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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Art, Steam is the secret but... the wood for those kits is a problem as the grain runs every which way and will break.
  2. Charter member of the Screwup Club here.... Well done Dave. You're getting there.
  3. It's great to see you back, John. The model is looking grand. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
  4. Welcome to MSW, Norman. And also Semper Fi from a former Marine.
  5. Steve, I see your building stand and looks good. I'd put some felt on the contact points if you're going to poly first. Poly isn't the hardest finish and if you slip, the stand may damage the finish.
  6. As you said, everyone's skill set is different so things are hard to quantify. My first wooden kit I bought was Billing's Wasa. Big mistake so I put it away and started off with one of those small cannon kits with bulwark. Next came AL's Scottish Maid which I made lots of mistakes (and this was before MSW or other such sites existed). Then I attacked the Wasa. Made a few mistakes, took a long time to sort things out and all with a basic hand tools. It's basically a blind growth process. Everyone's starting point and starting skills are different. Maybe there would be a market for a school type program but with everyone's starting point being different, that creates a problem. Do the Swift and be sure to open a build log. Spend time here reading. Look and study the build logs for the Swift on similar models. Above all, have some fun and don't give up. The log here will get you help if you find you're in over your head. This road we travel is what we make of it. Anyway, that's my $.02 and it's worth what you paid for it. If it helps.. then that's great. If not, maybe someone can offer better advice.
  7. I use water soak for anywhere from 30 minutes to maybe an hour and an old curling iron set on high. Not the fastest thing but the wood bends and stays bent. The key seems to be to work both sides of the wood and try to get all the moisture out with the heat. If still springy, jig into shape and let it sit. Re-apply heat as needed.
  8. Nice looking hull, Steve. I think you've got it. As for finsih... I'm pretty much a wipe on poly type of guy. The problem will come when things need to be glued to the hull where the poly is. You'll need to sand, scrape or the glue will not adhere to the hull. Do you have a stand you put her in until the outer hull has it's goodies attached?
  9. Welcome to MSW. Don't be intimidated. Start small... there's a lot of good kits around for beginners such as various small workboats. You have a basic set of tools it sounds like so you don't need a major investment. Look at the various build logs in the kits area. Ask questions. We'll help you get there as we've all had to start someplace.
  10. Wasn't there a third model based on those two? I seem to recall that there was. Or maybe it's wishful thinking?
  11. Mark, Given the severity of the bend, you may have lengthen them a bit and then fit. The outside surface will most likely end up being a bit shorter than the surface against the framing. I ran into that one and ended up making the planks slightly longer and then filing them square at the join.
  12. Graham, Do you have a scanner? Or a printer with scan ability? If so, scan the plan and flip it before printing. Just make sure the scan copy is the exact same size of the original.
  13. It's super to see you've returned and are back on Alfred, Gary. I hope all is well now.
  14. Thanks for the comments and well-wishes. Things are getting better but this time of year, they also get more hectic. Well, I've been spending time in the shipyard. A bit slow but made some progress. The inside of the gundeck is planked halfway up and then I stopped to do the beakhead (? as I'm spacing some of the terminology at times). First thing I did was fit the two beams to support the planks and also added a couple of small blocks to helps support the planks a bit. Planked it with boxwood.... Checked the fit with my dummy bowspit.... Sanded like crazy and then added two small pieces of ebony around the planks and sanded everything some more. It still needs some more sanding but that's for later this week when (or if) I get boarded finishing the inner planking. I need to do some filling so I'll collect the sanding dust and fill it then. Once the real bowspit is in, I'll do the leather piece to seal the gap. Back to planking....
  15. I believe the answer is "it depends". No it wouldn't include the bowsprit. But... different countries and even sometimes varied from shipyard to shipyard on where the measurement was actually taken from.
  16. Looks super, Alan... well on your way. As for the figurehead... most of the paintings I've seen (not many out there), are small and rather grainy but it doesn't appear that Pegasus is visible. Looks to be just Bellerophon. I wonder if Pegasus was there as built and battle damage did it in early on? I've got the book "The Billy Ruffian" and there's really no mention of the figurehead. The "reconstructed" line drawing is no help as it's "a reconstruction".. Hmm... I'd love to build this ship but it's like key bits of detail are lost to history.
  17. Rusty, Some heavy battle damage it appears. Will you have re-rig or can you ease things back into their proper location and perhaps effect repairs without a major re-rig?
  18. "The rest of the build gets a bit fiddly," you say? It all looks pretty fiddly to me. My eyes and brain hurt just thinking about it. But you're doing a fantastic job on this, Danny.
  19. Frankie, As near as I can tell, the furniture would have went below. The problem is that many times (usually?), the rigging was targeted to kill a ship's movement and maneuvering. Also, sending it up would have put it in the way of the crew working aloft. I suppose that sending them up the mast could have happened but I don't think it's likely.
  20. Ah... valid point. Hmm.... <thinking cap> Just one end needs to be threaded, the other has to pivot. If I can find some free time tonite, I do a quick drawing and see if it'll work.
  21. Tony, If you have a copy, take a look at the "The Billy Ruffian" by Cordingly. There's a few paintings in there (not big enough for details) but the figurehead looks to just be just Pegasus as you have on your model. Pity that the original plans were lost as they might have shown it.
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