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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Certainly moving right along.....and nicely! It's great to see an Aggy log......with an Aggy Congrats on the new work space!
  2. No damage to the house Randy. But, like everyone else, travel was (and still is) severely limited. Ran low on lots of supplies as trucks couldn't get anywhere. Kind of like living on a island ---- without a boat. Lots of folks lost almost everything or had to be evacuated by air. With all the road damage it could be weeks before they get back home. One of my wife's friends from 'up the hill' came over yesterday. She was airlifted out in the basket of a Blackhawk heli Saturday. She's 82 years old !!!!! The response from our military was tremendous..... God bless 'em. Now we could use the entire Army Corps of Engineers here to build some roads and bridges! We have some pretty independent folks out here so this too will pass. Thanks for asking!
  3. Yikes...that's a mouthful Keith! I do appreciate the irony of the framed POB and the planked POF . I haven't used sanding sealer in years. Used to quite a bit on aircraft. Sander sealer contains talc, or some other filler and tends to not only seal the wood but also to fill the grain. To me, this is great when your ultimate goal is a painted finish that looks like metal. The pre-stain doesn't do that and, when you're finished, you still have 'wood', grain pattern and all. Keep in mind that I'm a little weird (ok maybe a lot) when it comes to wood. I actually enjoy the natural variations in color and grain. In fact on Syren's deck I spent quite some time selecting from the wood strips to balance the color variations on either side of the deck so that the finished product looked like mirror images from port to starboard. On the poly I generally go with 2 coats initially then follow up much later with a final coat. I let it dry really well.....perhaps overnight between coats.
  4. Don't want to hijack Randy's log Keith. But in nutshell, yes. The admiralty design gives me a chance to work on something substantial that is in a scale I can handle without the massive size of another fully rigged ship. I truly enjoyed the rigging process and, if I have another left in me after Confed, might do another if I can find some room around here.
  5. Thanks Robert. But my motto holds fast. Whenever I feel my head swelling a bit, I simply turn to a build like your Mars and my perspective returns
  6. That's a lot of progress Popeye. Rigging tension takes a bit of 'finesse' but you'll get it. Ultimately, everything is connected to everything We all look at our work with a builders eye and think 'woulda/coulda'. But don't beat yourself up endlessly. I think she looks great!
  7. Wow, Ferit has a good pair of eyes and attention to detail. Henceforth, all my photos will be taken by candle light
  8. Agree absolutely. I spent a whole career juggling 100 balls at a time. Model building doesn't fit into that scenario for me. After a year or two of work, mistakes and lessons learned, to turn attention to the new kid in town and forsake the old friend is not proper. She deserves a spot on the shelf......maybe not on the top shelf. But each project will show improvement, the next better than the last. I believe that's part of the 'point'. Perhaps those who build the absolutely perfect model, time after time, will disagree.
  9. Thanks for the vote of confidence on the color Ben and Rusty. The pre-stain made the basswood take the color surprisingly well. Sherry - Much of what we create is an illusion. But fear not -- no attempt would ever be made to pass her off as POF. Mark would go ballistic after all the work he's put into Licorne
  10. Sorry about the mishap, John. But she's almost done and she's looking fine!
  11. Congrats on your call to tough it out. With your savvy this should work out. Good luck, Bob.
  12. Thanks, folks. No, no treenails there JP. Good to have you back though and looking forward to Rattlesnake. Keith - I'm sticking with basswood for the hull planking. Have a different idea for the decks. Capn's choice ANDY.
  13. The construction of the shadow box, and addition of the 'frames', has been completed: You'll note they are quite dark (60% Lt. Oak stain) as I want that contrast after planking. The color is a very even although the photo doesn't show that. I think this is a very cool feature on the model. However, if it's not your cup of tea you can either leave it out or plank over it. The only thing of special note here is that the sheet containing the identical laser cut 'frames' is labeled 'Top' so you know how to orient them. I'd advise you place a small mark on the unexposed (inside) surface so you don't loose track. There's not much difference. Will now move on to framing the stern.
  14. Welcome aboard Basic. Glad you took the plunge. You'll find plenty of help here on MSW. The folks on here helped get me through my first build. So don't be afraid to post questions. You've picked a very nice vessel to model. I know this as I had the Pan Art kit in the closet for about 20 years. As it turns out, I gave her to a friend who took interest in ship modeling when I started Syren so I let him have it to get started. Unfortunately he has set it on the 'back burner' so I've yet to see one completed. I also have never seen one on MSW. So let's make yours the first! BEST OF LUCK on your maiden voyage.
  15. Welcome to the fleet, Wes. With the Connie on the ways and Syren on your list you have 3 really nice projects in mind. And from what I've seen of your Connie they are all going to be spectacular. I'm just rolling on Confed and don't plan to break any speed records. We've got Ben out in front and he's doing some fabulous work. And Andy once he finishes his Peggy. So it should be fun. (Not to mention some really fine kit and scratch builds already done). Are you thinking of rigging her or are you going with the Admiralty version? Keep us posted.
  16. Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! We'll watch the store until you get back. And good luck with the fishing up North. Haven't done that for almost 20 years but it sure was fun!
  17. Only 2 pages to go to establish the new all-time MSW record. Keep rigging
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