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Everything posted by vossiewulf

  1. Long time ago when I was in the games industry, we had a game con in Tampa one year and had a couple events at Kermit Weeks' museum. One was getting a chance to hear firsthand the story of the only guy in WWII to take off on a mission in a P-51 and land in a FW-190, Colonel Bruce Carr, who arrived at the dinner flying a P-51 at close to 300kts right over our heads as we stood out on the tarmac. I think he was 85 at the time. Anyway, he got shot down by flak and bailed out and decided to surrender to the Luftwaffe, heading toward a German field. But he changed his mind, and just before dawn he stole a fully fueled and prepped 190, figuring out how to start it and eventually to get the gear up. He flew at treetop height back to his field in France, where he crash landed just before they were about to shoot him to pieces with quad .50s. I know the article says 40mm guns, but I remember Col. Carr very clearly describing them pulling the covers off the quad .50cals on M16 halftracks. It's a really nice facility, airplane geek heaven.
  2. Thanks Paul Tonkinese frequently change their color significantly starting around week 8 or so, Takita looked very much like the new little one does now when Takita was a little kitten. But it's not predictable, should could end up fairly light colored as she is with small contained points, or she could go the direction of huge points and very dark red hair of Takita. As for the ship, in all likelihood I'm going to rip these brass pieces off and bite the bullet and resand and refinish the lower hull and start over with a material somewhat less perverse. Very annoying but brass just can't be used this way very well, only way to make it work is with actual mechanical connections by drilling holes in the strap and using round-head brass nails. Also annoying as although the straps are still fighting me, the rudder is perfectly positioned and aligned at the moment. Ah well, I went down a path thinking I could work around brass' dislike of glue but that turned out to be a misjudgment. Cue plan B.
  3. Looks great. Has anyone done Oeffag Albatrosen starting from a D.III? Converting one to a blunt-nosed fuselage with a 300hp Hiero and buried Schwarzlose MGs of a series 253 version would be an interesting challenge.
  4. I've used the pencil highlight for metal going back 30 years, but now I use metal powders, applied to a properly prepared surface, they are indistinguishable from actual metal. Uschi van der Rosten carries a number of modern metal powders and pastes, you should give them a try.
  5. Takita and I were very close. It was quite a long time before I could even think of the subject. Thanks Gregory. These brass straps have pretty much become a giant white cetacean and I'm playing Ahab. Although if I can't get them looking better than they are now, I will end up ripping them all off and having to resand and refinish the entire lower hull, the planking is old enough now that it's oxidized and darkened a bit so there is no way to do spot sanding. The easiest thing to use would be styrene, but I don't much like putting plastic on a ship. Second best is probably wood as you say. Another option that I have used many times is paper soaked in thin superglue. once it sets but before it fully hardens, you sand both sides smooth and it makes a very strong and reasonably flexible composite material. I'm just using brass because that is what is traditional so I wanted to do it that way at least the first time. That turned out to be a terrible idea.
  6. Did someone say Infinite Improbability Drive? Ok enough thread-jacking with Hitchhiker references //he said, after contributing to the jacking
  7. Had company for another week, and haven't gotten much done but am plugging away at the #%##@@#$@#$ rudder. Well not the rudder itself, it's ok, but the damned brass gudgeon straps that go on the hull, I have been driven past distraction to insanity. Star Fleet personnel couldn't glue brass. I don't know why all frying pans aren't made out of brass, because nothing sticks to the stuff. Not even lacquer primer on a cleaned surface, just handle it for a few seconds and pieces will fall off. GAH! I made the tiller as close as I could to one of the Tony's contemporary models, but this kit is designed with the tiller going around the top of the rudder rather than inserted into the rudder head as I see in the contemporary models. It's done except for a flat clear coat on the tiller. In other news, I had lost my previous Dockyard Supervisor last year, her name was Takita. She sat in my lap pretty much every minute I was home for 16 years, because I was not competent to do much of anything without her input. Yesterday I went to visit the new Dockyard Supervisor, who is also Tonkinese like Takita, but four weeks old. In two months when she is 12 weeks she will begin her education into how ridiculous humans are and how they desperately need cat supervision at all times.
  8. If you ever wondered what these things could do, there's this guy Mikael Carlson who's like a Swedish airline pilot, and he builds his own production-accurate versions of German WWI aircraft including the engines, and as such feels free to fly them as hard as he wants to. And he frequently flies them right to the limit. This is his Dr.I in Jasta 6 colors, I think Neckel's maybe. Anyway, you'll see he flies it in a big reverse Cuban-8 where he's split-Sing on the far side of the loop instead of zooming up, his direction is considerably more dangerous as he's doing a split S just a couple hundred feet up. Even better, on his first attempt to zoom up a bit and then roll inverted, he was too slow and the plane departs into an incipient spin at the top, and only some really good stick and rudder skills stopped him from going splat right there. Then he follows those with some max-G horizontal turns, and yes the Dr.I could do a 360 in an absurdly tiny space. The Dr.I and Camel were pretty evenly matched with the Dr.I turning a bit tighter but the Camel being somewhat faster and rolling quicker, so this video is a good approximation of what a Camel could do also. I'm sure none of this is good for his life insurance premium, but it's wonderful stuff for WWI aviation fans.
  9. If you want to get creative Doc, there was a night fighter version of the Camel called the Comic, it was used to battle the ever-increasing raids by German strategic bombers late war. The twin Vickers were replaced by two overwing Lewis guns on Foster mounts (allowed reloading), and I know there are good aftermarket 1/16th Lewis guns out there. You could stump quite a few people with a Camel with twin overwing guns. Even if you don't do that, you should look at aftermarket Vickers guns, they will be much better than the kit versions, and I thought I saw 1/16th 3d printed WWI aircraft engines someplace. That's the weakest part of these kits, MSW's insistence on using white metal instead of resin, and that's made worse by the castings frequently being extremely rough, requiring inordinate amounts of time to clean them up. You could save yourself many hours of filing and sanding by replacing as many of the white metal parts as you can.
  10. For anything small where tweezers won't work, take a short piece of rod (I use carbon fiber, brass will work too) and use a SMALL drop of CA to glue the end of the rod to the piece, at whatever angle you need it to be for the gluing operation. Glue the piece, once the main glue is set wiggle the rod around, if you do it right the drop of CA will come off the piece clean, still attached to the rod. Nothing at all left to clean up. If it doesn't do that and the rod comes free leaving the glue, you used too much glue.
  11. I think your problem is the buried cuts. When the saw blade doesn't clear the top of the stock, it can't shed the chips and the second half of the cut will be ragged due to chips completely jamming the tooth gullets. I agree with Kurt, you'd do much better doing it in one pass with the teeth completely clearing the top surface of the wood.
  12. I used holly for my deck, but it's too white in my opinion. I wished I had very slightly stained it, as I can't see any of the common deck woods of the time looking this bone white despite holystoning and UV bleaching. Maybe it will be better after it yellows a bit.
  13. And using a tungsten center punch or awl is never a bad idea even using a stiff centering drill when drilling curved stock if you can't do Wefalk's trick for some reason. I also have a very spiffy laser center finder that properly calibrated will mark the center within a couple thousandths of an inch, which is fine for anything but the most precise work. Very useful if one can fit in the budget.
  14. Absolutely and one of my little planes was bought that way and it turned out to have a decent steel iron so it may work well as is. If it doesn't, take a look at the Mujingfang version, that will definitely work well. And I'm looking forward to this. I enjoyed the Kaiser Wilhelm in particular, must have missed your Xebec when I was away.
  15. The cool thing about the Merlin is how much more efficient it was than its German contemporaries. It only displaced ~27 liters, whereas the DB 601 was ~34 liters, DB603 ~45 liters, the DB 605 ~38 and the Jumo 213 ~ 35 liters. All of them weighed considerably more than the Merlin and in most cases were still at a slight HP disadvantage at most points in the war. Good luck Danny, looks like you will need it
  16. I have a version of that, it's called a bullnose plane and is exactly for the purpose you're using it. I used mine on my LN, cleaning up the joints between the bulkhead tops and the deck underlayment. You want to make light cuts with lots of pressure on the rear end of the plane to prevent it from nosediving into the wood, something every bullnose plane likes to do. The best small planes I've found are the Mujingfang planes, the steel is quite good. Although I like the coolness factor of the little Veritas copies of larger planes, they really aren't very ergonomic.
  17. Yeah, I keep running into those things, totally obvious in retrospect but look fine to the untrained eye up to that point. I have an S10, but I've always used Android. It's pretty consistent across all UIs so once you get the pattern you won't have any problems with anything. As for your new camera, for some reason the shots of you making the gaff have a very narrow depth of focus, almost like you have a tilt-shift filter turned on. However the longer shot of the ship itself doesn't seem to have that problem.
  18. IMO Cobalt HSS drills made for professional jewelers are the best compromise as they offer long life for anything but drilling high carbon steel while not being nearly so fragile as carbide.
  19. (Tells the grumbling crowd of half'drunk woodworkers to go home and put out their torches and put up their pitchforks) I'm sure you'll like it in the end more this way, it's just not very common for someone to walk by beautiful wood that's beautifully finished and say to themselves gosh, I really wish I had hidden that with paint. And you know to keep a supply of boring non-figured planking wood around for the next time you're looking at a painted finish
  20. Here is a pic of me using the post and thread to check symmetry. Your boat is small enough to use any thread, it won't stretch enough to cause a problem. On bigger scales one should use fly-tying thread as it has considerably less stretch.
  21. And now you've run into another aspect of planking that must be watched very carefully, that is like many others totally obvious in retrospect, but not at all obvious before: the need to have the planking of both sides be exactly symmetric. I solved this problem by drilling a hole in the bottom center of the keel, exactly square. I mounted a piece of carbon fiber rod in that hole, sticking up a couple inches. I then attached two threads to that rod, one glued at the forward center and one in the rear center. With those threads, I could easily check any point on each side against the other, and it made it easy to maintain the required symmetricity. As to how to fix it, if it's half a plank width out you really can't fix it without removing at least one plank on each side and then splitting the difference between the two replacement planks.
  22. Naval Warfare in the Age of Sail: The Evolution of Fighting Tactics, 1650-1815
  23. I'd think if they are trying to eradicate a pest, that burning might be a requirement and not optional.
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