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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Mark A gardener AND a French Maid....oh I sense troubled times ahead😀😀😀 Hehehe Patrick
  2. Thanks Denis I googled ‘Knights of Ni’. Put a smile on my face, that’s for sure. Good memories. Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi Denis Just catching up again on your many projects. I'm constantly amazed at just how fast you can work and how easy you make everything look. I struggle to keep pace, but boy, oh boy, that gasser of yours sure looks nice! Well done! Cheers Patrick
  4. Thanks Phil! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi folks. A quick update on Genesis’ voyage to completion. I’ve been thinking lately that Genesis‘ interior accommodation has been lacking a bit of greenery. Therefore, I added a few pot plants to her main saloon as well as her sky-deck. Oh...and just in case you were wondering, the plants are actually bits of our kitchen scouring pads which I tore off and glued in place. Mmmm, not bad, I reckon. I hope you enjoy Genesis’ new greenery. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Pat You’re a lucky boy to get the furlough. Some guys get all the luck, hey? Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi Frank That’s a marvellous job you’re doing on the dredges. They’re truly intricate models in their own right. Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  8. You could be right, Mark. But you can count on me to try to keep things on the straight ‘n narrow....cough cough.
  9. Hi Keith I’m just catching up ...again... Oh-My-Lord!!!! Just spectacularly beautiful, Keith. The work you’ve done on the hull is nothing short of gorgeous. Keep the updates flying in. Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  10. Hi Marcus You’re off and racing! It looks like this is going to be a big hull, judging by the size of those bulkheads. All the best with the building. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Gary Two words: “FRIGGING AMAZING!!!!” Ahem. I think that just about sums up my reaction to your boat as well as the diorama. I bet you were one of those kids in the school yard who was good at studies, sports and good looking as well. Now look at ya; you’re a master modeller as well. Very, very nice work. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Vaddoc It’s always a real treat to catch up on your work. The cleats, chainplates and hand made ropes look really nice. You’re definitely on the home stretch now. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Keith - I was actually thinking what your reaction would be when I was doing the gaff-rigged boat. I’m glad to say that you reacted exactly the way I thought you would. Hehehe.... Seriously though, I’m glad you liked it and thanks for your comments. Hi Dave. Wine glasses? Mmmm...now that’s another task to add to the list! Hi Carl Wages? What wages? Surely the privelige of working in a such a classy mega-yacht would be enough😏 Mmmmm. A French maid, you say. Now you got me thinking...!
  14. Hi Mark-oh boy....I swear it’s not my fault. I place the blame solely on the clean-up crew. They’re obviously not up to the task. I mean, how hard is it to pick up some popcorn😏? Hehehe. Hi Carl - I’ll take your word for it (about the scale, I mean). I seem to recall that Igor did something similar in a bottle a while back. Now that was tiny as well. Enjoy the rest of your weekends, folks! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Marcus It’s great to see you’re starting on your new beauties to add to your Maritime Museum. I’m in! Cheers Patrick
  16. Thanks Steve. I struggle to think what the scale would be (I failed maths at school!). All I know is that it’s freaking teeny tiny😀. Thanks for your compliments. Have a a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  17. Thanks Denis I hear what you say about the macro-setting. I’m like a kid in a candy-shop now. I’m constantly taking more and more macro shots, just for the hell of it. They’re a lot of fun to look back and see what I’ve done or, not done). Ahem....what’s this about an upside down chair back, I say? Oh well...you know, the problem lies in poor quality control...you just can’t get good hired help nowadays...😊😊😊 Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi folks Many thanks for all of your comments and encouragement. Well, well, well...In addition to being a lover of modern art, I’ve decided that Genesis’ owner is also ‘into’ radio controlled model yachts (strange that, isn’t it?😉)? If you look closely, there’s now a tiny radio controlled gaff - rigged yacht, leaning casually against the writing bureau in the Main Saloon. It seems the owner is getting the model ready to put her in the water for a quick sail. Have a nice weekend, folks. Cheers. Patrick
  19. Thanks Josh. Your last luxury yacht???? Never say never, they say. Once you’ve done, there’ll be another, then another, then another....😀 Enjoy your weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  20. Hi Phil Damn you work fast!!!! Nice job on the rigging. Not long too go now, that’s for sure. Cheers. Patrick
  21. Hi Josh Nice job! I especially like the sails and how they make the whole boat ‘pop’. The use of magnets on the superstructure is also a really nifty idea. I might just pinch that idea for my models one day, too. I hope your niece liked the boat. All the best! Cheers. Patrick
  22. Hi Nils I’m a bit late to the party, but can you pls put an extra chair in the front row for me? Thanks Patrick
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