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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. In two years they will be MUCH better and MUCH cheaper http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NA00MWS?ref=x_disp_44_96_1_3 It will be interesting to see how some of our members apply this to part of their builds Cheers, MIchael PS this might also fit under Nautical General Discussion ?!
  2. Karl, Again Beautiful build. Thanks for posting large format jpg.s helps so much in appreciating your excellent level of detail. I have made a folder of your rigging and sail photos, as I plan to use your work as an excellent guide. I hope that you don't mind (:-) Looking forward to following your next build from Model Shipways. su construcción es superlativo. Bien hecho!! Cheers, Michael
  3. I think that I will look through my vitamin pills or maybe a left over turkey bone? ha ha... As usual your work and artistry are superlative. I will consider your idea, though my build is from 1628 and may not reflect what you have replicated from the 1800s. Need to research this bit. Enjoy Thanksgiving, big deal here for USA members (:-) Michael
  4. JP, aka 1000 post guy Awesome work. planks are so nice. Copied and made a Word doc. of your superb in-service. My next one will benefit from your instructions. PS: Where did you find such small brass rod Blix Art Supplies? Again beautiful work Cheers, MIchael
  5. Yes using that type of saw. Be prepared to use many blades (:-( they get dull very quickly.
  6. Best idea I have found after breaking several Please excuse the photo of my example on your build log, but it was only intended as a quick way of explaning Regards, Michael
  7. Frank, Your masts are looking good. Yes quite a conundrum between the three plan sets (:-)
  8. Frank, thanks for your nice thoughts. Lawrence, I had thought of adding a clear varnish, but all of my figures have been painted with combinations of water based, acrylic, and laquer types of paints. So I'm hesitant to cover those mixes with a clear-coat. hmmmm Michael
  9. Karl, Excellent !!! also thanks for the large format jpg's they are very helpful for really looking at the details of your beautiful work. Michael
  10. Hi Mates, Thanks for your thoughtful comments as well as for just dropping buy, always a pleasure and a source of encouragement. Continuing with the cannon doors; All doors have been sized given the minor size variations on the ports. As Nigel pointed out, my errors were actually in keeping with the way Vasa was probably assembled given its early 16th century birth. Love it when my errors turn out to be OK J Started to put together the opening and closing rope pulls, getting there, need 100 altogether. For the much less visible opening pulls (doors will be open almost vertically) I will only do a single rope wrap not a double, as I’m doing for the closing ropes Those nails will double as the door hinges Using the Proxxon to drill through the door and the inserts. I will use the same hole for the pull and pull eyelets. Again, thanks for taking your time following along, dropping in or just passing by. Regards, Michael
  11. Matt, NICE. I had totally forgotten about this kit. http://modellers-workshop.com/corel-wasa-cross-section-wood-ship-kit-sm39/ Michael
  12. Karl, I think that I may have said this before, but your sails are excellent. Nice work!! Michael
  13. Frank, Just found this one. Your weathering work is excellent. Thanks for the "how to" post Regards, Michael
  14. Jadzo, Thanks for your kind remarks. Regarding the figures, no no primer was use. I just washed the figures, and using hobby paint just applied it directly upon the gilded metal. All the colors adhered very easily. Thanks for dropping by. MIchael
  15. Thanks for all of your kind comments, John, yes not too sea-worthy but you're right she would not be in the museum today. Michael
  16. Beautiful work. Your cannon rigging is First Class work, as well as your interior details. Ouch re: that cathead Where is the Captain's girlfriend? In movies they always have one ha hah Michael
  17. JPett, Nice!! you are certainly an established master at planking super nice work. I will enjoy following along.. Yea you might be slightly "off" those electron microscope pics. show all errors. Michael
  18. Hi Mates, Continuing with cannon door assemblies; I first looked through the 60 or so inserts that I cut out looking for those that would fit right away. Found a few, some minor edge sanding, and then glued the outer parts of the doors with the inner trim pieces. Used a bit of painters tape to stabilize the outer doors from moving to make it easier to adjust the inner parts before the glue set. Noted their locations and then used hobby masking tape to fix them to their correctly adjusted places. I know that if I had not taped them on my location drawing, for sure the paper would move and well…you know (;-) This bit is sort of fun, though I have to figure out how to drill in two eyelets for the ropes (opening and closings). I’m thinking of using only one eyelet and then curving the backside that will face the hull. This is probably destined to create breakage. I have very little working room after the lions are glued into place, Two eyelet pieces one on each side is probably the best solution….attach the ropes, then the hinges followed by the lion heads.?? Yes, I need complete the chain plate bits first, been very lazy with this, though as you can see its been started. The other side has been completed for all three masts. Thanks again for dropping by. Regards, Michael
  19. Oh the irony of "mistakes" seems as if they are, for this ship, correct funny.... Yes I have in fact read a bit about even how the port side differs from the starboard side. Well now I feel better.
  20. John, Quite an amazing medical recovery CHEERS certainly part of your amazing "memory book" of life. Michael
  21. Frank, Thanks for the kind words...Here is where I bought that tool http://www.amazon.com/Excel-Pounce-Wheel-1-4-Inch/dp/B0006O5K5A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1414958647&sr=8-1&keywords=pounce+wheel There are diff. sizes the 1/4" has appropriate spacing for what I intended with the inner parts of the doors. Cheers, Michael
  22. Nigel, As usual thanks for your sage advice. Yes that is a great solution. That said, however working on the sizing of those little second door bits I now realize, retrospectively of course, that as a novice when first starting this ship the gun port openings actually vary in size. So I will need to, visually, adjust each of those 100 inner bits here and there so as too appear, if the doors were to be closed, that the inner frame would fit within the door framing and not be too wide when seen with the doors open (which they will remain) I have learned so much through being a member here from all of you artists. All of which will be incorporated into my next project that will certainly have many less builder errors (:-) So for now its an ad hoc go as you go for these doors. I'm also learning the meaning "foresight" Always enjoy and appreciate your continued interest and posts Regards, Michael
  23. John, Nice update, as has been said bow shots are super. No trim masking on the white?? I need to have what your drinking to steady my hand ha ha Nice work MIchael
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