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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. so sorry to hear that Dave........I book marked the site I guess all we can do is hope she changes her mind. her talent will be missed here.
  2. I don't think anyone has to worry....I'm quite sure she will update us here soon her last couple updates were like this......spaced with some degree of time. she knows that the MSW community appreciates her work, and as Chris and Greg mentioned.......it's very hard to keep up with multiple sites. I've even cut down on the number of sites I frequent....just too darn confusing! I'm glad to hear that she is doing well and still continuing with her build.........if what I hear is true, we'll be in for one hell of an update! I'm gonna put a pillow at my feet so my jaw won't hurt when it hits the floor! .....patiently waiting................is she here yet?................
  3. the Fokker is one of my favorites I have a Guillow's in the closet at the moment....20 inch wing span. I'm going to be modeling it from the Raben's Ravens, Jasta 18
  4. heck no.........use them!!!! that's what I posted them for. Revell.......back before they became Hobbico, posted none of these 1:96 scale kit instructions on their instruction page. I posted the United States instructions too and I have the Connie.......but I won't post the Connie because they are the same {they are clones}. the Thermopylae is the clone for the Cutty......both kits are the same. the Cutty plans are the most 'lost' in in the model world...you would not believe how many copies I've sent out. I'm glad you found them.......and very glad I've helped. I've got the Revell page book marked.......haven't looked at it for a while now. since Revell / Germany has begun reproducing some of these larger kits, I hope they added them in. you might have wondered what the measurements around the bow is about.......I measured the decals. I had sent out to get another set of sails and the decal sheet using the Revell missing parts page. I got two of the three sheets of sails and a new decal sheet. but bother........when I went to use them, they dissolved into a multiple of shards! they were micro cracked! I have a terrible time trying to find a place that could replicate the decals. giving up, I happened onto a decal making system..the 'decal it' system, sold by Testors. they were not perfect....the depth markers had to be done by paint pen, but I managed to come up with my own set I've managed to gain some experience with it, but it does seem to have a transparency issue, that makes it hard to use......I have some work arounds for it. depending on how old your kit is, you might want to get a product called 'decal bonder', sold by Testors, sprayed on the sheet, it will cure the micro cracking issue. I've built the Cutty twice...love that model glad to see you believe in pay'in it forward
  5. how much detail is put in the finished model, is up to the modeler..........whether it's R/C or static. I've seem some R/C models that are so ornate, that I'd be scared to put in the water........they have to be made, so access to the inner workings is easy and trouble free. since your going static with this project...some modifications will have to be made. it's not that hard really to go out of the box........most of my projects are not kit builds. you'll see what you need to do.......I have no doubt that you'll not have much trouble coming up with solutions. you've done very well so far.
  6. another awesome project done Tom! congratz on a fine looking model and case!
  7. good to see your making progress on her........very nice looking ship
  8. amazing detail Yves! to top it off, your adding the second engine. the engine room is looking sweet.......really nice work
  9. looks really good Jo........the cleat looks good too a small taste at scratch building.......you'll find some degree of it in almost all kits.
  10. really nice job on this one...at first it appeared to have some fit problems. but you made it work........great weathering!
  11. thanks for the kind comment, but some of my touch ups came out with very slight hue differences. odd since I used the paint I had mixed. I did most of it with an airbrush, and touch ups were done with a fine tip brush. the walkways on the wings was a total mask job.........it wasn't till I removed the tape, that I noticed the unevenness of the walkways. I could have fixed them, but I decided to wait till the plane was done. as I hoped, it's hardly noticeable. I usually don't try replica projects..I never seem to get as close as I would like. the only other one that I had a good time with was the Andrea Gail. the only time I have luck with masking, is with the airbrush.
  12. I do apologize Ron.......I thought I had spelt it the way you did always nice to meet folks who hail from these parts. I myself tried to migrate to Florida, but my heart brought me back here...funny story about the day I came 'home'. ....and yes, I would imagine that any military hardware.......plane, tank, or the like, had any creature comforts built in . yes I did........it give a lot of options of what the interior can look like. one could go with an aluminum overlaid with a wash of green, and give a good rendition...I also noticed that certain aspects was indeed green. for the floor 'runway'......one could also add a tint of flat black, to show the foot traffic and slid ammo boxes. thanks again for posting them
  13. your not too late ragrove........the interior is interesting. nice to know that not all are painted in that green cromate. as I read somewhere, this was the case........part reason was that they didn't want to waste the paint. I think a lot of it depended on the squadron and where they were stationed. some even polished the darn things on the subject of captured planes.........when off on a bombing mission, the enemy in a commandeered aircraft, would try and join the formation. this was to spy and see what they were up to. the formation was instructed to warn off the tag-a-long aircraft. if that failed...then he was fired upon. I would expect nothing less
  14. I sent some pictures over to the foundation: Hi Denis - Excellent rendition. Well done. We miss Nine 0 Nine Hunter Chaney Director of Marketing Collings Foundation 978-562-9182 From: denis wenzel <seymoregutz@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, November 29, 2019 9:11 AM To: Hunter Chaney <hchaney@collingsfoundation.org> Subject: Nine O Nine good morning, My name is Denis Wenzel, and I am a modeler. I was starting to build a B 17G when I hear about the Nine O Nine crashing at Bradley. At the time, I was undecided what nose art to go by, the kit was showing a terrible rendition of a fully marked B 17. I was going to depict the Thunderbirds, but quickly changed my mind when I heard the news. the loss of a historic plane and life was very sad to hear. I always loved these planes....but I won't lie.....Biplanes are my first love {but bombers are a very close second}. I did this plane to show my respect and I hope that I've depicted her as close to her likeness. you folks would be the best ones to decide. here are some pictures of the model...I used the Lindberg 'nose art' kit in 1:64 scale...I wish I had used the Revell kit....much better detail. I hope those injured have recovered well, and coping with the loss, a bit easier. yours truly, Denis >Popeye<
  15. thank you Gary.......I'll be focusing more on this project since the B 17 is finished glad you liked the other builds........the train was new territory.
  16. nice treatment on the seat! very nice bike..........well done!
  17. very true so many thing I want to do........so little time to do it in. today I finally cut out the bulkheads I spoke of.......I got tired of seeing that sheet with the tracings taped to it, hanging around the spare room. I may post it.......but I fear that I've cluttered these hallowed halls enough with my nonsense. concentrate on the projects at hand........and not the ones in my mind
  18. to think....if you don't set your sights that high........you'll never be inspired to get to that level. I myself have few fancy tools......but my creativity is never in short supply it appears that yours isn't either
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