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New Member - Gill


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Hi all ,

Great to be here , have previously been a miniature modeler / painter and plastic plane / car modeler . 
have been an avid diver for past 6-7 yrs , got into sailing this year and so started looking for sailing vessel models 

being a fan of the Patrick O’Brien Aubrey/maturin series I was looking for period ships and then came across wooden ships and fell In love 

right now I purchased my first kit 

ITs by model shipways , their shipwright series , the first being a Lowell Dory to get a taste for basic wooden ship building 

thanks for allowing me to join , as I progress I will both keep you guys posted and keep pestering you with questions 




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Welcome aboard, Gill! That is a fine starter set you have purchase and will set you up well for enjoying this hobby for years to come.




Chris Coyle
Greer, South Carolina

When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.
- Tuco

Current builds: Brigantine Phoenix

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Gill, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard. 

Current Builds: 1880s Floating Steam Donkey Pile Driver 

                             Wood Hull Screw Frigate USS Tennessee

                             Decorative Carrack Warship Restoration, the Amelia


Completed: Early Swift 1805 Model Restoration



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:piratebo5:Gill, welcome to MSW 

Current builds;

 Henry Ramey Upcher 1:25

Providence whaleboat- 1:25     HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48 


HM Cutter Sherbourne- 1:64- finished    Triton cross section scratch- 1:60 - finished 

Non ship:  SBD-3 Dauntless 1:48 Hasegawa -FINISHED



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Hi Gill, welcome to MSW.  I suggest you open a build log, not only to chart your progress but also it's a great way to get help and meet others.

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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Welcome Gill, lets se how long it takes into your first build before you start buying your next build 😂 i only managed to wait 4 days now im hooked. Looking forward to seeing how you get on. Many amazing and talanted people on here so please dont hesitate to ask questions.





If it moves Grease it if it doesn't Paint it.....


Current Builds: Occre, Polaris                                                          Shopping List: Vanguard, HMS Sphinx                            

                            Occre, HMS Terror                                                                            Vanguard, HMS Flirt

                                                                                                                                         Occre, Endurance

Completed Builds: 0

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Welcome aboard Gill,

As mentioned above, you have made a great choice for getting started into this great hobby.  


PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


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And a warm welcome to MSW from the UK. 





A model shipwright and an amateur historian are heads & tails of the same coin

current builds:

HMS Berwick 1775, 1/192 scratchbuild; a Slade 74 in the Navy Board style

Mediator sloop, 1/48 - an 18th century transport scratchbuild 

French longboat - CAF - 1/48, on hold

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Welcome to MSW.  Everyone loves to see new projects added to the forum, so if you can, start a build log to share your experience with others! 

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Start so you can Finish !!

Finished:         The Sea of Galilee Boat-Scott Miller-1:20 ,   Amati } Hannah Ship in a Bottle:Santa Maria : LA  Pinta : La Nana : The Mayflower : Viking Ship Drakkar  The King Of the Mississippi  Artesania Latina  1:80 


 Current Build: Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston-Vanguard Models :)

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Hi Gill and welcome to Model Ship World.  You have picked a good kit to get started in wooden ship modeling.  We are here to answer any question that you may have.



Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat

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