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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Guys, Thanks gents for your kind comments and the likes. I have been consumed and totally blinkered with my central heating and getting it fixed, it's been out for the last 3 weeks but it's sorted out now and were back on track, it's surprising how many ways there is in trying to keep warm and I'm keeping a lot to myself. Grant, that my friend is exactly what I going to do, I found that after a short time the patina was flaking off leaving a dirty brown metal base, not a pretty sight. Popeye, I haven't tried spraying lacquer on but I'm thinking that it may stabilise the surface and stop further reaction but I'm not sure if it would stop the flaking, I'm putting this test / experiment to bed now but that's not to say it will stay there, never say never. Kier, the answer to your question mate is that I'm retired, I retired in 2011. I have a wonderful wife who is quite happy for me to spend as much time as I like in my boatyard, thinking about it does seem strange because she positively encourages it. She takes on all the garden chores and some house DIY. I don't think she likes me very much ha ha. OK time for an update. I have completed the Gundeck planking, although I'm not completely happy with it mainly due to the boxiness of the joggleing, I'm hoping that the deck furniture will detract from this. For the Treenails I used some Lime sawdust, I drilled 0.6mm holes and mixed up a paste of sawdust and diluted white glue. I then tackled the Stern Counter, this is made from 0.8mm ply and from the start fitted nicely, this was glued, sanded down and planked using 4 x 1mm Swiss Pear. Next up was fitting the Wale and Black Strake, the kits 4mm Walnut was substituted for Swiss Pear, the positioning of the first plank is critical in that the measurement to the gun ports varies along the length of the gun port pattern. Once this first plank is laid the second buts up tight beneath it, these form the Wale, for the Black Strake a piece of 0.5 x 4mm Walnut is fitted to the top plank of the Wale. , I then painted the Wale and Black Strake dull black using Admiralty Paints, I also marked the waterline although this will be planked over. I will be posting another photo of the Gundeck as there is far too much shine and also the Treenails cant be seen. That's it for now guys, see you soon. Be Good mobbsie
  2. Hi Mike, I made a few tests all with varying degrees of success and failure, the upshot is that I will not be using artificial aids to bring about patination. I used Caldercraft's individual plates on my last test, I painted them with a Red Wine Vinegar and Miracle Grow, I got a good colour on them but after about a week it started to chip off leaving a dirty brown base metal beneath, not a good look. It could I suppose be argued that when a colour your happy with has been reached it could be sprayed with a lacquer to stop further reaction (not tried), but I have decided to put this one on the shelf until it raises it's head again. I'm going to plate Pickle, rub the plates with wire wool and leave the atmosphere to do the rest. I will with your permission post a picture to show my best result, but even this has started to peel since the picture was taken. Be Good mobbsie
  3. Hi Andy, It's great to see back mate and resuming with your leviathan, I'd forgotten just how big she is. I was sorry to read about your work but I was more concerned to read of the problems with your eyesight. I can only hope that all will be resolved and that your returned to both full employment and full fitness very soon. Take care my friend mobbsie
  4. Hi B.E., I see you painted the stern sheets and added a storage box and hinges, nice touch mate. Nice job on the windlass and your oars ain't shabby either, altogether she's a lovely little boat. Be Good mobbsie
  5. Hi Bob, I can only agree with what they all said mate, truly fantastic. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Hi Jason I make no suggestions mate but I am really interested to see your remedy, thin the sides or make new Transoms. Looking at the pics I reckon it's gonna be bigger transoms. Nice jig by the way. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Good fix Rusty. I love your rope work mate, really clean and tidy. She's looking a real treat, a real credit to the skills your showing here. Be Good mobbsie
  8. Hi Denis Your making some really good progress my friend, I like the cam on the choppers, sets them off a treat. Good work on the radars mate, bit of a shame you arn't able to use both though. I'm interested to see just what your going to do about the windows on the choppers and the bridge, always a difficult area I think to get them looking credible. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Hi Guys, Its great to have you gents following along, thanks. As I stated in my previous post I'm interested in the patination of the copper plates for this little boat and so I conducted a few tests to see which gave the best results, here are my findings, I hope you find them interesting. First up was to fix 10 plates onto small boards x 4, a gentle rub down with some wire wool to remove any protection. I mixed two solutions of Tomato feed and both Red Wine Vinegar and White Wine Vinegar, once these had dissolved completely I then brushed the mixes onto two of the boards and set aside. Next to mix up Miracle Grow Soluble plant food with Red Wine Vinegar and the same plant food with White Wine Vinegar, again when dissolved the plates were brushed with the mixtures. Here are some pics after approx 2.5 hour's. First up is the Tomato feed mixtures Red Wine Vin on the left, White Wine on the right. Not a lot of change and so it's not worth bothering with. Next up is the Plant food mixtures. First is the White Wine mix. After a couple of weeks I'm still getting changes, the samples have turned to a Bronze colour. Next is the Red Wine mix, this turned out the best to my mind. The times on the right of the boards is the time on the same day. The Red wine mix again is still changing and has a vivid green hue to it, one problem is that its very fragile in that it rubs off easily. Another problem could be the method of applying the mix, as you can see the mix stains the back board so if using this stuff BE CAREFULL. OK, back to the build, The Gunport pattern is now fixed in place, The first plank of the first planking has been fixed. The first planking is now completed with no major problems, that's a first for me I can tell you. I also made a start on the Gundeck, I don't think the deck is going to give me any trouble to fit and so I thought it would be easier to plank the deck prior to fixing in the boat. I decided to change the planking from 1 x 4mm Tanganyika to 1x4mm Swiss Pear, I cut the Waterways from a sheet of 0.5mm Lime. I looks as if the outer planks are beginning to splay out but that is just the camera angle. Christian, Binnacles were usually positioned just in front of the ships wheel so that the helmsman could steer his course, a lot were moveable and used to be cleared away below deck when the ship was called to action stations. That's all I have for you at the moment gents, just as soon as I have more I'll stick it up. OK gents that's me for now. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Thanks Gents, Apologies for the ropey start guys, just a bit out of practice in both setting up the log and downloading into it, in my defence it's been a pig of a day with Plumbers and Electricians trying to fix my Central Heating System, I'm sure most of us have experienced that type of thing before. I have also been following a discussion in Landlubber Mike's log about copper plate patination, I tried out a few tests and I will post the findings in my next update. It's lovely to have you along guys and I hope I don't disappoint you, if I do please say so. That's it Be Good mobbsie
  11. HM Schooner Pickle was entrusted to carry the dispatches from Admiral Cunningham to the Admiralty in London informing them of the victory at Trafalgar and of the sad loss of the Admiral Lord Nelson. Pickle was finally lost in 1808 whilst again carrying dispatches, she ran aground off Cape Santa Maria on the Chipiona Shoal, there was no loss of life. First up we have the obligatory box shots. Nothing too complicated here and I do have a few ideas for some changes, we'll see how things develop. I have made a start on her, the Main Keel and Bulkheads have been glued up and faired to take the first planking. As you can see there is a slight warp in the Keel, this will be removed. It was at this stage I decided to plank the False Deck, it has made it so much easier so far. By fixing the False Deck in place the warp has all but gone, just a slight bow left. Using the Gunport Pattern Former the bulkheads have been faired. So that's it for now, I have made further progress but they can wait until my next post. Its all pretty straight forward so far but I hope you enjoy the pics. As always guys comments and suggestions are always welcome, both good or bad. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Hi Denis, Is it too late to do anything with the hanger doors now or could you chop a section out and turn the chopper around. Your making really good progress and your certainly achieving good results. I may not say much but I am watching from the sidelines and enjoying what I see, keep it up my friend. Be Good mobbsie
  13. She's looking sweet B.E., love the Ivory colour. Have a good break mate, the weather is settling down a little. Be Good mobbsie
  14. I'm liking her a lot Bob, she's looking super. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Grant, When all is said and done your sea trial was just a shake down and it served it's purpose mate. She sits in the water nicely and she's good and dry so your half way there. With regard to John's comment, he may have a good idea in just changing the pitch of the propeller, a larger prop may unbalance her, but I don't understand the dynamics so I cant really comment. I'm looking forward to the next trial and keep my fingers crossed you succeed. I wasn't sure if the Naval ship was standing by to give you a tow or not, just don't try bump starting her will you. !!!!!!!!!!!!! Be Good mobbsie
  16. You don't get rid of me that easy Peter, gonna follow along mate, already got my chair. She's big isn't she, brings back the old Agamemnon nightmares. Be Good mobbsie
  17. Hi Mike, I'm loving this discussion on patination, I'm seriously thinking of doing the same on my Pickle when I get started so will be doing some experimenting myself. Gonna be interesting. Be Good mobbsie
  18. I love watching a craftsman at work. Inspirational. Be Good mobbsie
  19. Just found you B.E. gonna pull up a chair and follow along with your kind permission sir. You've made a cracking start mate. I hope the remainder of the planking goes well for you with no problems. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi Jason, Catching up on your log mate and WOW, absolutely beautiful. With regard to full rigging or not is totally dependant on the display area, Like Bob I really love the rigging process and so am prejudiced and would ( with the bosses permission ) make space available. It's not always possible and can increase expenditure regarding the case. Good luck with that decision mate. Love what your achieving. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Hi Denis, You never cease to amaze me, where the devil do you come up with these ideas, I would hate to be your brain, I wouldn't have a clue as to what direction I was going to go next. I do like what I'm seeing mate, just a bit lost for words !!!!!!!!!!!!! Your like a breath of fresh air my friend, don't ever change. Be Good mobbsie
  22. Good Morning Gents Thanks guys for the positive comments and for the likes, all are appreciated very much. Mark, Thanks very much for your help and the information, job done. Jason, Thank you for your input mate, I understand what your saying about the Red Ensign and as a result I've decided to leave it alone. I'm now done with the log and would like to thank all who have followed along, it's been an elongated build mainly due to the vagaries of myself, again thanks for sticking with me and your patience. Be Good mobbsie
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