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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. ....and perhaps future peace treaties "he who come to table with fingers crossed, hold bottle funny"
  2. trial and error is a funny animal........sometimes you can whip something out without even thinking about it, and then there are other times, the more thought you put into it, the worse it gets. you've done a splendid job with the hull Andy........I think your rigging will be no different
  3. thanks Aldo...........I've had much brighter things to keep me busy of late. the admiral's brother came to visit for a week....from Texas, a fun visit to be had by all! that is coming to a close now........to be followed by a visit from my life-long friend from Florida. known this chap from grade school. how I met him was rather cool........I punched some kid in the playgroung, who was teasing him and calling him 'four eyes'.....cuz he wears glasses. ......been friends ever since! I should have an update soon.....keep tuned and thanks for the good word!
  4. thanks Aldo, it's a work in progress. I really need to get her fully planked, so I can see where I stand. this kit is rather vague about a couple of aspects..........good that I see them now......but the areas in question have already been done. no matter.......they're still making x-actor blades and drill bits! LOL!
  5. now.......would that be because Sjors would control the conversation.......poor Augie not getting a word in edge-wise AWWWW, just give him some pictures.........that'll keep him busy! LOL!!! congratz on the promo Augie........you've certainly put a lot into your build, quite informative and very well done! you should be close to da finish, but you'ze didn't eats no spinach......but no matter! to be honest.....I don't know where I stand in the grand scheme of things....I never keep track of that stuff. I just see what I like and comment.....sometimes my humor can be a bit over board.....but I see humor in just about everything. .........like when you were talking about the moose........I thought of these guys: the 'post haste' is an odd metaphor.........to be post, I should have hasted already........must have been Oscar Wilde who said that .......I guess I need to pick up the pace Gee.......commodore.....most famous MSW flying ace.......what title will you shoot for now?
  6. the copper your working with probably isn't pure.........might have some nickel in it or other alloys. cripes, even our U.S. pennies aren't even pure copper. I think it was back in the '90's.........we had a copper shortage. I couldn't even find copper paint! the admiral and a friend of hers were out one day at a craft store, and they came across a display of model paint, with several bottles of copper paint in stock......they bought every last one! fantastic progress your doing.........the coppering looks very good! first time? I havn't had the privilige yet.........but I'm hoping to give it a try one of these days. I notice a tressel in the background of one of your pictures........wooden? looks very nice....another hobby I'd like to get back into.....but it was so long ago
  7. planking the sheer {deck} looks great! you've made quite a bit of progress I like the holding jig as well.......no damage will come to the keel that way...........neat idea!
  8. looking real good Nenad should have had that genie sand the rest of it while you slept ..........but your wish is his comand
  9. you might want to hang on to the anchors you made the mistakes on...........looks like they would make great hooks! I'd dare any fish to try and wriggle off-a those! LOL! they look great BTW.........deffinitely look the effort you put into them!
  10. my son got me the Dremel 100 for Christmas. included in the box, was a sheet showing most {if not all} of the attachments for it. they do show a couple of different chucks for it: #EZ402 EZ lock........probably will work on most attachment shafts #4486 looks like the standard chuck #4485 has the chuck with four different core grips. this is worth looking at is solving your problem. I see other attachments that might do the trick.......even drill bits that are mitered to fit the average chuck. WWW.dremel.com or call 1-800-437-3635
  11. Andy has a good point.........here's a chance to add detail....if you so desire what a giant step forward you have made since your return beautiful...........simply beautiful!
  12. are you really sure you want to take her with you......? I'm getting scared for you my friend.........you will be rigging in your RV looking very good! luv what your doing.......stain and paint?
  13. rather than all of the other observations....they should follow the curve of the hull itself. picture in your mind of how the planking runs, and you will see how they should go.......allow in mm's to avoid the ribs.....and there you go. remember that a kit's framing is not going to be the same as the actual ship framing. if your looking for that, then you might as well cut off all the rib posts and start from scratch....which will equate to a lot of extra work. your doing a great job thus far......figure where the fore castle is.......and the start of the stern, and measure out from these points. it won't be exact, but at least you'll be in the ballpark. it will look good, trust me!
  14. yepper Mark......as long as I can do them so they look passable get through my work day today.......and I'll see if I can put some miles on her this week.
  15. thanks Mobbsie for that disitation.........I'll have to go 'a drink'in with that guy sometime did you ever know an Irishman who didn't drink? your sign-off at the bottom had me rolling! I mentioned Mark, that I wasn't going to stop the build anymore, because of not having certain things........I'll make them! it is kinda fun figuring out how to do them. the Goth even has a mouse.....still thinking about that one! thanks Caroline.......glad to see youre looking in I'm getting the upper hand....even as we speak! LOL! thanks for the good word;)
  16. thanks Andy......as soon as I can muddle through with life's little anoyances........work, ect, I hope to make it a bit more interesting. thanks for the good words
  17. well........I've managed to repair some of the damage that Murph has done. the Toyota is as good as new..........nothing a length of pipe and a saws-all couldn't fix the smoke is clearing, but now I seem to be having a bit of a problem with my left ear........plugged up.......can't hardly hear out of it.....WHAT? I have done a little on the Goth......tying on blocks to the fore mast and starting to get the spirit yards in order. here is a picture also of the 3.5 eyelets.......or mini hearts. the smaller double blocks under the top are home made.
  18. thanks Mobbsie........I wish I had something to report to celebrate your return. I hope to have the planking done soon.....then on to sanding
  19. watch out sherry........he liable to outfit for you the ones that shoot blanks LOL!
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