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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. It's always good to step back once in a while and enjoy what you've done. Very nice......and really small!
  2. Very nice Kevin and the daylight is a big plus. Now enough 1:1 work, let's see some heavy metal @ 1:200
  3. No.....the 3rd bedroom is the shipyard With that kind of ceiling height he can easily build a 1:24 HMS Victory !!!!!
  4. Really coming along Andy. Time spent doing something right the first time is time well spent. Whether it can be seen or not. Time spent re-doing something is not nearly as productive. You made me think for a second ...... I've spent 2 hard months framing my Confederacy and, in the end, not even one member of the frame will be visible !! That's modeling
  5. Is THAT what that's for! Hmmmm....may need to put it on my wish list. And it's not a power tool so it's right up my alley. Of course I already hold the patent rights on the 86 degree right angle. Old habits die hard
  6. OK, I couldn't stay out of the shop so here's a small update The hances and midship rails have been completed. These will act as a substrate for the hull planking to come. Fairing the hances to the hull shape was challenging (I won't mention the pencil sander again) but test planks seem to lie nicely at this point: Next up will be laying out the sweep ports. There is a half cord of lumber, 3/8" square, that needs to be fitted between the bulkheads and faired prior to laying these out. Keep a weather eye out for a cloud of sawdust over the Rockies
  7. The new project revealed. She has a certain no-nonsense, workmanlike quality about her that I find most admirable. I'm a bit startled by the draft ..... but the old designers had their reasons. I'm certain you'll do her proud, John. Particularly at 1:48. Allow me to pull up a chair. Bon Voyage !!
  8. That's the kind of thing I like to see before coming to a conclusion. But it sure sounds like you're in stealer territory. If I recall, I needed 2 on each side at the stern for Syren.
  9. I believe it is now 0600 on Jupiter. But, unlike our Dutch friend, I am a patient guy
  10. The technique I've used is based on Chucks. Basically, you select a pin vise drill size that suits your scale and eye. It's important to try some samples on a scrap prototype deck before you commit. On a 1:64, about a #70 size hole looks good to me for treenails. I have used a #65 for keel bolts if you require those. Line up your holes with a piece of tape to keep them straight. Be careful with the spacing. Drill the holes and then GENTLY clean/round them out with an awl, needle or other smooth, sharp object. Do NOT makes the holes any bigger. The choose your filler and determine the color beforehand. I use a tinted filler called 'Hobbylite' which is a light wood color. Force it into the drilled holes, wipe it off smooth before it dries and then let it set. A light sanding with something like 320 grit can be done when it's set. Then finish it along with the deck itself. I like them barely visible so that you are aware they are there yet not overpowering. I can not emphasize enough making the trial runs off the ship until you are satisfied.
  11. OK, that's it. I'm closing down the shipyard. Rumours of planking, speculation on next ship, specters of the dark side. This place is getting like Saturday Nite Live . In truth, all that's happened is that I've managed to keep the universally feared "Oh s_ _ t_" to one every other day rather than 2 per hour. Be back when the snow flies (Monday)
  12. She just keeps on growing. Probably said it before but I'm really impressed by your planking. Looking forward to the deck planking. It'll be the size of a bowling alley
  13. I'm with Larry, Impressive is certainly the word. Hope you don't intend to use her as a door stop
  14. Thanks everyone! A few leagues to travel before planking becomes the order of the day. Lots of timber to still lay in. Then we need to pick a proper red for the bulwarks. All fun stuff . MARK--- no, no elk hunting down here at what we call 'sea level' (5230 feet). Do have some fishing to do this next week before winter closes in. And you think retirement is gonna be easy. I'm waiting to see what happens to you in 13 days!
  15. Gun port framing has been completed : I used a spacer this time around to insure that the ports are all the same width and set at the correct angle. Everything was faired into the hull . Sanded and filed the inside of each port so they are basically ready for painting in a few days. Next up is a rail amidships and some hances.
  16. Are we encountering a bout of mid-build doldrums? STOP COUNTING I think we all hit this once in a while. The final goal is fixed in your mind. Keep the steps reasonable and defined and, one by one, they get completed. I know you know this! Enjoy yourself. Winter is coming
  17. Both classics in their own right. Thanks for the smile Larry. Now we can wait for the other 'Two outta Three".
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