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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. C'mon Augie, you know we mustn't keep him waiting, no doubt if you ask him nicely he will send his menagerie round to help you out, that would be fun wouldn't it. And what Andy said. :D mobbsie
  2. Thanks Grant, Augie and Jason for your suggestions and help with this matter. :) I have made a couple of what I think are acceptable cathead pulleys, I used Grant and Augies method by drilling three holes in line for each pulley, then using my home made chisel cut out the slots. I then took some 3mm dowel and drilled the centre then using my razor saw cut the pulley to a thickness of 1.5mm, these were then pinned and glued into the cathead slots, for a first time it's not pretty but it is acceptable. I'll post some pics Saturday morning. mobbsie
  3. Hi Mark, Gun ports and the ebony are looking good mate, your making some impressive progress there. mobbsie
  4. Hi John, Boy you've hit the ground running mate, lovely bit of rigging and your right, she is looking every bit the lady. Love the dialog, out of the mouths of babes, shouldn't you have some glue splashes, hairy string and a few loose ends showing. :D mobbsie
  5. Hi Guys, I would like to thank everybody for your very kind birthday wishes, I had a lovely day with a bit of modelling, a lot of family and a whole lot of cake, unfortunately no booz due to medications. Anja, thanks for the song, it was so funny to watch my 2yr old grandson doing the dog dance. Kevin, I wish you the best of luck in getting some Tulle, I found some on the internet but unfortunately it was not the pattern I needed ( diamond ), I also searched all the habidashery shops in Harwich and Colchester, nothing, so good luck mate. If you do find some perhaps you could let me know. Andy, he's pretty "armless" at the moment, the spear is made of a very soft alloy and sure as eggs is eggs it's gonna get bent up, so for now it stays off. Hamilton, were both on the same day mate, 21st. Geoff, I know that Caldercraft do do an awfull lot of research on the colour schemes of their kits and they have produced their range of paints based on samples taken from Victory, for the Aggy they do say that the colours are right for that period, to me they are boring and so you see the result. Thank you all for the positive comments on the stern colour scheme, it's not accurate but I like it. The stern is now completed, rudder chains, gun port lids and lanterns are fitted, now to start on the front end. No pics just yet but soon. One question perhaps you could help me with, I would like to put some sheaves in the catheads but am having a bit of agro cutting the slots to take them. My question is, How do I cut the slots in the Catheads which measure 5mm x 5mm.? All I have apart from hand tools and no chisels is a Rotocraft multi purpose. Thank you all once again. mobbsie
  6. Hi Guys, Thank you all so very much for looking in and your kind comments and remarks. Aldo, I'll do my best mate, I will send you a PM. Sherry / Mark - I don't plan on making any hammocks at the moment, I have no idea as to size although the shape wouldn't be a problem. John, Dan, Augie, Sjors, Andy thanks guys for your good words. Pierre, Jim, Patrick, Anja, thank you very much guys I have to give a big thank you to Grant for sending me the material so that I could make the nettings, I can get something like it but it's the wrong pattern. Be seeing you very soon mate. Patrick - I have Sjors next build at home so the Meercats will be spiking his guns, cant have a wayward sailer on the ocean. OK, The Transom, all that is left to do is the lanterns and two gun port lids, I will post a few pics as she stands now but please be aware that it is still work in progress. The quarter galleries are also finished apart from a paint touch-up. The figure head is dry fitted and I quite like him so wont be changing anything there apart from fitting his spear a little later, it's a very soft metal. I didn't want the stern to look bland or blousy so I would appreciate any and all comments whether they be good or bad. OK, some pictures, some have been taken outside just to try it, ( scary taking the ship down the stairs ). Original Colour scheme My colour scheme. It does look twisted but that's only my photography Stern and starboard quarter gallery Natural Light Figure Head Port quarter view So there we have the latest batch guys, I hope you like them but shoot from the hip, I can take it. mobbsie
  7. Happy Birthday Hamilton, here's hoping the day brings all the nice things you want. Enjoy Buddy. mobbsie
  8. That's is some mean looking weaponry you have there Pierre. I didn't realise that the Aggy carried carronades, or is this an extra you are putting on, whichever it is they are very impressive. mobbsie
  9. Thank you John, it's very much appreciated. Hope you had a good time during your hols mate and it's good to have you back. mobbsie
  10. Hi Aldo, Just double checking that you still have your sanity my friend, I cant profess to understand a single thing your doing but then I don't have to. You seem to have all the angles covered at the moment. Well done for sorting your bulkheads out, but then again you are part of a very small band of true shipwrights, good on ya. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on something this lowly kit builder can understand. Always your friend mobbsie
  11. Have a very happy birthday mike, relax and enjoy mate. mobbsie
  12. Hi Guys, Thank you all for looking in and the very kind comments and remarks you've made, very much appreciated. I have made a little progress since my last post, I continued with the hammock nettings and have completed them which is what I'm going to post now. I dedicate these pictures to my good friend Sjors ( you know how demanding he can be ), get well soon mate, rest up and take whatever Anja gives you. Sorry about the quality. So that's all there is for now, I'm currently working on the stern decorations, the manual calls for yellow ochre for everything, but you know me, I want some colour so am doing my own thing. mobbsie
  13. Hi Patrick, Glad your fingers on the mend mate. I can imagine the air changed colour when you did it, still it's nearly behind you now. I think the guys are right about starting over, you'll look at her and you just wont be happy. Chin up mate, enjoy the weather and build later. mobbsie
  14. Just found you again Jim and I must she's looking very impressive, I love your finish on the hull, nice clean lines. I'll drop in again if you've no objections. Keep it up mate. mobbsie
  15. Are they the spiders I've been reading about Popeye, she grows ever larger and more complex my friend. Looking real good. mobbsie
  16. Hi Augie, Glad your feeling better mate and getting back in the seat again. I wont hog a seat on the Confed but I would love to drop in now and again if you don't mind, just to make sure that Sjores is behaving himself and not throwing popcorn about. Take care of yourself. mobbsie
  17. Seems I'm late to the party again Popeye, hearty congratulations on your promotion mate. Half Moon looking real good, nice job on the planking, that's more likely to be your worst battle on this ship. Looking forward to more progress my friend. Don't forget a picture for Sjors. mobbsie
  18. Hi Sjors, I think you'll find mate that there are a couple of cheeks that have been placed under the platform, the chains have then been attached to them, don't drill any holes in the Bowsprit yet until your absolutely sure. Love the coloured ratlines, but I doubt you have the correct concept just now, lucky for you Anja's week of as well. mobbsie
  19. Nice work Randy, it does get easier as you move along, just think how much easier the Port side will be. Keep it up mate. Mobbsie
  20. Nicely done mate, only another 17,000 knots left, mobbsie
  21. Welcome home Augie, time to get back to work mate, You know who has been fretting and needs pics. mobbsie
  22. Keith aint wrong Kevin, size is the main issue, that's why a 3/4 view from the bow or stern can work wonders. For lighting, sunlight is best. As Sjors has said, take plenty and pick what you think are the best. What you have produced so far is good and shows the Vic is coming along very nicely. mobbsie
  23. Hi Guys, Thanks for the comments and kind words guys, they really do act as a spur. I have a bit more progress to show. Since my last post I have attached the Poop deck and planked it, made and fitted the skylight, cavel cleats, mizzen bit, Poop deck railings and added the ringbolts and cleats. A first for me is the hammock netting on the Poop deck railing, I'm quite pleased with the way it's come out but it played holy hell with my eyes, I only have another 6 long ones to make, hope I can do them justice. I might need treatment after their made. I have a few pics, need to satisfy you know who:- So there we have it, right up to date. mobbsie
  24. Hang in there Adriaan, that jigsaw from Popeye is only 6 pieces mate that's why Sjors wants it. Good to have you back mate. mobbsie
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