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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. if the battery cut away in only on one side, would a single row of batteries would show that it's full?...just fill in the cut away opening. the fabrication looks great...I noticed that the bottom can't be seen through the cut away in the hull. another thing to think about is how the batteries are serviced. yea......I know.......with no openings in the bulkheads there's a lot to be considered here.....you've put so much into this model.
  2. really great progress Kevin..........that's what I was suggesting for the shrouds. I couldn't tell what the Ross Tiger had...the picture didn't look too clear to me. the mast is a good change up if your planning on lighting...left hollow, the wires can be run. she's coming out superb.......where did you get those pulleys?
  3. glad to see your back at the table Sam........things are getting crazy 'round here too. hope your set to weather the storm.
  4. it would take the apocalypse for Wal Mart to shut down. sorry to hear Sam....I hope your set to weather the storm.
  5. good to see you've overcome a few problems.........I think you've made splendid progress
  6. the beauty of the hobby........it keeps us thinking.........it keeps us young I never knew that printers had those little motors........where's my sledge hammer
  7. for colors, you'd need to look at what the manufacturer's specs were at the time. in automotive, it's the same......I have charts on Ford and Chevy. it's also the same as the specs in general......research on the particular model will give you the info you need. I work for Wal Mart Logistic......I've worked on trucks a little, but my main job is maintenance on trailers. in the early days of my employment, I worked on quite a few different makes......trailermobile, wabash, Utility.......but now we have narrowed the makes down to Great Dane and Hyundai. I've been looking for a Freightliner w/sleeper tractor, to do a copy of a Wal Mart tractor, but all I've found so far are the day cabs {they are the older ones though}. Revell, AMT, and ERTL has done the firebird........but they were late with the trailer....they did one for the sequel don't recall the movie....not sure if it's accurate. sheriff Justice's car can also be found, if your going to go that far gonna prove to be a fun project
  8. WOW! either you move lightening fast, or I've been off line too long superb plane.........the canopy and ball turret came out great!........been there with the decals though yea....it stinks when that happens, but you managed very well......kudos! really great looking model Craig......really looks life like!
  9. checking in Mark to see your progress....I see the hull frame is looking really good. hope to see planking very soon yea....weather's getting better...can't wait to get back to sanding in the garage. in the house I only do hand sanding, so a lot of the dust ends up on the table.
  10. thanks Kevin......the hull is already look'in better, although I haven't been able to get back to sanding her down some more. when I do, I'm sure that the hull will be good enough to carry on with I'm sure it did J.......test fitting the planking also shows that a couple of them don't touch.......a visible gap to fill in. as long as I can get it close, I'll be OK with it. I'm not throwing it away. once I get a mile or two on the hull, I'll start a log for her. I though of additions..........did some checking and I think my idea will work. first I need to be sure I have a hull to work with
  11. ..oh John.........you know me........I'm no speedster! I'm lov'in it so much.........I'm building two no book ends! yes....the fun begins J! at the moment, it's waiting to be sanded some more......I repaired some of the imperfections with filler. I haven't used much....... it's going to be slow with the second hull frame........even with banding the frame when I put on the deck platform, I'm still finding them off. they don't fit the platform and a couple of the bulkheads aren't shaped correctly...I'm having to reshape them. the bow posts are splayed like a boudwa babe, so I'm embracing your idea with cutting them off, and replacing them. I'll likely focus on the first hull and devote some time to the second...I've already glued two sticks together, so I'd hate to give up on her now for her, I'd call her 'Jumbo II'.....I would never call her a 'Swan' thanks Lou.......it's not a large hull......but I did use narrower strip stock. dropping it down from 8 mm to 5 mm was a good move. I'm using the 8 mm stuff on the other hull frame, but the stuff is kinda stiff, so I don't know if I will do the whole frame in it. as I get down to the turn and the contour areas, I may cut it back. I completely used up the long bundle, which was about 17 strips. each one was cut in half to give me two strips...so it equated to 34 strips. I still have the other bundle of shorter strips, and I found another bundle in the spare room. I'll have enough to do the job well gents......I just got the word that the admiral wants to go, so I guess it is errand time here at the wharf. I hope to have some progress for ya later
  12. hello Gary while I have been known to mix my own colors, I didn't for this model. I used Billings Robins Egg Blue, which is a gloss.......flat black and flat red. you could go totally with flat colors.......if you like to weather your models, it would be more realistic, as most fishing vessels sometimes don't get the maintenance that others do. I've seen some in different color schemes.......but if I were to do that, I'd also change the numbers to reflect that it is a different ship. I used an airbrush to paint the hull, but the Billing paints that I have are old and didn't perform well. there are rattle can colors that are really nice...and if you look for them, you can find them in flats {heck.......just use primers...can't go wrong with that}. scuppers allow water to drain off the deck....most fishing vessels have them. if a kit doesn't show them, then this would be a bit of detail that the kit manufacturer forgot. research would be your friend here.......and would help to give you a better understanding of the subject. they don't need to be large either and three would be the norm........one at the center of the deck curvature, and the other two offset the center to account for rolling and pitching. glad to hear your still working on your model......Billings kits are really good......I have built many. thanks also for looking in on my Word Press blog........it's a good feeling to know that they are getting used. if I can help further, just give me a shout
  13. it's all in experimentation and fabrication........sometimes the first try doesn't work. so you do it all again I've had mine as well. your leaving me in the dust just like you did with the half moon....still haven't masted her yet. your doing a fine job with this one, considering that the kit isn't very 'exact'. I'm finding out more as I work on the second hull frame.......I'm having to reshape two of the mid ship bulkheads. it's sad when one hull is cloned from the original parts......and that frame is assembled better than the one using the original parts! feel good that your hull came out as well as it did........I wonder if the fellow who built that other one ran into the same problems? with your speed..........when I finally finish mine, you'll be either fishing, or just getting back from your road trips
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