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HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Jeff 1/48

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Hey all!


I have been slowly planking my way up from the wales.  I still don't get as much time as I would like to work on it,  but I'm still managing to get some progress done. Be it as little as 1 piece a day.


Anyway, I hope this looks good.  I am still working up the bulkheads, but thought it was time to give an update.


The planking around the fixed blocks was quite daughnting for me.  It took me a few attempts, but I am satisfied with the results. 










I'm on the last row of 1/4" wide planks before the 3/16".


After I finish planking up the wales, I will sand it to even out some of the rough spots,  then add the 2 rows of planks below the wales.


Thanks all!



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Looking really good. Can't wait to see some WOP on that Cherry!


"So Long For Now" B) 


Current Builds: Speedwell



Completed Build Logs:  HMS Winchelsea 1/48   Duchess of Kingston USF Confederacy , US Brig Syren , Triton Cross Section , Bomb Vessel Cross SectionCutter CheerfulQueen Anne Barge, Medway Longboat


Completed Build Gallery: Brig Syren , 1870 Mississippi Riverboat , 1949 Chris-Craft 19' Runabout


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey all,


Thanks everyone for the likes!


I have been moving up the gun ports.  I had thought I finished them until I tried to plank the strake above the gun port.  I noticed the top gun port planks don't line up at all with the curve of the planking. I have some pictures below. 






Its the top second planks you see.

I'm not sure the best way of fixing this.  Would it be to take the strake off and make a new one? Or to try to sand down the top of the strake to try to re create the line of the planking?


Any suggestions would be helpful.


Also, here is an overall pick of my planking so far.








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It looks good.  Its hard to say with your planking.  The planking wont align with the top of the ports and thats ok.  Check the run of where your molding will be to check that you plank runs are ok.  Better yet copy the plan and place it against the hull to check your planking run and port placement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

love the planking, she looks great

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  • 3 months later...



Hey all! It sure has been a while!  I finally was able to find time for the build and have completed adding the wales (minus the black strake) to the model!




I tried to make the wales even on both sides.  I am pretty happy with the result.  To make the wales, I copied where I placed the first layer of planks.


The sides fitted pretty well, but the trickiest part for me, was the bending at the stern.  I did the best I could.   I am happy with the result. Is it perfect? Nope! Haha! But it seems, I always learn from doing each step of this model.


Here are some other pics:







I did my best to thin the wales down at the stem to simulate the wales fitting into the rabbet.


I am now waiting on some black paint to start painting the wales.  I want to start now,  but the paint won't arrive until Monday.  I can't wait to see what it looks like painted!


I will be painting the wales this coming week,  so my next update shouldn't be far off.


Thanks everyone!



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Looking real nice Jeff.


"So Long For Now" B) 


Current Builds: Speedwell



Completed Build Logs:  HMS Winchelsea 1/48   Duchess of Kingston USF Confederacy , US Brig Syren , Triton Cross Section , Bomb Vessel Cross SectionCutter CheerfulQueen Anne Barge, Medway Longboat


Completed Build Gallery: Brig Syren , 1870 Mississippi Riverboat , 1949 Chris-Craft 19' Runabout


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On 8/13/2020 at 5:04 AM, Zarkon said:

Hey all!


I have been slowly planking my way up from the wales.  I still don't get as much time as I would like to work on it,  but I'm still managing to get some progress done. Be it as little as 1 piece a day.


Anyway, I hope this looks good.  I am still working up the bulkheads, but thought it was time to give an update.


The planking around the fixed blocks was quite daughnting for me.  It took me a few attempts, but I am satisfied with the results. 










I'm on the last row of 1/4" wide planks before the 3/16".


After I finish planking up the wales, I will sand it to even out some of the rough spots,  then add the 2 rows of planks below the wales.


Thanks all!



very classy Jeff. Beautiful craftsmaship . 

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My paint came a day early! I was too excited so I painted the wales with many thin coats today.




Even my son helped!



He was very proud of himself for helping to paint :). He did a great job if I do say so myself!


After cleaning it up some, I am really happy with the result!  I don't care as much about the top because the black strake will cover the little spill over.  I need to make the black strake strips so that will be done this week.


















I do need to clean up a few places here and there, but its mostly completed!


Thanks everyone for the nice comments and likes!






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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everyone! I do appreciate the feedback and likes! It helps inspire me to do my best.


I have finally finished placing the black strake and the anchor lining.  It took longer than I had thought.  But again,  I am happy with the result!


Next up is the step I have been slightly dreading. Fairing inboard.  Chuck even says this isn't a fun step.  But I know its really important,  so of course I will do my best.  I am not sure though what would be the best method of fairing.  Would it be just making some custom sand blocks and going to town?  I'll have to think about it and any suggestions would be helpful :) I will read over Chuck's excellent instructions a few times before adding the "fairing caps".


Here are some pictures of where i am currently. 













Thanks everyone for reading my log!




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1 hour ago, Zarkon said:

I'll have to think about it and any suggestions would be helpful :)

I've started fairing the inside of mine, using a cordless with a 25mm diameter sanding drum to take off the meat and finishing with some flexible sanding sticks. 

It's taking a long  time as having to do it outside I've got to wait for dry days.

I think if you have a Dremel or similar with the flexible attachment it would work  better than just the drill. 

Hope you find a suitable method. Your Winnie looks very nice so far!

Current builds;

 Henry Ramey Upcher 1:25

Providence whaleboat- 1:25     HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48 


HM Cutter Sherbourne- 1:64- finished    Triton cross section scratch- 1:60 - finished 

Non ship:  SBD-3 Dauntless 1:48 Hasegawa -FINISHED



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8 hours ago, Edwardkenway said:

I've started fairing the inside of mine, using a cordless with a 25mm diameter sanding drum to take off the meat and finishing with some flexible sanding sticks. 

It's taking a long  time as having to do it outside I've got to wait for dry days.

I think if you have a Dremel or similar with the flexible attachment it would work  better than just the drill. 

Hope you find a suitable method. Your Winnie looks very nice so far!


Thanks for the advice!


I do have a Dremel so I will look into using that for the initial fairing.


I do need to re-read the fairing cap section to make sure I am doing that correctly.  I might have some questions before I start tomorrow.








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10 hours ago, Chuck said:

Looking good Jeff!!!



Thank you Chuck!


I am really enjoying this build!  Your pics and instructions are a HUGE help for me.


I ordered the chapter 4 cherry set, and I was really surprised at how fast it got to my house!


I also ordered all the cherry sheets I should need to finish planking the hull.  Im excited to line off the hull and start to plank!  Well... after fairing inboard of course!



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Hey everyone,


So I am in need of some advice.  I am not sure how to create the fairing cap strip at the bow.  The sideways bend needed for a 3/16" x 1/16" strip of wood is proving difficult.  Should I try to trace the shape on a 1/16" sheet of cherry, then cut it out? 


I'm not sure what the best method is for creating a strip with this type of bend at the bow.  I have added the all the other fairing caps down to the stern.  I just need help with the bow fairing cap since it bends MUCH more than the others.


Any help would be great!





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I think most all of the builders in this group have traced it on to a sheet and carefully cut it out. I bent a strip about halfway then joined it with a curve that was cut from a sheet of cedar and it worked well.

Current Builds: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48 - 5th rate 32 gun frigate (on hold for now)


                         HMS Portland 1770 Prototype 1:48 - 4th rate 50 gun ship


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I used a fret/jeweller's saw as it is only 1/16. It only took about 15 minutes, and I only made one mistake 😉

Current builds;

 Henry Ramey Upcher 1:25

Providence whaleboat- 1:25     HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48 


HM Cutter Sherbourne- 1:64- finished    Triton cross section scratch- 1:60 - finished 

Non ship:  SBD-3 Dauntless 1:48 Hasegawa -FINISHED



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  • 9 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Hi all,


Its been a long while since I have been able to work on her.  With Covid, work, my son’s  health and other unforeseen events, I have had to take a long break.  I have had no energy or time to continue…. Until now!


I have been able to plank more of the hull recently and I’m getting back into it.  Planking the hull is a daunting task for me and sorta scary.  I am almost done with the first set of 6 planks on each side.  I will be posting a few pics of my progress later today.


Chucks instructions on how to edge bend the planks has been a huge help with this planking so far. I can tell I am getting better at it as I continue with each plank, so it’s giving me motivation for me.


Thanks all!!



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As I said, here are some pics showing my progress.  It’s not too much, but I am glad I am able to start building again.




I am slowly getting better at it as I progress through the hull.


One thing I am noticing, is that I need to sand more on the bow and stern.  So before I add more planks, I will need to sand it down a little more.


Lastly, as a birthday gift this year, my wife ordered this Byrnes disk sander!  It works very well!!



Thanks all!  I will be posting back soon.




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Thanks everyone for the likes!!


I finally finished planking the first set of 6!  That took over a year to do. Haha!  Here’s to the second set not taking that long 🤪


With the first pic, I can really see a difference between the left and right side.  The right side is quite a bit better, which gives me hope I am getting better at this.






I feel like I accomplished quite a bit with this first row done!


I will continue onto the next set of 6 planks and make sure this row is even better than the first!





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