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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Hi Mark, what it is - the Vallejo Surface Primer (even sprayed) dries to a slightly silky finish, and when I put my first paint layer on (again same make and base of paint - all Acrylics) it goes on a bit like mixing oil and water, then next layer covers better but can still see some patchy areas then it covers normaly with the Third or Forth coat - it has to go on in thin layers like watery milk so as not to obscure the details. The Black Primer is preferable as it is useful for creating a 3D effect on the edges of the details. But I am searching for other Black Acrylic Primers. OC.
  2. Evening all, starting to paint the Red Jackets - this needs several light coats as the primer has a slightly smooth surface and Red over Black doesn't sit all that well - so these Four have had Two coats on so far and still need more - deffo not a fast production line good job im not on piece work. OC.
  3. Thank you kindly Alan, on this one I was even able to pick out the White of his eyes. OC.
  4. Evening all, my 5th KGL centre captain is all finished after giving it my normal work flow. Lighting is a bit harsh its not as bright as that. OC.
  5. Its all about the lighting and the gear you use - and how much time effort and money you want to put into it, photography is like that anyway. OC.
  6. Nearly forgot - dont foreget, like i did put wood dowel reinforcements inside the masts (they have a cavity inside them) and if you can try to make the yard arms from dowel as it will make them stronger for when you rig the ship. OC.
  7. Thank you so much for those very kind words, I replied to you request by PM (sorry I have only just seen this post). Looking forward to following you build - you must send me the link to it - lighting it up will look fabulous - I bottled out doing that, it creates so many scenes from the films you could create - only immagination is the limitation. OC.
  8. Evening all, firstly a belated "Thank you" for all the comments and likes my build is getting - really means A lot, so on with the build - I decided to work on the 5th KGL centre company captain, I started by painting his single belt for his sword in White, then his haversack in Buff, then I started building up his tunic Red colours - this took a few layers as Red ontop of a slight shiny Black primer - needs seeral layers to cover, next was a few White details - lots more to do to him yet. OC.
  9. Evening all, so Two evenings (well One and a Half really) painting the straps White and creating a few painted on ones on the backs where the moulded on ones was missing. The infill's will be Red and still have the bars to paint White on their chests. As promised - here are a couple of pics - OC.
  10. Thanks Mark, the photo taking should occure again later if I remember (what was we talking about)😁 OC.
  11. Evening all, thank you for the concerns about our gas meter - all sorted now, batts re charged meter re set and now showing zero on the display - so its all good. Anyway back on with my build - the faces and hair was completed - and I have moved onto the White belts so far I have done Four figures, will do the rest tomorrow - I have to be honest I am slipping again no pics, I will go and stand in the corner and tell myself off 😊 OC.
  12. Hi mate, just caught up with yout build - you are doing some great work on an area that needs so much attention to detail. OC.
  13. Yes indeed - Hood was nealy 100 feet longer than Scharnhorst and about 160 feet longer than Prinze Eugen. OC.
  14. Thank gooodness you spotted it in time Craig, I checked out the official scale and they say anything upto 6ppm is ok so mine showing 1/16 of that must just have been a trace - possibly caused due to us putting our central heating rads on first time in over 6 months - might have detected a very fine amount of gas. OC.
  15. Evening all. a small update but minus any pics - sorry, so I started my normal route painting the faces - first a basic skin flesh colour, then a wash to bring out the details, then after this was dried a touched up the cheeks with a subtle pink colour, I was just about to do the highlight areas when normal life had to but in when our carbon monoxide detector started pipping at us, we didn't know what it was at first as we have other devices that make funny sounds when they want our attention. So I went into the kitchen and saw that it was making a slight flash and ping sound roughly every minute, I pressed the test button and the dial showed a very low reading of 0.50ppm but after doing some reading up - it could have been pippingh at me to re charge the batteries in it - so as we speak they are on charge. Life does have to get in the way with important things like modelling. OC.
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