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Hi clogger the floor side is the side of the frame that sits the lowest on the rising wood.  The half floor is raised slightly - If this doesn't help drop me a PM and I'll do my best to help you more.


The good news is I've now sorted out the home heating I'm just waiting on the plasterer to arrive tomorrow to patch up the holes that we had to make in the walls and ceiling.  So I'm now back onto this build and I'm very happy about that.  Today I've been milling the slots for the floor chocks and drilling the holes for the frame bolts.



24 minutes ago, clogger said:

Thanks, I might send a PM later.

With the milling, how are you judging the depth each time, do you have a setdepth guage, or are you scrbing lines first with a sharp knife?

The mill is indexable on each axis.  So I mark out the width with pencil and then touch to cutter to the surface.  Then drop the cutter 0.5mm and make the passes.  I check the width using a vernier so that I know its correct 



Some more done on Le Rochforte.  Another 720 bolts drilled and glued in - I find this job strangely therapeutic and relaxing which is just as well.  I've also thicknessed and cut the wood for the final 5 frames at the stern all of which are rising frames.  These bring up a new challenge as they are built on chocks on the half floor side.  It's been nice to look at the plans and understand them without scratching my head too.  Tomorrow I'll hopefully get all of these parts sanded to shape and then start the assembly.






  • 2 weeks later...

I'm making some good progress this weekend.  The existing frames have now had all their bolts sanded down and they have been put away until a later date.  All of the parts for the final 5 stern frames have been sanded to their final size too.  I just had to remake 1 part on frame 32 as I wasn't quite happy with it 


The chocks are really nice to make but the parts are quite small.  I think it would be very easy just to make them as 1 piece but then the grain of the wood would be running the wrong way.  Its more work but I think worth it.


I've now started gluing these frames together which I should get completed by tomorrow 







I see I am not the only one who makes the unforgivable mistake of using the Byrnes saw as a building surface. But it is the only perfectly flat surface in my workshop so allowances must be made. Beautiful work N.I.!


Admiralty Models

moderator Echo Cross-section build
Admiralty Models Cross-section Build

Finished build
Pegasus, 1776, cross-section

Current build
Speedwell, 1752


Actually I wouldn't approve using the saw as a flat plate.  You can get a granite surface plate in many sizes which are flat within .0003.  I have an 18 x 24 plate I got at an auction for 25 bucks, flat as a pancake.  You can glue on it and make a mess and clean it off with a scraper and lacquer thinner.  Won't harm the plate at all.  If you shop around you can get a new one 12 x 9 for about 30 bucks.  Here's a 12 x 18 on Amazon for 100 bucks and free shipping.  weighs 90 lbs.  











Ha ha well it was a 50/50 guess - Hi ya Jim hope things are good with you and Donna :)  I think if I bought another bit of kit at the moment it would be the end of me.  It'll have to wait until I get the all clear later in the year 😁


Just a quick update.


The 5 frames are now glued together and I'm getting on with bevelling them.  I've done frame 28 and the pictures are of frame 32 sanded to shape which I think has come out quite nicely.  When I started this build I never realised that some of the frames would consist of 13 individual parts.  It make things much more interesting even if they are not seen when it's finished.









Hi Tony towards the end of the monograph there is a page with the scantlings which gives the sizes of all of the parts. You just need to then scale the sizes given to the size that you want to build.  As for the amount of wood in the various thicknesses I just guessed based on the building that I have previously done. I over ordered but that’s fine I can use it another time 

  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/29/2021 at 1:54 AM, knightyo said:

This is beautiful work!



Hi Alan thanks for the comment :)


I've now finished the final 5 frames as they have the bolts and notches in them.  I've made some minor errors which hopefully will be ok when its time to install them.  If not I don't mind remaking as many as needs be.  So thats the frames finished for now so I'm going to make a start on the keel tomorrow.  I just need to work out my wood sizes from the scantlings and I'm away.  Please excuse the wonkey stack of frames but its the best I could do and after taking the pictures I noticed that frame 8 is upside down!!








I've made a start on the keel today.  So far its pretty straight forward but I did find that the long paper templates stretch a bit.  It's not a problem I just needed to check the parts off the plan a lot to get them the right length.  I've cut the first scarf which needs a little work before gluing but its ok.  I'll cut the tenon for the sternpost next and then cut the rabbets.  I'll start moving forward then towards the bow.  So far so good.








That scarf joint looks to be about as perfect as can be. 

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



20 hours ago, mtaylor said:

That scarf joint looks to be about as perfect as can be. 

Hi Mark and thanks for the comment.  I thought the same until I put it on the plan and then I can see that it needs a little altering but thats ok :)


Today I cut the mortice for the sternpost and also the rabbets on the straight keel pieces.  I then made the forefoot and the stem which went ok after I had thickness the required piece of wood.  It then took me all morning and afternoon to adjust the scarf joints so that the keel sat exactly on the plan.  It was slow work but I got there in the end.  I thought that if the keel is not exactly perfect I will be making adjustments throughout the entire build so I took my time to get it as good as I could.  Its now glued up and clamped - I've used our granite worktop as its nice and flat and a 1 metre metal rule to ensure that its glued straight.  My wife is very understanding -  oh and you can never ever have enough clamps :)  I've also made my first ever tree nails for the scarfs and they came out ok too.  They can be drilled and glued tomorrow.








Another quick update


The keel parts dried very nicely overnight so I drilled and inserted the treenails through the scarf joints.  Next I made the stern post and also cut the mortice and rabbet in it.  The false stern post was also made and its now all being glued to the keel.  Tomorrow I'll clean it all up and move onto the rising wood hopefully.









4 hours ago, clogger said:

Very very neat!

Thanks clogger 👍


2 hours ago, dvm27 said:

Exquisite work, "No Idea"! You should change your screen name to "I Got This".

Thanks Greg thats very nice of you to say - would you believe I chose my screen name due to the first time I visited this site.  All of the terminology and expert work that was going on made me realise that I had "no idea" what I was getting into!

4 hours ago, clogger said:

Hi  No Idea.  Are you milling or hand carving the rebate on the stern post/stem post etc?  And could you show a picture of your method if possible?

Hi Clogger - I've cut the rabbet using a V carve tool simply by hand.  As I got further down towards the keel I swapped to a flat hand file to blend it in.  I've put a picture here for you :)



I'm glad to say that the sternpost has turned out ok.  I did forget to put a tar line across the bottom of the false sternpost but I'll correct that with a line of paint probably in 2023 when I'm nearly finished 🤣  I now have a nice and straight keel which exactly aligns with the plans.  I've made a start on the stern rising wood and also the part that holds the transom parts.  All of the parts need finishing off at a later date but so far so good.  I did make the mistake of drilling the rising wood with 3mm holes - I put 2mm holes in the frames!  Oh well its no big deal I'll sort it out when the time comes.  I think I'll enlarge the frames to suit the rising wood.  These pieces also require tapering so I need to put some thought into how I'm going to do that but tomorrow's another day.








18 hours ago, druxey said:

'No idea' indeed! False and misleading advertising if ever there was. Lovely work.

Hi druxey 🤣  Thanks for the comment - Maybe one of the mods can give me a new screen name I'll leave it to them to choose 🤣


Today I made the sternpost knee extension which turned out to be quite tricky to make.  It has many notches at differing angles and then it has to be tapered towards the stern.  Not only that it tapers downwards too and then the sternpost knee and the false sternpost have to tapered to match.  I found the best approach was to fully mark out the tapers in all directions on all the pieces to that I could envisage how it should look after it was completed.


I think this job took me about 9 hours today but I'm quite pleased with the results.  It's not quite perfect as its about 0.5mm out in a couple of places but I think its about as good as I can do at the moment.  There is a picture below showing it on the keel - since this was taken I spent about an hour making it fit really nicely and now its glued onto the keel.  I'm looking forward to getting the clamps off in the morning.


Tomorrow I'll have a look at the bow parts and see what needs to be made.  Thank you all for the really nice comments they really have blown me away











3 hours ago, clogger said:

Nice and Square!!

So far so good mate!


Today I had to first correct an omission on my part.  I forgot that the floor side of the frame has a narrower fitting on the rising wood and I had forgotten to do this.  So I cut the 3 affected notches which luckily was easy enough.


Next I made the lower apron and the apron.  Another tricky part to get right but I've done the best that I can.  Its now clamped onto the keel waiting for the glue to dry.  I'm going to concentrate on the stem rabbet next so I need to put some thought into that.









No idea,


Your woodworking is so clean and seemingly perfectly accurate. How do you achieve the smooth even finish of your frames, keel pieces? Are you sawing and/or machining followed by sanding? 



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