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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Steven, On those foremasts... perhaps they were used more for steering than "sail power" much like the spritsail on the forward end of the bowsprit of around the 1600's such as on Wasa/Vasa and others of that era?
  2. Beautiful work, Adrian. I look forward to your next ship and also look forward to how the competition went.
  3. Charlie, What about black cardstock? Cut the cardstock then overlap in the center to make the hole. It would make sense that the cover was metal and due to the stack, it probably couldn't be in one piece. Insert stack, set and clue cardstock in place. As for the cardstock... we fake a lot of things with cardstock.
  4. Well... you've hit upon the problem with kits. AL, while popular, does a lot of seemingly weird things even fictitious ships and one-size fits all for standard parts. There are kit makers out there who are more accurate but it comes down to price point (for selling) and cost of manufacture/development so there always will be issues with accuracy. The result is builders build out of the box, semi-scratch to correct problems (or buy after market parts such as ship's tiller wheels, cannon, etc), or just go totally scratch.
  5. We've had quite a few dioramas and even "mini's" with not much more than several inches around the ship. Do a search here using "diorama" without the quotes and you should get quite a few hits.
  6. Hi Tim, Welcome to MSW. Nice work with the ship and the laser. Do give some thought to opening a build log as you get some exposure and also help when you need it. Logs also help others so sharing the wealth (as such) is a good thing.
  7. Looks good, Zach. Might I suggest that you replace those powder barrels with water barrels? A bit of a safety hazard to say the least.
  8. Hi Ron, Welcome to MSW and to model shipbuilding. I'd like to suggest you open a build log when you're ready to begin building as it will be the best way to get help and encouragement.
  9. The Scottish Maid kit isn't the most accurate as far as rigging and pretty much stylized. Many of the lines you mention are just tied off at eyebolts or various bits and pieces and do them properly would require some research and additional parts such as blocks.
  10. I last used them about 5 years ago but that's no help now. Apparently they are still at it and doing well since they're still in business. Maybe place a small order and see what the service is like?
  11. At one time, the colors were on the Victory website. I'm not sure if they still have them on the site or if they updated them.
  12. I'm with the others, Chuck. May she have a fast and full recovery. I'm with you on the rain...
  13. One year and she's still a puppy. Beautiful dog, Nenad.
  14. I don't think Wally World has greeters anymore. When I retired, I briefly (very briefly, almost miniscule) considered it. Decided model ships were better for me mentally... make of that what you want. Bwahahahahaha.
  15. That's good to hear, Dave. I tend to think we're all a bit nuts (in a good way)... myself included. On the light side... don't use a hammer. Viking funeral. I should have done the flames on my first Licorne.. Oh well.
  16. Dave, Don't beat yourself up or the Constitution. You're doing great. Indeed, there are many models here that humble us mere mortals and the best we can (and should do) is just learn from them.
  17. Oops. You are right. I got lost in the way they were numbered. Lovely work all around and I seen no mistakes. Looks wonderful.
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