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After seeing two Model Airways build logs here in shore leave, it seems to me that there should be a model aircraft equivalent of "Model Ship World" out there in the Internets; but I haven't found it.  All the sites with "world" in the title are stores.






A short update from the beach, well almost:)


The pilots seat is in place. I have also done all of the wiring (except one cable!) for the engine and the controls. Lots of wires going here and there and not much space to work in. Sometimes I would have needed a mutated third and fourth hand. But now it is almost done. Just one cable from the engine to the magneto left! The fuel gauge "face" will be added to the fuel gage itself on the tank. it can be seen in the top picture, a grey round thing on a rod so to speak. The grey boxes in front of it are the ammo cans and spent cartridge cans.









What a pleasant surprise finding two airplane builds! I haven't visited this site for many months, too many other things to do taking much time.

I read through all your posts and must say "well done." You'll have a great looking model when completed.  Yeah, I have been tempted several times to buy myself this kit but I already have too many other projects in the bucket list that have priority. Actually I told myself not to get involved with airplanes any more after i retired from my career in aviation, from  mechanicking, flying and engineering and devote the rest of my life with ships, my second love.

I do need to build a 1:350 scale model of a Fokker C-14W float observation plane though. This plane was used on the ship my father was killed in during the battle of the Java Sea and I am getting a model of that ship to do. When I do I'll start a build log here.


In the meantime keep up the good works.



Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)


As a continuation of the discussion earlier in this thread. I just ordered the Hagasawa 1/16th Camel kit. I'll post on the comparison of the details in the plastic and Model Airways metal parts when it arrives, some time next month. I already have the MA Camel.


Please remember the purpose of this forum, and the reason why we have it.

I like airplanes too, but then I will visit the proper forum.



Please, visit our Facebook page!




Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry



Sorry that this post I am writing goes a little off-topic of the Fokker build log. This is in response to Nirvana, Per.  Are you requesting that aircraft build logs not be posted here on this forum?  My understanding is that this sub-group, called "Shore Leave" is for the following, and I quote:

This is the area that many wanted, and perhaps didn't even know it. If your topic is nothing to do

with the world of ships or ship modelling, then here is the place to post it. General chat,

Birthday announces, non-ship models, etc.

No politics. No religion. No inflammatory topics.



It appears to me that this is the place to post such a log. Have I missed something?



8 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

You guys should check this out, 1/32 meant to work with the Wingnut Wings kit(s)? WNW have most of the D.VII versions out already and at least in the fuselage there were definite differences, not sure what version(s) it's meant to work with.



This is a beautiful Fokker. However, once you add up the cost of the individual parts for this 1/32 scale version, one could kick in just a little more $$ to buy and build this 88 inch wingspan museum scale piece and really fly it.





I am sorry if I hurt any ones feeling in this matter that wasn't the intention of the input.

Some years ago I belonged to a forum that was dedicated to one type of topic ,

it got infected by peoples side hobbies and the moderator decided that wasn't the idea of the forum.

It resulted it was taken off line.

Don't take me wrong, I truly enjoy following the builds of airplane.

They are extremely exquisite and very well detailed.

And you are right, the shore leave is to open for any topic.




Please, visit our Facebook page!




Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry


Hi Per,

No worries! No worries. I really did not know what is right or wrong half the time when I am on forums.... so I had to ask. Thank you for your input. The LAST thing I want to see is this forum for ship building to end.... It has been tremendously helpful to me as a new ship modeler. 

I am just taking a rest from ships and taking on a plane for respite. I am intrigued that there are two of us here now working on planes... and they happen to be arch rivals in the aviation world. There is a delicious irony (or perhaps coincidence) here. 




John, I am following them as well.

Besides as you say arch rivals in the sky.

I would like to build one of those models, but I think I will stick to my stash of ships.

Which are quite a few. Many years of building!



Please, visit our Facebook page!




Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry

8 hours ago, jablackwell said:

Hi Per,

. I am intrigued that there are two of us here now working on planes...



Hi John


You two are not the only ones working (or planning) on planes.............

I have collected good drawings for more than 200(!) aeroplanes from pre WW1 to modern, just thinking which one i should do:o

Great job done on your Fokker!




Problems just mean: solutions not yet found


Models in progress





Baby Bootlegger 1/10



Swiss paddlesteamer RIGI 1848 1:50, after plans from the Verkehrshaus Zürich, rescaled to original length

Anchor tugboat BISON, 1:50, plans from VTH, scratch

Finished models

See-Ewer ELBE, Constructo kit 1:48

German fastboat after plans from german Reichskriegsmarine measure unknown (too ugly to show up!)

German traffic boat for battleships WW2, 1:50, after plans from Jürgen Eichardt, scratch

German Schnellboot TIGER P6141 VTH plans, scratch



Good Afternoon Torbogdan

I am also building the Dr1 but not as far ahead as you are . I have just finished 1 of the Aileron and held it up to the wing It appears to over hang the wing by 1/2 an inch

The completed wing is an 1 inch shorter than the drawing shows but the aileron is the correct size Does your wing Aileron fit as the plan shows?

I have attached some pictures 

any help would be greatly received 

Thanks Andy



IMG_0550 (1).jpg

Current Build

HM Granado CC

Past builds

 HMS Chatham CC, HM Convulsion CC,  Duke William German Kit, Fair American LSS, The Wright Flyer MS


Hmm, as you say the aileron is the correct size. I don´t think you have used the wrong spar, top wing is WW16 - WW18. It seems like you have used the correct ones but double check this. Is it possible that you have used the wrong spars (maybe from the lower wing) AND turned them the wrong way, that is the "wing tip end" is towards the center of the aircraft?


looking at the drawing the ribs match in the middle but deviates from the drawing further out on the wings. 


Does this help? But looking from the bright side your building skills are very good! nice work on both the wing and the ailerons Another good thing is that Model airways will most likely send you new parts if you have built it wrong. it means a longer time until the model is finished and lots of extra work but, building is the hobby!




The way to avoid that problem is to build the wings and tails over the plans, that is what I have always done. Tape plans or a copy of them to your building board taut and flat, repeat with some plastic wrap over top to prevent any problems with glue sticking to plans, pin or clamp spars in the correct place and off you go. No way to have a problem unless the plans themselves are wrong.


Andrew, I recommend you contact Model Expo, they have a free replacement for broken/missing parts policy. I cannot see any reasonable way to fix what you have or use it in the finished model as is - explain to them what happened and see if you can get replacement parts for the wooden parts of the top wing.


Thank you both for your help and support

Not trying to hijack this fantastic build 

The parts where to small to build over the drawings, as I had on the Wright flyer years ago

All 3 wings are equally short so that is why i thought it was an of drawing build as the 3rd picture show's

ME have received an email with Pics and waiting for a reply, which I am sure is coming They have served me well in the past 

Torbogdan did you build your wings off the drawing and did they fit?

I feel the Lazer cutter had the wrong input when it started burning !!! 

But I do love these kits and have started the Sopworth Camel to fill my time 

Great kits and hanging from s thin wire from the ceiling a fantastic talking point 


Current Build

HM Granado CC

Past builds

 HMS Chatham CC, HM Convulsion CC,  Duke William German Kit, Fair American LSS, The Wright Flyer MS


The wingspars are of different length for the different wings. If all the wing spars (all six, three left wings and three right wings) are of equal length maybe you have gotten a "bad" kit where they have put three sets of  one wingspan for one wing instead of one set each for the three wings?


My guess is that you have taken the wrong wing spars (for example the lower wing spars instead of the upper wing spar) and built the upper wing with the lower wing spar.


I built it on my table and had the drawings to my side but I checked frequently against the drawings. I checked, double checked and triple checked and then glued. Still I made mistakes and sometimes were saved by dumb luck...


So my only advice is to really check carefully and measure everything before gluing. Also to keep the building area clean of other parts. 


But what ever mistake you did don´t worry, I´m sure Model Airways will help you and your building skills are very good. Even if the wing is wrong it looks very good!




I have 3 wings of decreeing size from the bottom up All 3 wings are short That is why after checking they where all going to be short I assumed that I was not to build off the drawings and then built the aileron off a different drawing thats when I discovered my problem 

Oh well all good practice for the next try !!!!!

Current Build

HM Granado CC

Past builds

 HMS Chatham CC, HM Convulsion CC,  Duke William German Kit, Fair American LSS, The Wright Flyer MS


Strange. I checked with my wings and drawings. I built the aileron according to the size of Sheet D. Here the aileron is at the top in the middle. My ailerons match the size on the drawing.


I checked my wings to the drawings and my wings are basically the same. They differ maybe 2-3 millimeters from the drawings.


Have you built all the wings? The top wing should (of course) be the biggest/longest and the most lower wing the shortest.


Maybe you can rebuild the ailerons to match? Keep the wing and make the aileron a bit shorter so it fits?


This is weird, I can´t let it go:huh:


Thanks for all your support in this But unfortunately my very brief time at home is over and back on the yacht tonight heading to Maine/ Nova Scotia/Newfound land for the summer early Fall so I closed the shipyard/Hanger down for a few months

I can watch but no more building


Current Build

HM Granado CC

Past builds

 HMS Chatham CC, HM Convulsion CC,  Duke William German Kit, Fair American LSS, The Wright Flyer MS

  • 2 weeks later...

Did some building today. I attached the lower wing and and have test fitted the middle wing. I took a picture to share but found out that photo bucket have changed the conditions so I can no longer share the pictures. :(


I either have to find out out how pay them or find a new place to store photos where I can share them.


So not much of an update without pictures:(

33 minutes ago, CDW said:

Uh, ohh....photo bucket strikes again with it's 'third party hosting' message.



Photo Bucket has changed from a hosting service to "robbery"!

No external links unless the user pays up to  € 40,-- per month, or € 400,-- per Year:default_wallbash:




Problems just mean: solutions not yet found


Models in progress





Baby Bootlegger 1/10



Swiss paddlesteamer RIGI 1848 1:50, after plans from the Verkehrshaus Zürich, rescaled to original length

Anchor tugboat BISON, 1:50, plans from VTH, scratch

Finished models

See-Ewer ELBE, Constructo kit 1:48

German fastboat after plans from german Reichskriegsmarine measure unknown (too ugly to show up!)

German traffic boat for battleships WW2, 1:50, after plans from Jürgen Eichardt, scratch

German Schnellboot TIGER P6141 VTH plans, scratch




Why not upload picture directly to MSW? 

Do you need photobucket?


Please, visit our Facebook page!




Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry


I started to use photo bucket maybe 15 ys ago as it was convenient and have used it since. But no way I will upgrade to a PLUS500 package for  ( I think it was) 399 USD per year...


I fully understand why they choose to go this way but I´m not interested. I guess I just have to learn how to upload directly to MSW. I have many skills but computers is not one of them so I guess I´ll have to learn.


Don´t worry though, there will be pictures!


Looking back in this building log every picture of mine is replaced by the photo bucket P500 updating info picture... I thought that it would only affect the pictures added not the "old pictures" so to speak. Checking my other building logs shows the same image. I guess every picture I have ever uploaded from photo bucket is replaced. So in a way they are holding "my" pictures hostage. 


Its only logical of course and I understand the business rational of it but to quote a friend of mine "this is not cricket".




Got some more building done today. The middle wing is attached and the wing struts between the middle and lower wing is done and one is attached.


The wing struts I made after the wings were attached as the distance  between the two wings can vary. No use cutting them to size according to instructions and finding them too short (too long doesn't matter as the can be made shorter) and unusable. Better to do everything when the wings are in place and the distance between the two are known.


As soon as the other wing strut is attached I will attach the landing gear sub assembly. I have left the rotary engine off for the moment as it is very heavy, being all white metal. Easier to work with the model the lighter it is. 

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