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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Michael, Interesting experiments. If you can get that first seizing closer to the deadeye, not only will it look neater, but you'll avoid the risk of a deadeye popping out under strain. John
  2. Check with the museum first - the Endeavour is due to go into dry dock very shortly! John
  3. Thanks, mate. Currently I'm only at the museum every second Wednesday, but the model is always there. John
  4. Good idea, Druxey, but would it promote sweating or the build up of moisture under there? Michael - moisture under the shrink wrap may also be an issue for you to think about. John
  5. Thanks, Michael. Once you get into the swing of it, they go fairly quickly. John
  6. Pat - It'll be a while before she's finished - we'll be going on holiday ourselves soon. Druxey - thanks, mate - as I was working yesteday I was thinking how long it would take at the museum to do a ship rigged model. Popeye - cheers, mate! See my comment above to Pat Sherry - I often think that the rigging is the most enjoyable part of the build. Rafine - Thanks, mate! Augie - Thanks for the support - those running backstays are really interesting, aren't they? Russ - thank you, mate - I think the sag is more luck than management. Mario - Me? Forget? Who wer eyou again? Bob - The more I look at the Stag's sail plan, the more I wonder how on earth they ever managed to sail her. Juergen - Thanks for your support! John
  7. Some more pictures; some more ratlines. As my last two models didn't have any ratlines, I'd forgotten just how many there were even on a single masted ship! Here's where we are at the moment. One side finished - And a good start made on the other side. John
  8. Very nice (yet again), Danny. Couldn't the lights simply be swung up out of the way when working the cables? John
  9. I think all model makers make good pack rats, Popeye. You never know when something will be just the sort of piece you need! John
  10. Michael, It takes a lot of guts to step back from where you are now with the model and do a complete rethink of your motives. Good on you! John
  11. Thanks, Mario. I'm hoping to get a lot more ratlines on tomorrow - I hope the rats cooperate! John
  12. Andy, When I was at sea we were lucky to have electric lights, let alone electric charts! John
  13. Looking good, Mark - if you can do those, then the capstan will come out as well! John
  14. Crikey, Karl, it hasn't taken you long to get a good start on the next section! John
  15. Stevinne, I believe that the lateen yard was worked around the mast so that the lateen sail was always on the leeward side of the mast. This can be seen on contemporary paintings. The shrouds may have been a problem in some points of sailing, but the lee shrouds could always be slacked off if absolutely necessary. John
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