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Everything posted by druxey

  1. I've had good success by drilling a hole in brass sheet of the thickness of the ring I need. The hole is the OD of the tube 'slice'. I insert the rough-sawed ring and file the surface flush to the sheet using a fine file. Your turned result using lathe and wood mandrel is very nice indeed.
  2. Also, with the consideration of succession, the ideal age for a buyer would be about 50. Counts most of us out!
  3. With that hull form, this makes perfect sense to keep weight down - even if there is a high stern!.
  4. Superb, Valeriy! How thick is the electro-deposited shell?
  5. Just found your log. It's nice to see an unusual subject modeled, and so nicely as well!
  6. You could try using a low coffee table or similar. I hate the idea of a stack of boards falling on your model!
  7. Might I suggest using pewter, not lead? Lead will deteriorate to lead salts over time. And that would be a pity on such a terrific model.
  8. A lathe is certainly not needed! There are a number of logs on this site where various methods of making anchors are shown. Just because the original was iron, it doesn't mean that you have to smith your anchors. Wood or plastic painted are valid solutions.
  9. It could just have been a convenient short cut. Something none of us ever do, right?
  10. This is good news, both for herself as well as for us!
  11. Hah! Another rabbit hole that you are going down, Alan. Next it will be a back staff, then an octant....
  12. I'm sure your surgical skills are precise enough Mark! Your model is looking very nice indeed. And yes, it is much easier to correct projection in one plane at a time.
  13. I would diplomatically disagree with Marquandt if you are referring to an English ship. Pin racks are the term used by Steel. Very nice work, Greg.
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