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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Great pics of the meeting, Mobbsie! By the way, judging by your comments re Hausteralians, you obviously haven't read that famous book, "How to talk gooder English!" John
  2. Oh! You mean you're building a ship here as well, Augie! Very nice looking deck, mate. I'm still really surprised at just how well basswood comes up! John
  3. Nothing like your own mould formed ply panels, mate! She's really coming along nicely - you deserve another can of splashback/heat shield! John
  4. Tom, On a model like that, you probably need to be more concerned about the character of the model rather than exact scale. John
  5. Crikey, mate, with that as the base you have to get the model right! John
  6. Ready for wood chips, Tim. If you add the rudder as a separate piece there'll be a nice joint line marking the division between stern post and rudder. John
  7. Well, they must be moose antlers, Mark - wombats don't have antlers. John
  8. When I saw the photo of the stern I winced, but you've make a very good job of the repair (repair, what repair?). And yes, the Science Museum has ditched its shipping collection if favour of a display of mobile phones!!!! John
  9. Tom, The Vinal Haven looks really sweet with the extra deck added - and that's a great photo of you and your daughter. John
  10. Tom, This all happened while I was away on holidays. That model has loads of character - what a great project. John
  11. Looking really good so far Augie. How are you going to protect those antlers (sorry, uprights) from potential damage? John
  12. Glad to hear that you're having such a good time in Pommyland, Grant! John
  13. Take your time, Andy, we'll still be waiting patiently (well, most of us will be patient! ). John
  14. Jay, Pig iron billets in the bottom would definitely help! As the Revenue cutters were only supposed to come into port for stores or repairs, their crews would certainly get a lot of sailing practice. The square sails were rigged so that they could be brought down very quickly! John
  15. Augie, Keeping her in the water was probably pretty easy, but I still don't know how they kept he upright! I found a newspaper report that said that Stag had won the annual cutter race again. The tone of the report sounded a bit like - well, what else would you expect! For those who didn't see it in the original log, here's a re post of the painting of Stag under sail and chasing what looks to be a French lugger. John
  16. Very realistic ratlines, Ilhan. I tried using the 'card behind the shroud' method for the ratlines on my Stag model and found it works like a charm! John
  17. Hey, Mobbsie, I forgot to tell you - in more refined circles we don't say, "Bob's your uncle," we say, "Robert's your parent's sibling." John
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