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Everything posted by glbarlow

  1. It’s a process, tabbing those center planks takes time and the willingness to do it more Thant once, at least for me.
  2. Well done on the railings. It gives such a professional look from the usual PE and rope versions. Very crisp!
  3. Congratulations on finishing your model. Definitely made it yours with a very different take. I’m sure you are justly proud of your Winnie and looking upon her will bring joy for years to come. I also look forward to your plan for display. Well done!
  4. Thanks Frank. I’m retired, I have lots of time. I enjoy planking but it does become a chore after a few months of it. I’ll be glad to finish the deck and move on. Your Winnie is looking amazing.
  5. Welcome to MSW and thank you for your comment, I’m glad my log is helpful. I googled this chart showing thickness of monofilament line in mm. https://www.beadkraft.com/reference-monofilament
  6. That’s some really nice planking Frank, very impressive. Your turn at the counter is exceptional.
  7. Much better. You need a long 1/64th batten, gives a better look at the fairing being easy to bend and follow the run. For me the curve between the first and third bullhead was the biggest challenge, why many use balsa filler at the bow to help out with the run of planking.
  8. It all looks so nice. The deadeyes look like a row of the ‘wow’ emojis, which is a perfect response to your work. The pear and cherry makes for such a special Winnie.
  9. It’s all good Joe, I am an expert at deconstructing having done it so many times. No time-outs, just a bit of reorientation. I’ve found the second or third third time I do something it sometimes turns out better 😊
  10. You have a lot of very nice work, we want to be able to find it easily.
  11. Thanks Rusty, though I am looking forward to being done with planking for a while.
  12. From the manufacturer, www.rptoolz.com. They are clever enough to print their website right on the cutter. It’s pricey but worth it.
  13. Thank you! I got them from Shapeways.com under the category ‘humans’ at 1:48 scale. I selected one and hand painted them to kinda look like me. I borrowed the idea from Chuck as a fun way to have an appreciation for the scale of the ship.
  14. Deck Update About 2/3rds of a planked deck. The port waist battery in for a trial fit. Light coat of WOP but final sanding and scraping to come. Don’t think I’ll complete the deck and chapter 4 before my upcoming photography trip to Patagonia (originally scheduled March 2020 but then this thing happened.) I can only hope Winnie will wait for my safe return with a couple of hundred images to process. If interested you can check out my first Patagonia trip at GlennBarlow|Photography
  15. It needs to go in much much more, more than your line. A batten should notch into the rabbet and smoothly run through the first three bulkheads and continue on from there. As you can see from the plank you're holding it would never notch into the rabbet as it is. This is the toughest and along with the stern the most critical part of the build at this stage. Look at all the build logs and I think you'll see what I mean.
  16. This looks great, but I’m all Apple. I know they don’t make it easy for developers but I’ll wait and hope you get an iOS version you’re comfortable with, don’t trust myself at the terminal level.
  17. Your signature links don’t appear to be hyperlinks to your builds and gallery?
  18. As many have noted, very well done! Your log just sort of stopped though the model is marked as finished. Did you post a gallery?
  19. Very neat work, time well spent. Let the planking begin.
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