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Everything posted by druxey

  1. A lot of moving parts to keep track of and to coordinate! Devil's advocate here: Could you cut off the aft end decorative scroll and horse's head and reattach it slightly further down the head rails? Then it would not rise quite as high as at present. Feel free to ignore me, Marc!
  2. Aiiee! What a job to create all those containers. Nicely done. Did you consider making a single master and casting the rest of them?
  3. Two interesting items you've shown, Ron: that 'Quad hand' looks very helpful; and the dusting powders, which also look very effective. Thanks for bringing these to our attention.
  4. Stropping small blocks is not easy! Looks like you did well, Toni.
  5. Beautifully rendered, as usual! My reaction to the red anchors was the same as Ab's - even before reading his response. Surface rust.
  6. Lots to be learned from this wreck when it is studied! Thanks for posting this, Steven.
  7. Visiting this thread is always a pleasure, Rob! Obviously with such a vast quantity of rigging, time management and work flow becomes important.
  8. Royce's lathe? That must be quite a story! I like the elasticized clips on the frame for stretching material. If you had a greater number of clips around the periphery, it would take care of the ripples when the fabric is wetted.
  9. Is there a possibility that a line was rigged from the main yardarm to swing the boat outboard sufficiently to clear the boom?
  10. Are you able to rig in your sleep by now, Rob? Beautiful work, as ever.
  11. Re-dos: The mark of a true model-maker. Good on you, Bob! You'll be glad you revised the rigging. There should be a little stretch in the shrouds to allow you to align them.
  12. Do read the planking articles posted on this site!
  13. Sorry to read of your health issues, Dan. Hopefully you will be able to shake the last symptoms off soon. Nice forensic work using those photographs. Take care of yourself first!
  14. To prevent 'hourglassing' the shrouds due to over-tightening ratlines, do every fifth ratline first, then every third and lastly the remaining ones. It's easier to control the tension that way.
  15. Good for you doing that surgery, Marc. If you make an angled bend at the corner of the beakhead bulkhead, would that not give a straight run to the back of the figure?
  16. And I thought that the yard was seen from behind so that the stirrups were correctly hung! Well, what do I know? Nice anchor stocks. Are they the right way around? Now I doubt all that I see.
  17. Rob, I hate to cavil (groan), but the lay of your rope on the deckhouse looks very loose.
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