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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Little fishy's??? Hmm... you might just be on to something since we don't have any real insight. I would think inspection could be logical... but to be that widespread and in the similar location? Hmm.. given the way things were done, it's possible... Where's that damn time machine we were promised back in the 50's-60's and I want the flying car too!!!!!
  2. Wow... it looks to me like your ships just keep get smaller and smaller... and still with lots of details.
  3. Define "large amount"...? (he says nervously looking at his lumber supply). Enough for the ship abuilding? or the current one and the next? I don't have a stack of lumber drying in the yard, but I'm thinking I have enough to finish my current build and get me well on my on the next. I think I'm scaring myself.....
  4. Jud, The catch is, these don't seem to be random. The pictures that have been shown seem to show them in about the same area of the rudder. A bit of a conundrum methinks....
  5. Is it only 6 foot or is that a limit set by the door height? I'm just curious if one hung it say out of a second floor window? On the other hand, I have his planetary and the only limit is the spool sizes.
  6. Very impressive work on fixing those guns, Piet. A PITA but worth it from what I see.
  7. Modern laws in effect, I believe. Not sure if wood would be allowed due to the "floatation" part of it. L'Hermoine has at least one also.
  8. Sgthod, Have a look here: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-materials-and-tools.php for "Tools not to bother with". Fair a Frame is mentioned. However, sometimes (me included) by tools that aren't recommended by anyone just because... I had the Billings version and while not perfect, it worked for me until I discovered better ways.
  9. I've seen a few of those.. I suspect it was convention at the time or some instability of the paint pigment.
  10. Here's another way of doing sails... http://www.arsenal-modelist.com/index.php?page=accessories∂=37 I think there's been a few around who have used this method but I don't remember which builds.
  11. You had me worried there for a minute, Kevin. I thought that last picture was indicating you had turned Vic into a planter. I'm so glad you haven't... the rigging is looking better and better every time.
  12. You might ask that here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/forum/21-painting-finishing-and-weathering-products-and-techniques/ so that more eyes get a look at it. I can't answer as I have no idea.
  13. Ah, the mystery continues.... Obviously not a coincidence.. two holes, each seem to be (but may not be) through holes. The all seem to have the same or similar placement and relationship to each other.
  14. Greg, I was thinking the same thing as Brian... I am surprised at how small it really is and your work is even more impressive.
  15. I hope it works for you Frank. They went straight for the spinal on her and didn't work. We meet with the "new" doctor tomorrow. He's not actually "new" but was the guy we wanted her to see first, but the referring doctor wanted her to see someone else.
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