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Everything posted by pontiachedmark

  1. Gidday Salty Dog. I am in the same boat as you, please forgive the pun, re the colour scheme. I think the contrast is fantastic. We all must remember this is your model and you are the final arbiter on what is right. I wish you all the best in your endeavours, Mark.
  2. Gidday Mikael and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You have joined a group whose knowledge and experience is vast and which most members freely share. I would advise you to ask questions when you are unsure or become stumped or how to proceed. I wish you all the best in your build, Mark.
  3. Gidday Spike and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Firstly, your comments re the level of knowledge and experience of the members is correct and I find this level of expertise indeed amazing. Secondly, the "You can fix that", is also correct. If you cannot find a solution to something that is causing you grief, simply post a question and within a few days you will have differing perspectives and solutions provided. At the very least you will find a suggestion that will lead in the right direction. As you note, patience is indeed avirtue. I wish you all the best in your endeavours, Mark.
  4. Gidday Bobby B. Absolutely beautiful. I wish you all the best in your next build. Mark.
  5. Gidday Cleat and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I second Marks comments in post #2 re tools. I am a bit of a tool freak. As the old saying for fishing goes " Some lures are made to catch fishermen not fish", I think the same can be said for tools. A basic kit as suggested will get you started. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours, Mark.
  6. Gidday snowy. A job well done and something to be proud of. I wish you all the best in your next build. Mark.
  7. Gidday Jerry and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You have joined a fantastic site where the members possess much knowledge and expertise. Most members will give both freely. I wholeheartedly second your comment re asking questions. This is how we can share experiences and provide solutions, or at least ideas that lead to them. I like the standard of your models and I still experience " gluey fingerprints" on occasion. I wish you all the best in your endeavours, Mark.
  8. Gidday Jeff. I am saddened to here of your young blokes illness. I sincerely hope his course of medication is the answer we are all hoping for. Regarding your choice of model I agree with RussR about the Hermione. Believe me you really don't want half finished models all over the place. Not only is this not aesthetically pleasing it is also a constant reminder of mistakes not corrected and can easily demotivate you. Once you have assessed the Hermione let us know what your plan of attack is, we are all here to offer support and advise. I wish you and your family only the best. mark.
  9. Gidday Kudin and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Beautiful work. You have found a fantastic site with a lot of support. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  10. Gidday Bob and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Good choice re the two books. I also think your choice of model is a good place to start. I would encourage you to ask questions when and if you are unsure of anything. Most members here are willing to share their knowledge and expertise. I wish you all the best in your endeavours, Mark.
  11. Gidday popeye. Thankyou for the link. The more information from different sources the better. Wishing you all the best, Mark.
  12. Gidday Geoff and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I would advise you to search the build logs for the Snake. You will see the pitfalls and solutions to many problems within these logs as well as getting an idea of what level of skill is required. As to the question of your ability to build the Snake that is a subjective question that only you can answer. I would hate to advise you that you have the skills required to have you not complete the model. Many people have given up this hobby in frustration after attempting builds beyond there skill level. I am one example of this but I came back into the fold. I sincerely hope I have not confused the issue. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours, Mark.
  13. Gidday tigerdvr and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You have fulfilled the main criteria in selecting a subject to model, " it caught my interest". I admire the customization and wish you all the best in your build. Mark.
  14. Gidday Tidbinbilla and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You have found a site where there is a wealth of knowledge and experience. Most members will freely offer encouragement and practical advice. I am looking forward to your photos and wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  15. Gidday Danny. That engine looks just the thing for my Ute. All the best, Mark.
  16. Gidday Clipper and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. What part of the world do you hail from? This has a bearing as Postage and Handling can make prices exorbitant. I recently purchased a small part from the states for $6.80 and the Postage and Handling was $13.20. I could not source the part here in the Land of Oz so I had to pay $20 in total. All the best, Mark.
  17. Gidday Teddy and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I must agree with the comments posted above. Your "Conny" looks good and your experience in cabinetry should hold you in good stead. I can empathise with self doubt and questioning your abilities and yes kits can appear daunting. I believe we will never know our limitations if we don't "have a go", forgive my Aussie vernacular. I would dig out one of your stash and search the build logs for the kit. Solutions for pitfalls and problems are included and solutions provided. Start a build log and get a like minded group of people involved in your build, I must apologise here for not having any logs of my own. I sincerely look forward to your Build Log and progress. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  18. Gidday Edward. Firstly I would remove the jumble of broken masts, spars etc. You may be pleasantly surprised if the hull is O.K. If she is plastic I would also replace what I could with timber. I stress this is the way I would go and others may advise a different path. Wishing you all the best , Mark.
  19. Gidday Richard and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. What is the brand of the kit and name of the section you are building? Initiate a search in the Build Log section for your kit, you may find the information you are looking for. I would encourage you to ask questions when and if you are unsure of how to proceed. The members here have a wealth of knowledge and expertise and most freely share with practical advice and tips. I wish you all the best in your build, Mark.
  20. Gidday Jan and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Fantastic to have three generations of builds. I would encourage you to search the build logs for your model, or similar. I think it a good idea to read the logs anyway as a means of focusing and problem solving. I also would encourage you to ask questions when you are unsure or need clarification. You have joined a site where there is a wealth of knowledge which most members freely share. I wish you all the best in your endeavours, Mark.
  21. Gidday Mark. Patience and thinking out a process pay off yet again. Liking your work. Wishing you all the best , Mark.
  22. Gidday Mark. Looking good. I am watching with great interest. Wishing you all the best, Mark.
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