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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. This is truly devastating news. I can imagine how you feel terminating the build but applaud your attitude to take it as a learning experience and soldier on with another project. This experience will certainly guide your modeling career as you move ahead. Your many dedicated followers here will patiently await you selecting a direction for your next venture. Though Licorne may have brought you valuable experience, she also brought many friends and acquaintances eager to see your ultimate triumph. I am but one among them. GOOD LUCK, my friend.
  2. Just a quick update. The first belt of planking below the wales has been completed P/S. Not bad so far and hopefully sanding will bring everything in line. There will be a molding running across where the counter meets the planks in the stern. Open framework amidships is starting to look nice! Moving on now to the lower most belt starting with the garboard plank and heading up. Holding off on stealers and drop planks until the final belt. Will be trying some 3/16" planks, tapered, for the stern (everything else is 1/8).
  3. I'm terribly sorry Sherry. Seems like we all join this club now and again. I'll bet the repair makes her better then new.
  4. A workout indeed...for both IE 10 and yourself. Good work on the re-tensioning of the shrouds and your method for ratlines will be worth a try down the road. You have just the right amount of tension in those. Do you glue all the knots or just the ones on the outermost shrouds? Or perhaps none of them??
  5. Popeye, you're unstoppable! Good choice on the 'flat' lacquer. I use the brush on myself....works magic. And an airbrush! OK, get yourself some big plastic bags so you don't wind up painting the living room. I'm sure you'll master the techniques quickly.
  6. Really worth the effort on those gun ports. Now put down the tools for a second, step back and take a good look. She's starting to breathe
  7. I do a bit of an 'eyeball' bevel Popeye. Nothing sophisticated. I think you're right about shrinkage.....depends on the wood. Some day I'm going to build a double planked hull !! As always, sandpaper is our best friend.
  8. Thanks all. Chuck has added the icing on the cake with the short soak for the twist ! I'm just happy if it gives anyone an idea or two.
  9. I've received several PM's on how the spiling/edge bending jig I presented is working at the bow. In response, I've taken a few photos that I'll present here. Let me state that this is not to be taken as a tutorial . It is simply how I do it. You should remember what our bent/spiled planks look like after drying in the jig detailed by Chuck: The forward tip of the plank is beveled to fit securely into the rabbet. Then, the tip and about 3/8" of the side of the plank contacting the adjacent plank above it are glued securely in place. It needs to be completely dry and tight as it will take some stress in establishing the bow curve of the plank. I use thick CA to do this as it is strong and easy to control: A different view just to show how unusual it looks at this point. The blue tape is just there to protect the finished wale: The loose end of the plank is now gently bowed and lightly twisted into position and glued flat to the bulkheads. Notice that the tendency to lift at the lower edge has been defeated: Finally, the plank is glued to the remaining bulkheads: Granted there are some irregularities but these should be mostly eliminated with careful sanding. Laying this plank took about 15 minutes (not including the spiling/bending/drying time). Overall, I'm pleased with the technique. Hope this explains it!
  10. Isopropyl alcohol usually does the trick on PVA. The normal version is 70% but WalMart usually sells a 91% which I find best. Be patient!
  11. Nothing wrong with improving the tires Mark. Just leave the wheel alone Really nice work. Thanks for sharing the problem, thought process and solution with all of us.
  12. Interesting to see this support assembly. I'll wager the whole ship felt it when the mortar was fired. Good stuff my friend!
  13. Thanks all. I'll get some stem and stern shots once I complete the first belt on the starboard side. Yes, the spiling/edge bending jig is in full operation since about the 6th plank below the wales. It works well once you get the hang of it. That's not to say that everything has gone by without some gnashing of the teeth! We won Sjors. But the game was about as exciting as watching grass grow. On to the SUPER BOWL
  14. I'll look forward to seeing how you do it. Man, that photo of the 1:1 is really something!
  15. Looking nice Charley. Glad to see those supports between those stern frames. Just relax and take your time on the hull planking. Starting on the ones above the wales will give you a good feel for what comes later below.
  16. Wayne- system wouldn't let me send you a PM. Don't know why. But here's what I was trying to send: Are you having trouble getting both edges of the plank to sit flat on the frame (are they tending to lift on the bottom or keel side)? If so, I was having the same problem until I tried that edge bending jig I put in my log. I'm no expert on this, believe me. The easiest way out is the soaking, pinning to the hull until dry and then gluing. It requires some twisting and patience. It's slow. But what I found with the edge bends is that once you get below the wales some 5-10 planks, you need more then just bending around the bow. You actually need a downward curve to sweep smoothly around the frames. I know this sounds counter-intuitive as when you look at your plans from the side the planks appear to curve UP. Fooled me completely. If you have time, take a look at this: http://www.modelexpo-online.com/images/docs/MS2262/MS2262-CONFEDERACY-Instructions%20-%20WEB.pdf It's Chucks comments on planking from the Confederacy practicum. Planking starts on page 46. It might help you. If not, just blow it away. Best of luck!
  17. Don't forget to send my royalty check to my home address , Seriously, I think you'll find more use for it then you expect.
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