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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Frank, You have my sympathies for the stenosis. My wife has that also, and I know by looking at her what her pain level must be link. Keep the dragon in mind.. I think it'll be a great touch for the display of this ship.
  2. I'm going to my room and lie down for a bit. My brain is numbed by what I just saw. Amazing isn't enough to describe it.
  3. An excellent plan, Tom. And you can sing it all you want. It's a good feeling to start a project, even for the second or third time.
  4. John, We all poke each other with that Sharpie. I'm covered in polka dots.
  5. It's great to hear you're back in the saddle again. And no, I won't play Gene Autry. But seriously, this is excellent news. BTW, Danny's Vulture did have, as I recall, a meeting with the floor or an approximation to it as I recall.
  6. Looking very good, Frank... I'm seeing your trucks and parrells, and I think the trucks are supposed to be smaller than the rollers (beads) to allow the rollers to contact the mast when raising or lowering the yard. I'm going to use your idea for making the trucks as it seems to work a treat.
  7. Patrick, this continues to be a feast for the eyes... I love those cushions as they add more detail than expected.
  8. I'm glad that things are going well... however, I have to go find some mind bleach for that picture. <shudders>
  9. John, Consider making a spread sheet for these measurements... a macro can be developed convert the input measurement (say, French) and output in English along with the scale measurements for 1:32 and 1:36. It'll take some thought and de-bug time to do but probably worth it. I think there's a calculator available on line to convert the French to English but the last time I saw it was a few years ago so I'm not sure it's still around.
  10. Even the little saws (MicroMark, Proxxon, Dremel, etc.) can take a finger or two. After getting my thumb nicked badly (there's still dried blood on the print that hangs on the wall behind the saw), I use push sticks, fingerboards, and never, never, use it when I'm tired or distracted. And even using the 3" table saw, I stand off to one side just in case. I close the door to the workshop and that's a signal to my Admiral 'don't come in unless it's a matter of life or death'. She understands. I am looking at making one of those strip jigs....
  11. Beautiful work, Mick. Congratulations. As for how long the next one takes? It will take as long as it takes...One can't rush things, right?
  12. Beautiful and peaceful looking countryside, Nenad. And it has a history which makes it meaningful also. I hope you and kids have a great trip.
  13. Keith, One source might be Lavery's Arming and Fitting English Ships of War 1600-1815 which has a lot of good info but not perhaps, what you're looking for.
  14. Contact Dr. Per at this link: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/474-therapy-for-shipaholics/ We have our own group already...
  15. SOS, I think you're in good company. I read that Hahn did that a lot as he felt he had more control.
  16. I find what Mark (Blue Pilot) said.. toothpick and wax paper. I use it also for CA. A little goes a long way.
  17. I have to keep reminding myself how tiny those parts really are.... amazing work, my friend.
  18. It makes a lot of sense, Nigel. It sounds like you've put a fair amount of thought into this so it should work. As much as I love the color and texture of ebony, it sure is a pain to work with though.
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