first time. But when I'm reading your log I see ....fixed and fix Sjors
  11. Ok, finished by Christmas And another beauty from the school of masterpieces....... What's next ? Sjors
  12. I have to use the search function to find this build log Man, there was a lot of dust on that ! I have some news. I ordered a new sheet by Caldecraft for the hammock cranes. I had destroyed the old ones by doing it totally wrong ! My dear wife ( Anja ) will make the new nettings for me ( thanks dear ) When the sheet is arrived I will paint all the cranes, make them on a plank of wood, put rope true the eyes and I will hand it over to Anja. When she is finished I can go further on the Aggy and will finished her before I go further on the SotS.! Please be patient for a little longer..... Thank you ! Sjors
  13. Sorry Mark, The first thing we are learning is reading........ I go back to school! Sjors
  14. Mark, I have only one question..... Maybe you give the answer years ago but....... When is she going out of her frame ????? Still to young to walk on her own feet ?? Sjors
  15. Very nice Hennie, That's just great how it looks ! I will wait a little longer and take a look at yours Sjors
  16. We all make mistakes Take a look at my builds and you will see a lot of them Terry ! Sjors
  17. Masterclass in building !!! No comment Bob ! Sjors
  18. Unbelievable..... You are not from this world Popeye ! You are coming from a planet that called " master of shipbuilding " ! I think there are more builders who lived there . And I don't have a passport so I will stay on the planet earth Sjors
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