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Posts posted by glbarlow

  1. I've started lining the lower planking belt. It is a chore but so worth the effort once the planking starts.  I also use the plans to add a vertical hashmark where the plank joints are so I remember to cut the planks the proper lengths.


    Really though I just wanted to share a photo of my ***RED*** counter. For Cheerful I wanted to go RED or go home, I think I'm successful. I've never used anything but Admiralty Paints Red Ochre, this Golden Medium Cadium Red makes a statement. 😄

    Of course I've already painted the gun ports a long while ago, but the counter really pops against the gold of the Alaskan Cedar. (five thin coats in case you're wondering).



  2. I went for the 4 hands version, I’ve never needed more than 3 plus I thought the 6x9 inch base would fit better on mu bench. I was hesitant until Derek assured me of the strength of the magnets to the base.


    i need to stop reading these forums, I learn about too many great tools that I can’t resist. Amazon just makes it all too easy. 

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