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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. so....love does conquer all! sorry to hear you've canceled, but priorties rule. your a good man, Gil!
  2. I don't know Augie.....the pitcher 's a wild one.....he's been known to hit a few batters LOL! I don't know about that Alex.......from the looks of your build......the situation is well in hand you might find though, that your knots are going to differ, than the rigging of more modern ships. I'm sure you'll include some very interesting technique of your own thanks for the good word.
  3. I thought I was doing a good job deciphering these billing's plans Frank.......guess a fastball went by me. it looks fine with the eye bolts. I am working on the main sheet now.......three rows of reef lines. then the boom will be sewn on like the jib boom.
  4. that's quite an honor........hope there are some pictures to go along with it! thanks Floyd for letting us know!
  5. nice looking bow spirit Ron...your well on your way towards having fun with rigging
  6. very impressive Daniel, given the size of your build........that's detail usually lost. glad you chose to include it
  7. you continue to amaze me Michael........your blocks and shackles look great.....actual rigging....wow!
  8. thanks Ron.......it's a bit premature. I uncovered a serious problem here. on the plan diagram, they show four blocks around both masts. I'm looking at the numbers they give each line...........but on the side profile, they do not show a #3......but, on the over view, they show the #3's, as well as the #6's. in an upper corner, they show how the #6 blocks are tied to the fore sheet.......not the deck! I have pulled them out of the deck.....now I have the holes to deal with. since filling them in might be a gastly sight, I'm opting to simply install eyebolts.........just added bling, I guess. OK.........back at it
  9. you got it Bob!.........the deed is done! said on the package that they grow fast......I got tired of waiting, so I came in....LOL! good thing I took that home-ec class in school....even if it was just for the credit {and food} thanks everyone for the good word from the looks of your handiwork Frank........you might have done a few in your day.......we're just multi-talented folk. and to think....our admirals never even knew we had the talent
  10. I do have some pictures of the reef lines. I'm threading them through, with a dot of white glue. cut and trim will come later.........I made a jig, cementing two 7mm lengths of planking together...figure that's long enough. I have them on both sides...thought it illogical to have them on just one side......with the sail rolled up, what will it be tied to? I started with the jib. from here, they were painted with diluted white glue, to stiffen them up a bit, so they will lay straight. the fore sheet half done. here is the jib being trimmed. from here, there is a jib boom to be sewn on. I tried to do it the way I've seen them....a connected pattern there are blocks that need to be set up as well.........I'm doing that as I go along. more on this soon...I have to go plant some flower bulbs for m' lady {butter-up time }
  11. what mistake? the way you've done that is superb! I love the way the colors run.......the ports are cut out so exact.......amazing how you've done that! the internal framing is a perfect capture of this ship's construction.......I see your pictures in it! great job all the way around!
  12. thanks Daniel, luckily, there are no rat lines on this vessel. I'm on the second sail at the moment. the main sheet has three rows. that one will be fun all in itself
  13. good to hear your doing better...... AND....your not sneaking around behind the admiral's back. get well soon, my friend
  14. what I mean is, you have to spray a seal coat on them. with ink jet decals, this is very important....the ink is on the surface of the decal film. if you were to put water on them, the ink would come off. Testors has a decal program you can purchase Testors they also carry decal bonder to spray on after the decals are printed. there are two drawbacks though.......printers cannot print white and there is a bit of a transparency issue......I haven't worked it out yet...still experimenting. I've made decals for all my boats
  15. yea, you'd have to put down a 'skin overlay'. I have to do that with my decals.....I do them on an Ink jet printer. I spray them with bonder afterwards.
  16. I'm just glad my admiral is a good egg about things..........we don't argue, so I have to do things to keep it lively LOL!
  17. another good one to try, is when in a heated discussion....don't say anything. when she's done, just say: and...........
  18. oh.....you have a life.......just the priorities are being pulled off like the leaves of a tree! can you speak fluent 'butler' yet? my admiral hates it when I answer 'yes, Madame' 'your coffee......Madame' LOL!
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